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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. They were playing Do the Right Thing in the room as I was being born. That’s why I’ve been fighting the power my whole life.
  2. My (eventual) tiny home wouldn’t take up much of that acreage.
  3. I’m thinking about it, but I’m not sure what I would say. “So which of your parents fucked someone else and gave the baby away?” is a rough icebreaker.
  4. They should just call that service Star Trek+. I never hear anyone mention it in any other context.
  5. ROFL 99.5% European 73.5% British and Irish 25.6% French and German I’ll dive back into the results more when I’m home, but the other big takeaway is that it identified a potential half sister. So there’s that.
  6. After a couple months with the new mattress/box spring, my sleep has improved a little. But even when I get a consistent 7-8 hours of sleep a night, I never feel “rested”. I’m sure some of that is due to things like diet and exercise, which I’m also trying to get back on track, but I hoped this change would help more than it has. But at least I don’t wake up super stiff and sore every morning.
  7. Of course. My map is still loaded with side quests and gigs, and I’ll keep doing those until I’ve have enough. My “plan” (in quotes because I never really have a firm plan for games like this) was to bounce between side and main quests until I got to the end, and I just greatly misjudged the difference between the number of each mission type.
  8. I want to be clear: I’m not complaining. I don’t mind at all if I have this game wrapped up in 30-40 hours. I paid a whole $10 for this game- I’m not worried about getting my money’s worth. I’ve been doing what feels like a lot of side stuff along the way, but they go by quickly. A lot of the gigs are simple and take just a couple minutes. And since I’m not going for 100%, I skip stuff that I’m not interested in. Like I could probably spend a few hours going around and clearing up all the cyberpsychos left on the map, but I’ve fought enough of those, and I’m not really interested in doing more. I’m enjoying the game a lot, but I don’t feel the need to stretch it out by doing things I find tedious.
  9. A little surprised I hit the “point of no return” in the main story already. I’m only level 26, at about 27 hours played. I feel like I really haven’t been focusing on the story that much. I’ve never been much a completionist, so I guess I’ll just go do side stuff until I’m bored then come back here and wrap it up.
  10. Final form is exercising IN the shower.
  11. If I don’t do it first thing in the morning, it ain’t getting done. …I don’t work out nearly as much as I should.
  12. Is this like people from Baltimore saying “Balmer”?
  13. Basically anything worth mentioning has been already.
  14. The "Definitely Not Dead Space" Protocol.
  15. Honestly kind of incredible that No Man's Sky just keeps chugging along after such a poorly received launch.
  16. I figure since that's where I'll end up eventually, might as well just get a head start.
  17. I’m in a similar situation. I kinda want to build a tiny home on a little patch of land and just be done with it. I don’t need much.
  18. Yeah, that's the thing: "It's Pokemon" is a good reason to not expect this game to push the limits of graphics. But also because "it's Pokemon" and will therefore be a flagship title for the system, you would hope they would give enough of a shit to make it look at least decent.
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