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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I think I’m going to aim for all the Dragon Tears, best maybe 70 shrines, explore the depths, and finish the quest like to put TotK to bed (for now). My wife is away today and tonight, so after bedtime, I’ll either sit and play R&C relentlessly, or a bit of me wants to sit and play Elden Ring again for a while and see if I can get back into it.
  2. Are they not willing to wiggle on the payment? It might be a UK thing but a fair few places are OK adding on time and dropping the monthly cost for a higher overall cost due to interest.
  3. 1) From a conservatory roof where a plastic sheet had shifted and cause the roof to leak when it rained. Fixed with a broom! 2) a leak through our kitchen ceiling which turned out to be from a completely incorrectly fitted/sealed bath and from a set of corroded pipes (£8500 cost) 3) recently in our kitchen we noticed our floor bulging and then a touch of water coming through. We’re getting some kind of ingress either from an outside pipe (disconnected) or there’s an internal, slow leak from a water feed that runs behind our sink and oven). We’re going to try and dry out the floor and see if I’ve fixed the issue or do we need to do something a bit more. Annoying as we’re only a few months away from applying for a loan through our mortgage company to replace the conservatory and a lot of the kitchen. Luckily, the floor is concrete and not wood so hopefully it’ll just fuck up the underlay and the floor tiles and can hold on for a few months (literally when we have the cash and the start date is booked in, I’ll pull up the floor and get some temporary covering. (Will cost about £80,000 with all the work we want doing). Fucking houses man.
  4. Beat the Water Temple and really didn’t care for the prick of a boss. Puzzle structure was fun though. Also, played a bit more R&C: RA which has now hit the point of, “I’m enjoying this but the loop hasn’t changed and I want the game to finish.” I’m not sure what I’ll dip into after either of these games (PS+ can be a tad overwhelming with its variety, but I might have to google ‘most creative games on PS5, just so I can get some Nintendo-like variety to the experience).
  5. This is a fair old bump, but why is the LM trilogy not just available on Switch? It feels like it wouldn’t need any work (now) and seems to make sense?
  6. On the odd occasion, I’ve been watching a YouTube channel by a guy called Nathaniel Drew, who creates content based on the book, Daily Rituals, which looks at the habits of famous people throughout history, which he then adopts for a period of time. Random link if you care: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ7CyM1Zrqc&t=143s&pp=ygUObmF0aGFuaWVsIGRyZXc%3D Following an episode that followed Benjamin Franklin, I’ve tried out one of his approaches, to consider what good you can do that day (or in my case, what is my focus of success that day) and then reflecting at the end of the day if it was achieved. It’s been quite a fun thing to do, and does either encourage me to do someone ‘out of my way’ or have a set achievement in mind (example being, as a teacher, my goal was to understand more about one child I teach that I’m a bit concerned about, but as they aren’t one of the major players for attention in my class, go under the radar). Has anyone ever followed something like this before?
  7. Made it to the actual water temple, Tears of the Kingdom is just a wonderful game. I still hope case get an off-shoot Zelda game in the style of Links Awakening Remaster with the classic 3 dungeons, 7 temples…but yeah, this game is amazing and can be enjoyed in so many levels.
  8. I’m shit at souls games and never progress anywhere, but this game makes me want to play Bloodborne on my PS5 and get angry at it and give up. Then look at Elden Ring and whisper ‘fuck off’ to it.
  9. I feel like I could go into a dark, dark hole if I started playing Faming Simulator.
  10. I’m being that guy, but I prefer Morty, it sounds more like someone his age.
  11. Change that picture, change that message. Case in point:
  12. Last night after pre-school we had an awesome time. Played in the garden with our mud kitchen, used our new space hopper, read some stories and had a lovely bedtime. Life is good. At 3.47 this morning I hear “Daddy, I’ve had my sleep, I want to get up” and at the first suggestion that it’s a bit early to get up goes full on angry/sad three year old, taking a good 25 minute to calm, helping with tidying up and a cuddle and a sorry. This will be me today.
  13. Bit more Zelda, a few quests away from the water temple. Looks like the mojo is back - though I need to remember to buy Red Dead Redemption for my wife so we can both have a game on the go!
  14. I mean, yes if I’m honest. Throw money at a PT, decent food, gym membership, maybe a physio? But I suppose that doesn’t have instant dick sucking feedback and is more long game…
  15. I hope Nintendo just ring him in-house and he can helm their more adult-focused software. I really like those a-tier platinum games, weirdness and all.
  16. Traditionally, the following types have always pulled me back: Amazing online experience (for me that’s been CoD4, Halo:Reach, Gears 2, Overwatch, Rocket League) Tight, indie experience (Journey, What Remains, Limbo etc) 10 hour AAA smash (Gears 2/3 in the past, Metroid Dread/Prime, RE2/7/8)
  17. I would say gaming is widespread for my demographic and younger (millennials), though it seems older didn’t continue the hobby. Rare to see anyone playing handheld games outside of phones, maybe due to a perception it may encourage crime? (That’s just a guess). My mum will definitely still ask if I’m wasting my time playing games and doesn’t see it as a valid hobby.
  18. That's the only thing I associate with him and due to this, was kind of surprised he fathered child. Also I have met no one, and no, I never made a pilgrimage to @Karld316
  19. Are the remasters just visually better or did they tweak the gameplay? I’ve learned that I have the ability to actually finish RPGs, and want to, but I don’t want to go down the FF rabbit hole to find it’s too archaic for me.
  20. Yes and most of my back pain comes from: Tightness in calves Tightness in Hamstrings When it does happen, I tend to foam roll my back (against all good medical advice, but it feels amazing), focusing on my shoulder blades, then work on flutes, hips, hamstrings and calves. By the end, I usually feel most of the way better.
  21. My wife has been smashed by it: fatigue, blocked/running nose, fatigue…I mean, it’s probably Covid but ah well. I have a cold and I feel myself becoming worse but I’m trying to decide if it’s legit or in my head as surrounding me are waves of illness.
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