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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I won't say I have any intention of picking this up as I've had my absolutely max Souls-fill I think at this stage but this is honestly surprising to read. I've been internally mocking and bashing this game since I first laid eyes on it honestly
  2. Especially back in the day when you had to be a primo player to even get on a fucking recording. Apparently not...
  3. There's something inherently hilarious about a shittily played wind instrument.
  4. Watched The Office's finale last night after skipping through most of seasons 7, 8 and 9 absent-mindedly while cooking etc. Nice and feel-good ending I suppose overall. Michael Scott's cameo screamed "they didn't pay me enough to say more lines" so that was awkward I thought. 8/10 for that episode. The last few seasons though were absolute shit from what I caught off and on.
  5. I think Code Vein is niche within niche with the whole anime thing. On top of that, Code Vein is reviewing much worse and looks like warmed-over dog shit. I'd wager it won't cut into The Surge 2's 15 minutes but yeah, who knows ultimately.
  6. Agreed on both. Good Time is a great fucking movie especially knowing all those neighborhoods. The scene where he goes to the girl's house was even filmed like five blocks from my old apartment. I really love that real-life crook they gave a part to in that and their first film, I forget his name, but he's great on screen. And this one also looks fantastic, can't wait to see it.
  7. I saw this the other night going in 100% blind. I hadn't even seen a trailer, one review, anything, just the poster. I honestly thought it was borderline insufferably pretentious and unintentionally face-palm funny in spots. It's like an unholy alliance of the most cloying moments of Gravity meets late-stage Terrence Malick mixed with oddly clashing variations in aesthetics. No doubt this is technically an incredibly competent film on first glance. The cinematography is often gorgeous, the soundtrack is great, Brad Pitt is often very interesting to watch but then there are moments, and whole segments, of such utter idiocy and, well maybe not plot holes per say, but fucking bizarre on-screen decisions that I literally face-palmed several times. There's one segment specifically that was utterly hilarious. My girlfriend was super excited to see it and even she asked me if I wanted to just walk out about 3/4 in.
  8. I'll be watching the fight highlights/knock-out kind of YouTube reel whenever it becomes available. I'm fucking lost in all this but sure wanna see the outcome.
  9. When can we expect the Jason Schreier exposé on Kotaku normalizing kiddie porn? Time to put his money where his mouth is.
  10. Guess worrying about Kojima's tweets' tone was too important to worry about shit like this.
  11. I recently bought Sam Sho V Special on PSN and the AI is hilariously clairvoyant. Amazing game but the AI renders it boring and useless to play if you don't have a couch pal, which I don't. Shame.
  12. Completely lost interest 10 seconds into those hyper cliche squad-based DudeBro one-liner antics. Single player FPS sounded cool at first until I watched the trailer.
  13. This was not intended as a joke somehow. An absolute classic among my friends:
  14. Get Out 2: Black Men Keep Dying Inside The Apartment Of A Wealthy Democratic Megadonor With A Vengeance
  15. I haven't played the game in probably a year so I'd have to look but basically as far as I recall, it matches you with people's motherbases that have similar amounts of stats in general? Shit I can't remember what it took for me to get to people's more advanced, crazy bases. Those are really fun because the soldiers are hyper-aware compared to the base game and there's drones and traps and shit everywhere, so it gets very challenging. Edit: I do remember grinding through a few of those near-empty/low rank bases for cheap GMP and resources though... FYI, fully upgrading D-Dog's equipment unlocks some really fun shit he can do, not sure if you guys mainly choose Quiet or D-Dog or the horse though.
  16. You don't actually battle people. It's basically loading you into their customized, decked-out motherbase and you have to try to make it to the comm center through the set up defenses like drones, soldiers, traps etc.
  17. This might be one of the most unintentionally funny and racist promo lines ever, I actually laughed out loud reading that again.
  18. I don't know how active the online community still is but have you tried engaging with invading other players' mother bases etc.? It's really fun side content.
  19. Ended up buying it the other day and with some patches and balancing, there's a great game underneath some of the rough shit I think. It's not perfect and has some issues but overall the more I'm playing, the more I'm getting sucked in. It definitely leans way more into the spiked pits/enemy memorization per screen type of design rather than Metroid in terms of moment-to-moment gameplay. I will say that I think anyone, what the one or two of you here, considering buying this should hold off. There are a ton of bugs and other stupid shit adding a layer of annoyances right now and I really think they're going to patch and balance the fuck out of this.
  20. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood I went for a second viewing, a friend invited me with an extra ticket. I have to say I really enjoy this movie and find his treatment of Sharon Tate very endearing and touching. I'm not really sure about a specific rating but...maybe a 9/10?
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