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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. To be fair he made another post after the election had swung the other way pointing out that he was an idiot for making this initial post.
  2. Its similar in that it’s the next step in the progression of the game that started with Origins. The combat is similar but improved IMO. So far the world is great. Not as vibrantly bright, more along the lines of what you saw in Witcher 3. But there’s still a lot of beauty there. Running on top of a snowy mountain while the moonlight reflects off the snow is pretty breathtaking. I’m not too far along but the characters seem pretty on point as well. And unlike Odyssey both the male and female are acted well haha. So your main gripe seemed to be the side quest system? That is WAY different. Instead of collecting a series of level based side quests that you complete one by one they’ve gone with a “points of light” system. Basically on the map you see either Yellow(treasure) Blue(Mysteries) or White(artifacts) points of light. Think of them like a color coded version of the “?” from Witcher 3. So you can choose which to go to and you know what you’re getting. The treasure ones are typically the important materials needed for upgrading your gear. The artifacts are new gear(of which there is much much less) or abilities and the Mysteries are your side quests. So far I haven’t run into any really long side quests(although I believe they do exist) most of them are fun little stories that are contained to the immediate area. As a result the game has a better flow. It’s much easier to play through the single player and take detours when you see something cool. Or just spend some time exploring if you want. But so far it’s never felt like I HAVE to run the side quests. Simply that they’re there for a nice change of pace. It’s much better than Odyssey IMO. Hope that helps
  3. Reminds me of Mark Hamil’s character from Jay and Silent Bob
  4. At this point probably just Valhalla, maybe a little Godfall sprinkled in. Valhalla has sucked me in so much that I really don’t have a great desire to play anything else right now.
  5. I could have sworn there was a thread for this but I couldn’t find it. Two episodes in and I’m really enjoying it so far. Nicole Kidman is absolutely crushing it. I’m enjoying a lot of the the subtle little story bits that could be clues/foreshadowing, could be red herrings or could be me reading way to into it haha.
  6. Yep same, I love all the Souls games as well as Bloodborne and just couldn’t get into Sekiro
  7. This thread makes me feel like an old person in a twighlight zone episode haha
  8. That happens to me in every open world game because I’m also OCD about cleaning the maps. So if you wanna do what I do. Take a step back, even take a week off from the game. When you come back just dedicate yourself to the main story and any side things that the main story naturally takes you through. So if you’re traveling for the main quest and see something cool go check it out by all means. Think, I kinda wanna kill a monster today then find a contract. But for the most part stick to the main story missions. Narratives in open world games always tend to drag through the middle then really pick up at the end. Once you get to the third act you won’t wanna stop playing because you’ll need to know what happens next. I dunno, as someone in the same boat that always helps a lot. Even if I have to initially force myself to do it each time haha
  9. Yeah it sounds super boring on paper. But the main actress(the girl from Split) gives such an engaging performance. All I wanna do is play chess now haha
  10. I feel like we need two threads for each game now. One for the actually interesting discussion of the game itself. And one for the same exact technical graphics/frame are discussion that gets dragged into Every. Single. Thread.
  11. Wooo! Finally beat the dude in the cave. Arrows and duel wielding axes are your friend haha Finished up finding everything in the opening area last night and getting ready to do the last quest. I think I need to chill on doing every single dot cause I’m at 8h 45m and the real part of the game hasn’t even started yet 😂 Honestly I personally LOVE the way skills and abilities are handled. Having new abilities in the tombs of knowledge adds such a rewarding feeling to exploration. And I dig the constellation skill tree. It’s fun picking a path and wondering what will pop up next. I mean the ability to respec at any time with zero penalty or cost counters the whole “I don’t like now knowing where to go” criticism. Personally I haven’t used the respec yet because I like the idea that I’m not making a dash for all the best abilities right away. Feels like I could still unlock something useful and cool later in the game this way.
  12. The Queens Gambit - 10/10 This is far and way the best thing I’ve seen this year. Give it all the awards.
  13. You do start at the beginning but you unlock short cuts along the way so don’t have to actually fight through each complete level. Also you get to a point where you can kinda sprint past 90% or the enemies on the way back to the boss. Since they won’t follow you through the bosses fog gate you just have to beat them there.
  14. Had my first weird issue. Died to a boss in God Fall and right after I loaded back in the game froze and then proceeded to completely crash the console. Turned it all the way off. Waited a bit and it turned back on but sounded like it struggled a bit before turning on just fine. Got the “Your PS5 has an improper shutdown due to software error please send us the details message” but seems to be working fine now.
  15. Almost done with Astrobot. Cant. Stop. Fucking. Smiling. I haven’t even started Demon Souls yet because I’m so in love with this stupid little game. I would also pay any amount of money for a Nintendo version of this.
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