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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Yeah I was going to add that lol even if he’s one of his lawyers and normally if these were real actual people then it would be relevant to have them on. But you know what the deal is and you know you will get nothing of value and all it does is broadcast their shitty brainwashing BS to their viewing audience. It’s a disservice to the public to give these grifters a second of air.
  2. I was downstairs at my loft in downtown Banff and had CNN on upstairs and they had some guy going on about the 1st amendment and free speech saying this puts us in a constitutional crisis because Donald Trump isn’t able to literally do anything he wants ever to this country. Fucking CUCKS to give that guy any airtime. Actually bothered walking upstairs (i did not know this was going got be a loft) to turn it off even though my leg is a bit sore and was leaving anyway, to just make sure I’m not giving them any more ad money while I’m out.
  3. So just a bunch of guys who love kicking ass and…OBEYING THE LAW…I think I’ll hold my fright
  4. mccarthy made a comment on it and just talked about hunter lmaoooooo yessss
  5. fentanyl was actually what they gave me first thing in the ambulance and then enough to knock me out during surgery - it seems very un-fun, I think you’d have to kind of already be on some sort of trip I think to enjoy that at all I would actually be curious if anyone has tried it recreationally and what they thought, because even with everything going on I still remember how bad that was
  6. hey, if even one of these actually pans out over the next 30 years I think a lot of us are going to be p pumped
  7. I wasn’t even interested in this game beyond everyone else’s hype but now that I bought it not realizing it wasn’t out yet I feel like it’s taking foreveerrrrrr
  8. Yeah, I researched this myself after the comment and normally I’m not very lenient on any benefit of the doubt for this sorta thing, but I do believe the story of what happened, everything seems to check out and there’s no other smoke. Probably just a bad idea to collect that sorta thing and a little weird, but I do not believe he was attracted to minors.
  9. I actually feel really bad about the whole thing now I didn’t think he’d go away I thought maybe he’d even like having his own board and by extension would make that board more active.
  10. Panic attacks are brutal. Wish you a safe journey and a road ahead to a better life as you work through all this. I’m happy for you that you didn’t try to force through it and got help. Outpatient I think will be very positive. Get second opinions any medications like Base said, but when they both agree make sure to listen.
  11. Now that we named it I actually really do hope RR just fills it up
  12. Never forget that everybody is somebody else’s fetish, someone for everyone
  13. Same thing, @Remarkableriots love you buddy but let’s keep it all in one place!
  14. This is your best thread of all time and you should get a medal
  15. Yeah this is all why it screams “look what I did but nobody can touch!” which fuck off with that then lol
  16. Just be like oh no someone hacked me and now it’s on pirate bay oh noooooo
  17. God’s wrath nor the four horsemen themselves could interfere with my masturbation schedule
  18. Amadeus is one of those things where the movie is just so much better than history, so I’m fine with completely steam rolling history in order to get my sweet sweet Mozart mooning the wigs
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