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Everything posted by ort

  1. It almost looks worse if it isn't illegal. If this isn't going to drill it into the heads of all of the Trump supporting fuckbrianed idiot moron dumbshits that there is currently two sets of rules for Americans... one's for the ruling class and ones for everyone else... than nothing will.
  2. There have been rumors of him doing stuff at right wing events over the last few years. Hopefully he spends the whole thing making trump look bad... not that that would be that hard. Although, Trump came out looking really good on his old Ali G show. Trump saw right through his act in like 10 seconds.
  3. The constitution is dumb. I'm pretty sure that if the founding fathers came back to life and (once the shock wore off) had some time to observe the modern world... they would all say that the constitution in it's current form is not doing the job it's supposed to be doing. We should not be being ruled by a party that is supported by the minority of Americans. FUCK THAT.
  4. What if we just change it around so the senate has much less power. I'm no constitutional expert... not even close... but it feels to me like the senate wields way more power than the house. Why is that? Just change that. It's a start. Have the house confirm the justices.
  5. The senate basically controls the supreme court at this point, essentially putting them in charge of like half the power of government.
  6. Clearly, it was not a wise decision. Everyone should have an equal say. Smaller states should matter less because they're fucking smaller. It's not rocket science. I'm from a smaller republican state. Represent me less. I don't care. Make the shit fair, that's all we want.
  7. I mean, yeah... I spend about 15 minutes a week on facebook, and almost all of that is reading what all of my shit brained right winger "friends" and family are posting and shaking my head. After 5 minutes I'm generally ready to kill people, so yeah. The next question is this... would a civil war be so bad? Do we even need to fight? Let's just let em go. Split the nation in two and let all the Trump fuckfaced fucker faces go start their own shithole country. Fuck em.
  8. Fuck the senate. We have 53 Republican senators representing 153 million Americans vs. 47 Democrat senators representing 168 million Americans. Fuck the senate and fuck the electoral college. This needs to be the first and only thing the Dems fix when (if?) they regain power. FUCK ALL THIS. We're stuck in a system, where a minority of people are in charge? That's not how this is supposed to work. The system is broken. The constitution is fucking dumb and needs to change.
  9. Our COVID-downplaying douchebag governor and his wife both just tested positive. (Missouri, Mike Parsons)
  10. I mean, this thing is cool as hell, but why make it only play one game? Why not make it play all NES and SNES games? Or a bunch? Or make it expandable? Seems wasteful.
  11. It's my fault, sorry. We watched like 5 or 6 episodes and then stopped for some unknown reason. We were enjoying it... I dunno. Maybe we weren't enjoying it as much as we thought.
  12. What if instead of court packing or surprise impeachments to block a vote or whatever else stupid shit they come up with... what if instead of that, we just get like 500,000 people to all go to Washington DC and we just burn the entire city to the ground? That might send a message. The ridiculousness of the party that's actually the minority in this country being in charge of like fucking everything because of the electoral collage and power of the senate which equalizes all states is an ongoing joke. We need to change this or nothing will ever change.
  13. Mild spoiler from the comic this is probably based on...
  14. I'm in for anything different or new. When is this coming out?
  15. How many republicans do they need to flip? 3? this is gonna be a total shit show. This is gonna be BAD.
  16. Yeah, I 100% get why Apple doesn't want something like this on their platform... but they are eventually going to lose this battle. They may as well make concessions early and try to find some sort of compromise before the government gets involved.
  17. We have the opposite problem here. I had to stop ordering food from our chipotle because every time I went there, (like 4 times) the employees were not taking mask wearing seriously at all. Lots of noses hanging out, lots of chin masks... I mean, come on people...
  18. Yeah, I like to do one show at a time. I decided to start with Lovecraft County... and now I guess I'm watching Silicon Valley for the first time too. More entertaining than I was expecting. Looking forward to it. I'll start Boys when Lovecraft County is done.
  19. His followers are all such fucking dipshits they don't even care. I've been going back and forth with a group of idiot mouth breather trump fuckers in a chat in an iOS game of all places and these people are fucked in the brain. They are fucking insane idiots who seem to take pride in being as dumb and ignorant as possible. Not even worth conversing with about anything. I think from here on out it's just gonna be, "oh, you're a Trump supporter. This conversation is now over. I'm morally and intellectually incompatible with you and there is nothing further to discus." It's hopeless.
  20. The "there is no covid" guy is the one I'm seeing more and more. People just latch onto whatever thing they want and that's their version of the truth. Facts be damned, I saw a thing on facebook that sounds pretty good to me and reenforces my worldview, so that's that's now reality. Never mind those other 10,000 articles that say it's wrong. I saw a thing, and I have dozens of stupid-as-shit idiot friends who agree with me. It has to be true.
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