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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I don’t really see the point these days. Magazines are for doctor’s waiting rooms.
  2. I think I’m just going to take a nice long bike ride on Monday. That’s the level of effort I’m willing to put into this (something I would do anyway on a day off). If I get to the deep suburbs, that should put me just inside in the path of totality.
  3. It’s mostly structural. The story as told is perfect in the game, but would be extremely hard to translate to TV as directly as the first game. Especially if they split it into two seasons, to do it “right”, that would be almost an entire season of the show with an all-new cast. Which I would love, because that’s a really bold swing and it’s part of what makes the game so powerful, but I can’t imagine that sitting well with the average TV audience.
  4. Yeah, I finished my PS5 playthrough. The whole time, I kept thinking “I have no idea how they’re going to adapt this.”
  5. I couldn’t find one that would take my per diem card.
  6. I see the appeal, but it’s not really my scene. Now that I’ve been there as an adult, it’s lost some mystique for me. The best case scenario for a visit seems like if you’ve got a lot of cash to burn and some friends who really want to cut loose for a few days.
  7. Yeah, everything was expensive. Luckily, my per diem covered basically everything. The bulk of my trip was pretty boring. I put in a decent amount of overtime, and most evenings after work I would basically find something to eat and then go back to the hotel. I had one day off, and got in some touristy stuff, including the Hoover Dam and the Omega Mart. I hit the strip a couple of times and Fremont Street once, but mostly just kinda walked around. One night, the fire alarm started going off in my hotel at 2:15am. Turned out there was an electrical fire in the elevator. That was fun. Ended up getting relocated to a slightly worse hotel that actually would’ve been a better setup for a long stay, but I only had a couple nights to go at that point.
  8. I’m playing the demo, and her insanely long hair constantly clipping through her body really tones down the rest of the character model. edit: finished the demo. Might be a “wait for PS+” game for me. Not bad, but also not really my thing.
  9. Mission Impossible also only had one week before Barbenheimer took over everything.
  10. I impulsively bought Pokémon Brilliant Diamond when I saw Amazon had it for $40. Haven’t played a mainline Pokémon game in over a decade, and I skipped this generation the first time around, so it feels “”fresh””.
  11. Just finished the season. Having nothing to compare it to, I fully loved it. I feel like this really could be a big crossover hit. There’s some deeply nerdy shit at the core of this, but it starts off simply enough that I think plenty of people could connect with the story/characters and would still be on board by the time things get real wacky. And a really fun cast! Shoutout to Benedict Wong in particular, I absolutely loved the vibe he brought to this.
  12. I forgot today was Easter. My sister is out of town, I don’t have anyone else I would “celebrate” with.
  13. If nothing else, it looks like he gave a lot of fun comedic actors a payday. I clocked Andy Daly as the Quaker Oats guy.
  14. I’ve watched the first two episodes, and I dig it. Downloaded the rest of the season on my iPad for my flights back home tomorrow.
  15. This was my first thought. My second thought: “Do I really need more mail that I’ll just throw away without reading?”
  16. Usually with a puzzle game, if I get stuck, I’ll put it down for a day or two and try to come back with a fresh perspective. That didn’t help much with Baba is You. I kept coming back to the same 3-4 puzzles I was stuck on every day during my lunch break, and I never made any progress. It made me feel insane after a while. I wasn’t even that far in, I think this was the third zone.
  17. That’s me. Closest I’ve ever got to getting sucked into an MMO was Guild Wars 2, but that only lasted maybe a month. I’ve tried a lot over the years, but nothing sticks. Now that I think about it, I had an active WoW account for a few months, back around when Diablo 3 came out, I think there was some deal like if you paid for a 6 month sub you got D3 for free. And then I barely played either lol.
  18. Yeah, if the preview shows it’s a blowout, I just skip it. If it’s a closer fight, I’ll watch to see what’s happening so that I can plan accordingly.
  19. Once every couple of months I think “would it be funny to get into WoW now?” Then I remember it’s an MMO, which means I’ll get tired of playing it after about 3 days.
  20. I completely suck at this game. I’ve played probably 20 runs and I think the furthest I’ve gotten is ante 7, once. This is gonna be my new Slay the Spire - a game I played for years, but never really cracked. Every time I finish a run, it feels like a total fluke.
  21. Every time someone mentions Deadwood, I think “I should probably watch all of Deadwood again, huh?” even though it’s only been a couple years since my last watch. Such an oddly comforting show.
  22. I hate @Biggie so much, I wouldn’t even buy him Unicorn Overlord.
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