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Everything posted by ort

  1. If Trump and Desantis run against each other, it's going to be quite the fireworks show. I don't think DeSantis will run if Trump does. I think that would tear the party in two and leave DeSantis permanently damaged... and I think DeSantis is smart enough to know this. I also think Trump will wait as long as humanly possible to announce if he's running or not and it will cause all sorts of chaos and strife amongst the party. I can see Trump backing out at the last minute and putting his weight behind DeSantis and that is honestly the scariest outcome. Trumps secret weapon is that he's 100% willing to go scorched earth and leave the Republican Party in ruins. It really doesn't hurt him much at this point. It will be fascinating to see what happens if the GOP and their entire media wing are forced to turn on Trump en masse and drag him through the mud. At this point I really think it's a fairly likely outcome and it will be bananas to watch.
  2. It is pretty crazy that in a country with 330 plus million people that the benches for both parties possible presidential candidates is so pathetic. I mean, pretty much all of these people suck.
  3. Also of note is that he's a toxic, hate-filled piece of shit who is the physical manifestation of everything that is broken about politics.
  4. He's also not tall... he lists his height as 5'9" which is usually code for 5'7". Wether we want to admit it or not about our culture, these things matter... Heights of presidents and presidential candidates of the United States - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  5. Look, I'm not saying I give any fucks what his voice sounds like. I am not personally mocking the man's speech... that said, if you listen to him, he does talk with an ever so subtle "gay" accent or slight lisp. If SNL and late nigh hosts start doing impressions of him as this effeminate whiney little twerp, and Trump goes to war with him and starts in on that line of attack as well... it's really going to hurt his image with large chunks of the republican base and lizard brained swing voters.
  6. But is the movie any good? (Edit, never mind, I didn't read the article... glowing reviews...)
  7. All Trump has to do is start in on his short height and somewhat "gay-sounding" voice and he will forever be tainted. Desantis has the charisma of a rock.
  8. Apparently he also was paid millions by the state to make public speaking appearances and never actually did. Mississippi used welfare money for needy families to pay Brett Favre for motivational speeches WWW.WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM The FBI has questioned former NFL quarterback Brett Favre by over funds he was paid by the state of Mississippi to deliver speeches that he never gave, according to officials.
  9. Also, fun fact, back when I worked in politics, the daily show came and did a piece on one of the candidates we were working for at the time.* That was pretty fun even though I had no direct interaction with any of the filming. It was pretty surreal seeing them to talk to and about people I actually knew, and show things I had created as a designer... Especially since I watched the show every day. *Anthony Williams, mayor of DC, who hired a bunch of goofball criminals to get the signatures he needed to run for re-election and was forced to run as a write in candidate. We were on of the firms hired to organize his write-in campaign.
  10. I didn't really like him right from the start. I gave him a chance, but he was no Jon Stewart... Although Jon Stewart isn't even really Jon Stewart anymore. He was kinda phoning it in those last few years... and has more recently morphed into kind of a Bill Mahar lite... The Trevor Noah Daily Show was fine, but not good enough to spend 22 minutes a day with. The most precious resource these days is time and attention and he didn't quite rise up to the level of getting either from me. I'm kinda burned out on all of these lefty funny political shows. I still watch the Colbert monologue most days, but even that is starting to just feel like propaganda to me. I miss how subversive he felt in the good old days. Colbert is way too safe these days. This is me just posting random thoughts... but I'm old enough to remember not liking Jon Stewart when he took over for Craig Killborn.
  11. A Brief Interview With Joe Pera About Netflix’s ‘Dahmer’ WWW.GAWKER.COM What does the mild-mannered comedian think about being compared with the Evan Peters version of the serial killer?
  12. McDonald’s coffee is better than you would think and I will happily drink it. A regular black Starbucks coffee here in St Louis is like $3 bucks. McDonalds like $2 or something. My wife likes the Starbucks Nitros, which is carbonated cold brews and that shit is like $6 bucks and she has it 3-4 times a week. I only get coffee “out” like once or twice a month. We’ll, maybe more during youth hockey season.
