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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I'm glad to see you enjoy it after all the betting we had going whether you'd like the basic concept of these games! I think the Horseman and then Blazing Bull combo are kind of there to teach you just how mobile your character actually is. In hindsight it feels like you're first introduced to the importance of stealth through the earlier area and then these two kind of teach you "yeah that's great, but mix that with some urgency and aggression". And by the way, if you want to really practice your parry game, there are some great enemies coming up soon-ish to do so with. Just remember the blue-robed guards on the top floor. It's like the enemy that puts your lessons together and teaches you to mix your offense and defense to advance.
  2. I don't think so as far as progression is concerned. She's essentially optional from what I can gather so far. The rewards are great of course but you can't really "cash in" one of them until a bit later. I did the early bosses in the following order: That seems like a pretty natural order to me skill-wise to be honest.
  3. Yes, definitely. Pretty much all mini-bosses I've come across so far can be de-aggro'd and stealth'd if the terrain allows. Here's what I did:
  4. I completely disagree and don't see what's rushed about it. The level design especially is some of the best shit From's ever done in my opinion and the combat system, while utterly unforgiving, is tight as fuck. I have my problems with it for sure, like I did with every Souls and Bloodborne, but I just can't see what's rushed about it. It's aesthetically gorgeous, the combat system is way fleshed out and tight and the level design shits on most games on the market. On top of that, the OST and sound design is brilliant.
  5. I'll buy it no matter what, well unless reviews are garbage, but I strongly dislike that aesthetic for some reason and can't even particularly pinpoint why.
  6. I honestly have no idea what that means...is it even sillier than the trailer?
  7. Totally forgot this was coming out, should probably go see it this weekend just so I can inevitably talk shit about it on D1P. Actually not really, I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised as the trailer looked kind of stupid to me.
  8. Their commercials fucking crack me up every time. The employees always look and sound so poised and fulfilled with life.
  9. The game is filled to the brim with mini-bosses, brace yourself. If you guys need strategy tips or anything, let me know, I'm still playing but pretty far into it by now.
  10. Just remember getting out of dodge doesn't mean having to go sit in a corner and let shit cool off again. You're so mobile, you can just choose to maneuver around and single out a stray enemy after getting away from the mob attacking you and start fucking them up one on one again. That being said, once you become adept at parrying, you'll be taking out mobs with parries and deathblows like a Samurai flick boss. Nearby other enemies are startled by deathblows like in old Samurai flicks so you have that second of downtime to re-focus and wait for the next incoming hit to parry and destroy the next guy etc. Last night I had a mob of four base guys and two dogs on my ass and killed off all of them with parries instead of running and it was amazing. I couldn't believe I had gotten that good at that shit.
  11. The game definitely uses stealth more to thin out the mobs and/or to let you get mini-bosses down one life bar but not really to clear entire areas. You can certainly do it if you're slick, but I believe the intent is to thin out and then engage in combat with the rest seeing how there are plenty of things you can't simply stealth. It's definitely not a Stealth game per say but just an aspect of its combat if it helps to think of it that way? That being said, the further you advance, the more you have to rely on thinning them out. There are some tough-as-nails enemies that are basically tanks yet can be stealth-killed, which feels great. The stealth aspect and movement is actually really fluid and flexible once you really learn let your grapple hook, jumps, ledge grabs etc. all work together with experience. You'll be zipping and jumping around avoiding large patches of enemies in no time if you want. The levels are really beautifully designed to always give you options from my experience so far. And no, you have to scope the are out from vantage points. If you notice, there's usually always higher grounds. The icons only appear if they're alerted to show their level of alertness. Gladly, stealth is old school and very much tuned to having fun instead of realism so enemies aren't too smart for their own fucking good so you can easily shake them quickly if you have to. They also have quite a bit of tunnel vision.
  12. I went back today, whiffed the fucking stealth strike and still destroyed him with my best run of tight parrying yet for the entire two rounds. Barely any tool usage either and I spent 4 gourds total. I have no idea how this level of skill came over me, man...I fucking Matrix'd that shit. Then I pummeled the purple ninja Long/Lone? Shadow guy after on my third try also whiffing the stealth kill. It's like I slept and woke up gud.
  13. Check your Shinobi Arts skill tree, there's a good one in there to deal with his dumb ass. Also, if you haven't done it yet, there's a specific training mode against thrust attacks, so spears essentially.
  14. Is that the spear-wielding dickhead in Hirata Estates with a fog wall? If so, there's a skill for him and his ilk that works wonders if you don't have it unlocked already.
  15. Japanese language track is definitely the way to go I think, it sounds so much cooler. Then again, there is a certain 70's Kung Fu flick charm to the stilted English voices...
  16. That's terrible advice for him though. You absolutely have to practice and learn to tightly parry as soon as possible or you're just fucked even slightly further into the game. The game absolutely skill checks you a bit further in. On top of that, there are quite a few mini-boss encounters that can indeed end your life very quickly like he's saying while definitely forcing you into rather long re-dos of downing mobs around them every time. That and running past everything nets you zero XP which means you can't upgrade shit.
  17. Wolf/Sekiro seriously sounds like fucking Nicholas Cage very often in the English dub. It was...funny...but that wasn't what I wanted out of the game's atmosphere so I switched back to Japanese after giving it a shot. By the way, this is pure "first time playing Dark Souls". Put the game down with the intent of dropping it and it's like an infectious disease that wormed its way into my brain. I kept thinking of strategies constantly over the weekend and I think I'm on my way to gitting gud-er and officially hooked? Fuck, disregard my earlier post I guess? I still want to Shinobi Execute Miyazaki for his hard-on for two-shotting me constantly, I mean what an asshole, but Jesus Christ the game is so, so good at the same time . Two details that are really sticking out for me positively: The world and level design first of all is just fucking superb but what I really enjoy is the return of a really focused and de-cluttered Demon's/Dark 1 style environment. It's very barren and visually clean in a way that really enhances the atmosphere for me and truly everything you see, you can get to, there's just no 'fat'. The music and general audio design might possibly be my favorite after Dark Souls 1. I love the inclusion of constant background music, which is especially fantastic in Hirata Estate. In general, I feel like the OST has a more eccentric touch like Demon's and Dark 1 to it again which is something I was hoping for.
  18. I was saying that in an earlier post. Reading them is crucial and you gotta speed-read and hit X for the next tip each time, it's kinda funny.
  19. I don't think it's surprising at all. Some of the decisions are more punishing than halving your health bar for losing in a game that you lost fifty trillion times in even. Demon's was brutal but I honestly think Sekiro has one of the highest skill demands in an Action game I've seen taking into account you don't have difficulty settings to work with. Most really tough Action titles I can think of can be at least bumped down to Easy to reasonably get through the game.
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