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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. @chakoo Please tell me you downloaded that $100 eye-test thing off the eShop!
  2. @Biggie Nah, I’m gonna pass. I’ve been buying physical copies of games on Switch, and I don’t see that ending anytime soon. The vouchers don’t do much for me, personally. I may have been enticed to buy ‘em if I had only just gotten a Switch, and I could save some dough on games I know I wouldn’t mind owning digitally. Stuff I could potentially play for the foreseeable future, like Mario Kart and Smash. The “free” Nintendo Switch Online membership would have been the cherry on top, too.
  3. Square-Enix may not save this game...but they will sure as hell avenge it.
  4. Man the trailer for this game raised more questions than gave hints or answers. So weird...all of it. Which makes sense because...Kojima.
  5. Neat. I can glean a couple of things from this...which I feel we all already know: Nintendo owns their systems, and the very souls of their fans. Apparently very little love is spread to third parties (which is a shame!). Xbox owners reaaaaallllllyyyy like shooting games. PS4 titles are actually kinda diverse, not counting a small handful of Call of Duty floating around in the middle of that list. And lastly, Grand Theft Auto V has basically become an unstoppable beast that will somehow become sentient and kill us all.
  6. That’s exactly what he said, too! “The Switch of VR!” I gotta go over to his place soon and give it a whirl myself. You know me so well!
  7. A buddy of mine got one and he really digs it. Personally, I’m looking forward to this kind of tech.
  8. I feel the same way about you! Regardless of what is said online, please always know you’re cool in my book. Now if we can just get Nintendo to stop making dumb decisions about online play, we’d be all set.
  9. Dude, it’s cool. You can say whatever to me, I’ll never be offended by you. We’ve kinda “known” each other for years since the IGN days. Say what you want to me - even if it’s “rude” - I can take it. Journey was published on PS3, by Sony. End of story for me, as far as that goes. All I’m saying is; this ‘random online players only’ is not without precedent. It is absolutely NOT a Nintendo-only thing. Journey is legit proof of that. It is factually undeniable. Period. That said, it’s still dumb. No friends playing online?!? Crazy. This is apparently against even Nintendo’s online philosophy, which is always more inclusive. This is just...weird. And, as I’ve always said...dumb.
  10. Last chance, Game Freak. Danny Devito as the voice for Pikachu, or no buy.
  11. Yeah, it’s more important when it’s a Nintendo thing. No one is happy about this, including me. But no one gets off saying this is a Nintendo-specific thing when the exact same fucking shit happened YEARS ago in a successful Sony-published game. Playstation gets a pass. Nintendon’t. You guys. C’mon. LOL! I always look forward to your posts. Please never change!
  12. That Oculus Quest is legit. That was the crowd-funded unit, yeah?
  13. No it is not. Not being able to play online co-op was a thing back when Journey came out on PS3. It was a dumb move by Playstation then, and it is a dumb move by Nintendo now. Let us play with our friends, game makers. This shouldn’t be a hurdle we have to deal with.
  14. Right on. And yeah, Dracula’s Curse is challenging...though I’m “lucky” to have been playing it since the 7th grade so I’ve figured out how to make it through the game in one sitting now. #humblebrag Fastest way for me is the “high roads”, pick up Sypha on the way, then just basically wreck house with her magic spells!
  15. Not a Nintendo-only thing (Playstation pulled this same shit years ago) but that doesn’t make it okay. Dumb decision is dumb.
  16. DDS. And I really respect your choices. SC4 is overrated IMO...but I know it impacted a lot of people back in its day. Plus it’s one of the easiest to finish in the series, so it’s pretty fun to revisit once in a while. Just wish there wasn’t so much fluff to it. Its hard to name better games than Symphony of the Night and Dracula’s Curse, though. Excellent picks, there!
  17. All of those things (except the music) is what made me hate SC4. The rotating room, going behind the fence, swinging, etc were all useless, one-and-done tricks with no impact on actual gameplay. The game survives on its OST, and the graphics which have aged extremely well. My favorite game in the series is Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse.
  18. This game looks like the best kind of mindless button-mashing fun. Looking forward to playing this with my kids.
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