  13. I can tell the difference between high quality, mid tier and low quality coffee… but once I get out of that lower tier (gas station, bad fast food, cheapie office, etc) I really just don’t care that much. I like Starbucks just fine. (I consider it mid tier) I don’t get all the hate… aside from hating them as a giant corporation, which sure, I’m all on board for that. I can tell when I’m drinking the really good stuff, but I don’t care enough to go out of my way for it.
  14. My gut tells me that we're living through unprecedented times being influenced by once in a lifetime kinds of events and it's going to be impossible to really predict what the world will be like for the next few years until we more fully restabilize after COVID. Could there be a massive recession? Sure. But the warning signs are probably all out of whack.
  15. My go to Starbucks order is a venti black coffee. It’s fine. Anyway, I lived through those DC sniper attacks. They literally happened all around me, and my place of employment. Most the killings happened within like 1 or 2 miles of either my work or apartment. It was sheer terror. It truly is the blueprint for how to bring a city to its knees. Two dudes in a car shut down a city for weeks. John Mohammed’s favorite restaurant was like 3 blocks from my apartment I used to eat there all the time. When they finally caught him, I had driven past the rest stop he was found in literally hours before they got him.
  16. It's not just the complaints... it just doesn't really feel like "the world" is really talking about this. I mean, I guess I get it. After the Hobbit movies, I was also very turned off from the LotR Cinematic Universe... But while (so far) this definitely isn't quite as good as the movies, it's absolutely NOTHING even close to being like the Hobbit flicks. I was pretty skeptical going in and honestly I barely had any hype because I think I was just expecting the worst... but I watched 4 episodes in 4 days and now I've hit the wall and I'm annoyed I have to wait a week*. That's the sign of a good show. *Well, I just looked it up and episode 5 hits tonight at 11pm Central, so there ya go...
  17. I started this late and finally watched all 4... and so far I think it's pretty great. Yes, it's moving a little slow, but I'm okay with that. It's going to be a long series, they have the time, they should take it. I'm definitely not bored. I honestly don't get all the criticism it seems to be getting... I mean, at some point it's like... are we not entertained? I mean, how great must the current state of television entertainment be that something as ambitious as this seems to have landed with so little fanfare?
  18. I figured the special master stunt would delay this by months and months... I'm kinda shocked at how quickly this part of it seems to be resolved.
  19. Here's the problem, as triggered as all of us libs are about this... and as gobsmacking stupid this stunt was, and no matter how much logic you throw at it's ridiculousness... the right is eating this shit up. They love it. They think Desantis is a hero and they are calling for more. This is the new era of politics. It's all about scoring zingers on your opposition.
  20. Always love to meet fellow T1 > T2 people. T2 is a fun action movie (and yes, a classic) but a really shitty sequel to the superior Terminator. T2 has some amazingly crafted action sequences and one of the best villains of all time (but still not as good as Arnie in the first one) ... but the story is really a sack of dookie... it's a complete retread of the first and makes zero sense given the story and rules the first movie put in place. T2 is a lazy sequel with a giant budget and a very talented director at the top of his game. Terminator is an amazingly paced, tightly written, tense roller coaster ride with a great story that pays itself off and follows its own logic... unlike the sequel which throws everything that happened and everything that was established in the first movie right into the trash in order to make a bigger badder retread of the exact same story even though it made zero sense the second time around.
  21. Temple of Doom has a crap story, but is a well crafted film with lots of fun bits. Last Crusade is such a bland/safe entry. It's really not the best either. I can barely remember anything about Crystal Skull... I think I purged it from my memory like a traumatic event. I remember it making me very angry and sad. I really hated it. Have not seen it or thought about since it came out and I saw it in the theaters. Really the only true masterpiece in the franchise is the first one, which I consider one of the single greatest films of all time. Indy 5 will have to have a lot of positive buzz and glowing reviews for me to check it out.
  22. If the right was actually serous about reducing immigrants from coming over, they wouldn't go after the immigrants themselves, they would go super hard on the businesses that employ them. But they don't, weird. The uncomfortable truth they don't want to admit is that our economy is 100% dependent on this cheap migrant labor. Both parties suck at immigration. It is a problem without easy solutions. But it seems like the bare minimum you can do is treating everyone with human dignity and not going out of your way to turn the most desperate and powerless people into political props by playing some sort of juvenile gotcha game.
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