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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Fire Giant down! All I needed was that little break away, so I came back to it fresh and focused. I knew his moves, just needed to come in with patience to chip away at him safely during the second phase.
  2. TheLeon


    Oh man, if I’m consistent with any healthy habit, it’s staying hydrated. I always have water within reach. I consistently drink about a gallon a day. Now the eating, that’s still a problem. I’ll have weeks where I’m doing well, minimal sugar, plenty of greens, all that good stuff. But instead of cheat days, I have cheat months.
  3. While I get that the “if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life” idea is unrealistic nonsense, should we really just be resigned to being miserable for a significant percentage of our lives? Especially those of us who will never make enough to actually retire?
  4. It looks like there are a few seasons on Amazon Prime (most recent one is 2017). And each season is… 45 episodes? Blimey.
  5. Yeah, if you’re in the mood for a big, dumb movie, this one is really big and really dumb. I’m not surprised to see it lost a cool 100 mil.
  6. I’m in a weird spot now. I like my current job well enough, about as much as I could enjoy a traditional 9-5 job. I get paid enough to get by, but not really save much. I could probably move up soon if I wanted, but I know myself well enough to know that a management position would make me miserable. So there isn’t much of a future for me here long term, but I imagine I would be in a similar situation if I went to do the same thing at a different company.
  7. Fire Giant made me take a break for a couple of days. I’ve gotten close, I can mostly see what I’m doing wrong, but that second phase is frustrating. Get hit by one thing, and before you recover something else hits you then you’re dead.
  8. I have an AMC A-List plan, so this would only cost me a little gas money and my time. I very rarely say this, but my time is more valuable than this.
  9. TheLeon


    Well, I don't know if it was the new bed I got last week, the upgrading to a more heavy duty foam roller, that I took a week off from work, or maybe just the fact that I've had it for over a month, but my pain has finally gone away. Well, mostly. I'm pretty sore first thing in the morning, and I get a bit of a tingle in my leg when I drive, but I'm basically back to 100%. That was fucking annoying.
  10. He should pass it along to another nominee. I would pick Andrew Garfield.
  11. I missed the "like" in the thread title, and was very disappointed when I opened the thread.
  12. Oh sure, it’s just a dozen quick episodes of this, then a few dozen episodes of Peaky Blinders, then however many seasons of Better Call Saul to catch up on before that final season, now watch all of The Last Kingdom now that it’s done and I can get ready for whatever movie(s) come after that. Plus like 30 more shows from just the last year or two that I should watch. Generally I love TV and staying caught up with all the big shows, but more and more lately it’s felt overwhelming, so I’ve been saying “fuck it” and rewatching older comfort shows while playing games on my iPad.
  13. I’m now all in on Tunic. It’s a nice break from Elden Ring, but also at one point I was fighting a boss so big it nearly filled the screen, dodging its attack with a roll that grants temporary invulnerability, chugging health potions from recharging flasks that I recently upgraded, and I thought “well, at least now I’m playing as this adorable little fox and not some Tarnished freak”
  14. Another show I’m weirdly behind on. I still haven’t seen season 2, and I’ve had plenty of time.
  15. For entering the Speed Force! Edit: It’s IMDB official and everything.
  16. Yeah, I heard the rumors that he had some kind of disability, and was barely aware of all the direct to video he’s been making for the last few years. Hopefully he can find some comfort in retirement. I think that was the general idea. Pay him a million dollars a day or whatever, which is probably a massive percentage of your budget, and hope that’s enough to catch someone’s eye when they’re at the Redbox.
  17. Not to be hyperbolic or anything, because I’ve been slowly going this way for a while and it’s not specifically tied to this announcement, but I think I’m just to a point where I just don’t care about whatever it is Sony does any more. I no longer desire a PS5, I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy on all my other systems. I may miss out on some exclusives that don’t eventually make it to PC, but I’m fine with that.
  18. After Will yells the second time, there’s a moment where he laughs a little and says “I could” but quickly trailed off. I’m guessing in that moment his mind was racing with all the ways he could attack back (verbally) but shook it off and decided to get back to the show ASAP
  19. I guess? Personally, I would feel kinda silly playing a game on the Deck that I could just as easily play on my phone. But I don’t have much of a use for the Deck anyway, so I’m probably not the person to ask.
  20. It’s a perfect phone/tablet game. I played it on my lunch breaks every day for like a year, and I still play it occasionally. I don’t see it having nearly the same appeal on a console.
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