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The def star

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Everything posted by The def star

  1. My buddy bought a 65" B7A for $1400 from our local Fry's do to them making room for the 2018 models. I bought a 55" B7A for $940 out the door Your gonna wait at least another year before more manufactures pick up VRR. I'd say do it and just sell your C8 when they finally come out with OLED VRR. It's a hassle but you'll enjoy a great TV in the mean time and have something to go towards a newer tv set.
  2. Played a 4 hour session with @Emblazon and possibly @Minnesota Fatz in Sea of Thieves. Got all the Skull Thrones
  3. Ha ha fine Funny thing I have been told before that I look like a Max. Every time I think of Max I think of the dude from streets of rage. I wish I was that big.
  4. Man at the end of the day it all comes down to money. They just try to disguise it with something else. Hopefully the developers can make a spiritual successor. It's a game I always wanted to try but hoped they would of tighten it up a bit.
  5. I've gotten my bowel movements to once a day. Usually around the same time too. I'm quite proud of myself.
  6. For a 65" OLED C8 that is a good price since they recently just came out with the 2018 models.
  7. Not today but soon when Saturday hits I plan to play Sea of Thieves, Overwatch and Onrush. The trifecta of weekend gaming!
  8. It's more like we got dropped from our network and got picked up by Netflix.
  9. Pssshh 1080p gaming What are you playing on it? A Switch Other than playing a Switch or old consoles the input lag shouldn't be a problem as both the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One S/X up convert 1080p signals to 4k by the time the TV recognizes the signal. I just assume everyone that is getting a 4k TV for gaming has a capable 4k console or pc. 40ms when playing a Switch isn't a deal breaker. I don't think the competitive scene is the same as it is on other platforms. Except maybe Mario Tennis I suppose.
  10. I have both the LG B7A and the Sony X900F. The input lag on the B7A is 21.6ms and the X900F is 24.2ms and I can't notice a difference between the two. Even input lag up to 30ms is very negligible. With the new TV's input lag shouldn't even be a problem in game mode. Even with certain settings on they all do well with gaming. They won't get close to monitors though which are in the 5ms range. Both the LG and the Sony are great TV's and serve different purposes due to the tech they are using. The LG has great colors and perfect blacks with a wide viewing angles but because of OLED burn in it isn't great to play certain games that have static HUD elements such as health bars or mini maps for long periods of time. Same goes with watching sports, news or certain TV channels that have the network logo at the bottom of the screen for a majority of the time. Luckily I notice a lot of games have setting to adjust the HUD like adding transparency or only bring up the HUD when needed. The Sony is great where the LG comes up short but it won't ever have the perfect blacks like OLEDs. It does have a great color gamut. It is brighter than the LG and it's better for bright lit rooms but has a limited viewing angles. I keep my LG in my bedroom and my Sony in the living room where it's bright and mostly used for watching sports or live events.
  11. Dreamcast. Gotta love datv orange.
  12. Ha ha well it's a good thing it can be done via software. It's just up to the few TV manufactures whether they want to update their TV's with DV. But honestly this battle is gonna keep on going for a while. HDR10+ is said to be comparable to DV with out the fee. I see this as being a Dolby Digital vs DTS thing. It's up preference and budget I suppose. But it doesn't hurt having a TV that does both. I just don't know what the timeline for other TV manufacturers to implement VRR like Samsung has done. If I had to choose between my Sony X900F that does both HDR10 and DV but no VRR over the Samsung that does VRR and HDR10 but no DV I would go with the Sammy. I play more games than I watch movies and currently no games use DV for their HDR implementation. I got my Sony 75" X900F for $2300 where as the Q9FN would be $6k. So I went with the Sony But playing Xbox and knowing it supports freesync makes me wish the Q9FN was so expensive lol.
  13. It literally says in the next sentence that it can also be done via software "Dolby Vision equipment has dedicated chips inside which read the metadata and reproduce the images exactly how they were made. Well, that was the original position that Dolby outlined, although it now appears to be supporting software solutions too. It appears that some devices will be updated via software and the new smartphone support is an entirely software-based implementation." Its why Sony was able to update their latest line of TVs to Dolby Vision when they originally didn't intend to support it. TVs just need to have processing power to do it. Well that and TV manufactures need to cough up the licensing fees.
  14. I'm waking up. And debating if I should eat my egg McMuffin from last night
  15. DV doesn't require a specific physical chip. The TV just has to have enough processing power to be able do it. That was the difference between the Sony X900E and the X900F. The X900F had the more powerful processor to be able to get DV support via firmware (X1 vs X1 extreme). I can't imagine the new QLEDs not being able to do DV because they lack processing power. I'm pretty sure it's just cuz Samsung doesn't want to pay up to Dolby Either way I understand that you just want to future proof your investment. Just thought I bring up more info on HDR10+. The positive thing about HDR10 is that even if DV is the winning format all DV mastered movies will play in HDR10. All movies have to have at least HDR10 support as it's the baseline requirement when mastered in DV.
  16. Well it looks like HDR10+ is getting closer to being a thing. https://engt.co/2yuqGUa
  17. My Switch isn't a launch unit but it does have wifi issue. Or at least it did last time I turned it on. It would always lose connection when waking up from sleep. I have to re input the wifi password for it to connect.
  18. Man I loved hosting LAN parties. There was nothing like all setting up in a room full of Xboxes and being able to yell at each other across the room for being stuck with a grenade in Halo: CE. Now a days it's a lot harder to get my friends together. We just play online mostly.
  19. Eh, money comes and goes. I want to enjoy it before we get nuked
  20. I'm just impatient. I would buy a TV and sell it later and upgrade when there's a new one out. Once LG makes a VRR OLED definitely gonna buy one.
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