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Everything posted by ort

  1. Yeah, I'm back on board too. I watched Season 1 when it came out, and never watched season 2. I'm starting over and finding season 1 more enjoyable than I remember it being. I remember it being hard to watch and intense... but it's really kinda just silly and over the top.
  2. It's going to be funny when after all this handwringing and back and forth the republicans eliminate the filibuster at the very first chance they get... because that's exactly what they are going to do the very instant it's to their advantage.
  3. Reminds me of this vicious attack the right wing was so worked up over a few years ago...
  4. Surely if the football coach was Muslim and was leading his players in Muslim prayers the ruling would have been identical...
  5. Already illegal in my state too (Missouri). Apparently we were the first. Go us.
  6. ... but what if in the alternate reality where he didn't change his name, his career never took off because he didn't have an easy to say, memorable and white sounding name? You just don't know.
  7. It's so hard to wrap your head around. This might be my lizard brain lefty partisan side talking, but whatever... I think a big part of the problem is that the both parties (but mainly the republicans) have spent the last 30 years or whatever turning every single mole hill into a mountain. Every single political incident is elevated to this monumental dire catastrophic event. The volume on everything is always turned up to 11, because that shit works and it keeps the base fired up and motivated voters. But deep down, they all know that it's nothing but a bunch of meaningless garbage. When they spend years acting like Benghazi or an email server or a few thousand immigrants in a caravan or trans athletes or whatever it is today is some sort of existential crisis for the country... they know that it's just a bunch of nonsense. Every single person knows it deeps down. They know it's all a bunch of shit and they're just playing a game. It's all treated like a sporting event or high school debate club with everyone always trying to score points or get the other side with a zinger... anyway, they've been doing this for so long that when a real genuine catastrophe hits, they don't even know what to do. I mean, the president of the United States tried to overthrow the result of an election to stay in power and people are acting like it's just another stupid political whatever. They don't even know how to handle it. It's like, they're so used to everything being nonsense that when non-nonsense appears, they can't even recognize it for what it is. They're so far down the hole that nothing exists but the game. How ANY republican can stand with Trump boggles my mind. It makes zero sense that they didn't catapult this guy into the sun the very second they had the chance. They were worried he would split the party and take his 20% with him? Oh well. That's the shit sandwich you spent 30 years building, now eat it you stupid fucks. You can't have it both ways. You can't pretend to stand for anything and stand with Donald Trump. You just can't.
  8. Rusty Bowers would vote for Trump in 2024 — even after his supporters terrorized his family - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Rusty Bowers would vote for Trump in 2024 — even after his supporters terrorized his family
  9. Apparently after all of that Rusty Bowers has said that he would still vote for Trump again if he runs in 2024.
  10. I haven't really read through this thread that closely nor am I anything even resembling an expert in the Ukrainian war... But, I have heard reasonable arguments made by smart people that the United States meddling in Ukrainian affairs is what lead to Russia invading and that giving them arms is only prolonging this conflict and making it worse. Are these things fact? I dunno. I don't know what to believe any more. I doubt anyone really knows, but I've heard these theories and they sound at least somewhat plausible to me. This isn't making any apologies to Russia in any way. What they are doing is 100% wrong. I'm saying that years of the US meddling in Ukrainian politics angered Russia and that we knew it would when we did it. But it was more important for us to put in a pro-western government because the territory is politically useful to the US, and a lot of this fallout is due to that. All that said... I could be completely wrong, I'm busy enough dealing with everything else going on in the world/my life to devote a lot of my attention to these things. These are just things I've read in passing.
  11. Here's an ad this shit stain ran 4 years ago... Can you imagine being stupid enough to have ads like this appeal to you? Like, how much of a complete and total loser would you have to be to see this ad and think, yeah, that's the guy for me. I mean, you would have to be the dumbest, most ignorant, fucked up shit brained piece of shit ever... and millions of people voted for this total clown. It's fucking depressing.
  12. One Punch Man works because it's simultaneously a hilarious parody of that style of Anime, while also being one of the best ever versions of it. Season One was just killer. I loved it. I started season 2 a few times and it just makes me sad. The magic is all gone. Anyway, making a live action version is a terrible idea. Unless it's going to have like the biggest SFX budget of all time, I don't see how you can pull of the scale it requires.
  13. He's standing up to government tyranny with guns. It's his constitutional right to shoot government officials he thinks are tyrannical. What's the problem?
  14. The front end of all of these services suck. I'm praying that eventually we will get to the point where we don't need to use these apps at all anymore, and we can use our own players. Why can't I just download my favorite media player and plug in all my subscriptions so I have everything in one place? The way it is now is a hot mess and it only gets worse and worse as more and more services get introduced.
  15. I still can't believe that the right wing turned this guy into a hero. It's disgusting.
  16. I agree with 1 > 2 > 3 > 4. And to be clear, I liked all 4 season a lot. 1 and 2 were both amazing. 3 was flawed, but had some really great stuff. Season 4 was a big step down and seemed to feel a little more forced and simultaneously less clever. I feel like they kinda strayed too far from the formula. The show and movie sorts followed this pattern... a good honest cop, a wacky collection of bad guys in conflict and handful regular people in over their heads on a wild ride. My memory is hazy, but I think season 4 was almost all criminals. Only crooked cops and only a few normal people in over their heads, and weren't the "normal" people kinda criminals too? I can't remember. I guess shows can't follow the formula forever, but I just feel like it didn't really stick the landing. I still liked it though. Anyway, great show. I'm all in for season 5.
  17. You just had to call the Nintendo help line at 1-800-255-3700 for tips! Or actually talk to other kids!
  18. More parents breast fed. You had less working mothers so it was easier to make it work. You can give babies home made formula from evaporated milk, or whole milk if they're older. That's what they did in the past. It was not as good as formula but it works. There are recipes out there for home made baby formula.
  19. It's the only Star Wars movie I have seen only once. I barely even remember what happens. How they didn't have a cohesive plan in place for the sequels to the most popular movie franchise of all time is truly a head scratcher for the ages. I mean, the plan was seriously... fuck it, let's just make it all up as we go!
  20. I don't really know, but I honestly wonder how many parents are in the situation where they legit cannot feed their baby? I remember seeing formula at target multiple times the last few weeks, at the beginning of these doom and gloom headlines. I mean, if I was a parent with a baby that needed formula, I would be buying in bulk and going store to store and buying up as much supply as I could. I imagine most parents are the same. My gut feeling is that this started as a shortage, and has perhaps evolved into something of a crazy supply and demand thing as everyone is buying whatever they can, whenever they can and hoarding it. Are babies starving? Is that a real thing that's happening?
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