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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. You better have the Back to The Future model!
  2. Technically they're not practical anywhere but I do have one in the North East.
  3. I'm a modern man and wax, you're shit outta luck.
  4. Since summer is coming and I'm pulling my car out of its winter hibernation currently I was wondering if anyone else here is into, and/or owns, a classic car, muscle car, whatever it may be?
  5. The combat system is actually really cool with the dismemberment, limb targeting and hopping/duck to evade attacks. I liked it quite a lot, also had a creepy dystopian atmosphere.
  6. The Surge is actually really good and more than just a straight Souls copy.
  7. Silly. Writers should write whatever characters they want want and being black, I'm sure his default go-to will be black characters. After several of my movie-going pals I'm usually seeing eye-to-eye with gave this the thumbs down, I'll wait for the rental.
  8. I started typing and realized I'm totally too lazy right now haha...sorry dude. Basically, I don't disagree with any of your takes on these things, just have a different perspective on what I like to use as in while not all of it may be super useful, they do have small advantages and make combat more fun so I dig it. And hey, I like Floating Passage! I broke it out a lot on Guardian Ape and it was cool. Outside of that I like it for regular enemies at the end of a hit or so to stylishly crush them.
  9. Don't agree with #2 and #3. #2 has skills that can inflict higher posture damage than the same amount of regular strikes, chip damage through blocked attacks and other "bonus" attributes. They're also fun to use. What I do agree on sucking is the use of emblems being stupid for the advanced arts. #3 are really useful in my experience but again agree on the emblem bullshit. Emblems in general are yet another idiotic From idea when DS1 had this all figured out just fine. A certain number of uses per bonfire/idol rest, how is that in any way detrimental to the overall challenge or experience in lieu of Emblems or Bloodborne's stupid blood vial system? Or at worst, employ the DS3/Demon's Souls "mana" magic bar, which I think was also inferior to the number of uses/charges per rest but still way better than these dumb farming ideas. #1 wouldn't be nearly as dumb as it really is if it lasted even remotely long enough. Unless you go in guns blazing, the item's effect is entirely too short which is irritating as hell seeing how limited they are.
  10. I figured out a great strategy against his Terror scream on my fourth try or so after he clipped me with that shit several times. If you haven't yet, check through your prosthetic tools, there's a very effective one. This fight is actually really fun and I liked how much it changed up the parry timing from previous fights. Parry battles against this thing seemed like chaotic nonsense at first but after the 4th time or so, I entered the matrix and saw the timing.
  11. I'm really glad I stuck with really learning how to parry after my initially massive frustration. The Genichiro fight was quite possibly one of the coolest things I've done in a video game in terms of feeling like an incredibly cool simulation of an actual sword duel. I saved the video and re-watched the fight after and honestly couldn't believe I was able to learn how to play like that in essentially a few days knowing how difficult the inputs are to make yourself look that badass. I've rarely had a game make me feel more cool as fuck as parrying some insane combo string like that with all those brutal sound effects on top of a castle in the midst of snowy mountains. Just a huge fuck yeah to all of it. I'm pretty far into the game by now and it's really, really fucking good all around I think.
  12. I genuinely think this is on par with DMC2 in terms of sheer garbage game design. Literally nothing outside of the core Dante and Nero combat mechanics is even vaguely appealing as far as I'm concerned. And even then, the Nero devil breaker system is completely nonsensical unless there's some hyper-high-level player about to prove me wrong because it has a tactical reason I can't see. -I know some people like it but V is the shittiest combat I've ever been subjected to in a Character Action game and the low point of the series, even including DMC2, for me. -The "level design" is so bad, it should win the video game equivalent of a Razzie Award. It's actively stunning to me how shit it is. -Aesthetics are the absolute worst in the series. In case anyone remembers, DMC games used to have a heavy emphasis on atmosphere whether some players engaged with it or not. Even DMC3 in all its silliness was heavy on Gothic atmosphere and beautiful architecture. I don't need a 1:1 copy of this, but DMC5 just has...nothing? It looks like Revengeance's environments had an abortion and that's fucking bad. -The game's flow is an utter travesty and combined with the non-existent starting difficulty for your first playthrough brought the game to screeching halt for me barely 1/3 in. Between incessant loading times, everything being a damn cutscenes that wrests control away from you and never-ending story interruptions after seemingly every arena fight, it's one of the most poorly paced games I've played in a long time. And let me add that I absolutely hate it that the game refuses to let me settle into, and learn, one character and instead forces me to play with others and re-learn an entire combat system randomly for several missions only to drop it again. -Again, the difficulty on my first playthrough (well and only because this game is awful) basically encouraged nothing but button mashing your way through endless hordes of boring punching bags. V's segments being the highlight of just pure joyless button mashing nonsense for me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this after the demo assuming well, whatever, it's the first level it'll look cooler later, but boy oh boy is this game a dreadfully boring and forgettable shitshow. I'm amazed at its review scores...did anyone actually critically analyze this at all or just score it based on hype? There is so, so, so much horrible design going on, it's almost amazing hot on the heels of REMake 2. Also, the fact a Character Action game spends more time on seemingly everything but actual fights and gameplay alone should be enough to point out how ill-conceived this game is as an overall package. I know I said some of this stuff before but as I let it sit for a bit, my opinion soured even further and I'm surprised how much I ended up disliking it, jesus. This is definitely not nostalgia-based either as I recently replayed the entire HD Collection and DMC 1 and 3 are still awesome games and tons of fun.
  13. That is so awful knowing that it was probably your entire year's budget for a new console haha
  14. My local GameStop is basically PopCopy. Everyone that works in there looks and acts like they're on work release and even attempting to pay is met with a seemingly 10-second-long sigh and body language that says "suck my dick". I've had a dude shit-talk me right in front of my face to the other employee, which was so absurd I burst out laughing.
  15. The show isn't my cup of tea at all, that means my lack of interest in based on reason and therefore it ain't prejudice according to the dictionary (which I had to google and keep a tab open for this sikk comeback).
  16. Granted, you basically think everything in this game is incredibly easy or a variation of it, so there's that... Unrelated but From deciding that some incredibly tough mini-bosses need to be engaged with a very limited consumable is one of those moments where I'm convinced Sekiro's difficulty is partially From buying into their memes.
  17. Calling not liking something "prejudice" is some of the most millenial shit I've read in a while.
  18. Wait until you're further in for the underlined. When you're sitting on a huge amount of XP in a tough-as-nails section and you get your ass handed to you, you'll find out the extra layer of tension this mechanic adds. You'll definitely start feeling the impact of losing half your XP, tough bastard enemies respawning and so on. If you like the basic premise of this game by the way, I absolutely recommend Bloodborne at the very least.
  19. I'm not a fan of the show and haven't read the books but goddamn, that is so OG that I'm compelled to get into it just for how old school that is.
  20. In his defense, it must be severely cumbersome to type with those sausage fingers.
  21. Steve Hauschildt - Where All Is Fled This is one of my favorite albums I've discovered in the last year or so. I'm a huge fan of Ambient in general and this hits all the right notes, no pun intended, for me.
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