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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Doesn’t @Xbob42 have gamepass so he can try Starfield and rip it to shreds without having to pay a cent?
  2. man seriously though i’ve never had so much pure hatred towards someone when thinking of everything. I don’t know why this is ptsd’ing my pain so much, that nasty false promise fucking cunt. I also know what addiction is like so I guess it hits harder too. But man I would love to be in an unsupervised room with Richard and just beat his fucking skull in until there’s almost no flesh left.
  3. I think the reviews aren’t representing enough how fucking good Matthew Broderick is in this. I forget sometimes he is a terrific actor. I definitely want to bash his fucking skull in here.
  4. Look, it’s fine, just point me in the direction of a huge rabbit
  5. Europe is in January, it’s possible!
  6. Wait would you like to go to super mario land together if I paid because if so let’s do it Edit: It would prob be sept 7th
  7. honestly? Kinda not at all. I don’t know why. On paper it sounds and looks really good, but my expectations are super low for some reason. I’m thinking at least at launch it’s probably more investment than I want to put into a game right now, that may be part of it. Also all I want in the world is Super Mario Wonder so it’s hard to be hyped for anything in comparison. Edit: I expect a cpu bottleneck with it and it won’t have dlss3 on launch so I do not expect 120fps either until PureDark mods it, which to be fair, he’s already committed to
  8. I’m soooo glad tomorrow is saturday again
  9. I think I might be too stuffed from oysters and blue fin ceviche to finish my pizza tonight
  10. Awesome! I actually dig those shoes and LMAO at the new portrait - your daughter is freaking hilarious - glad you had a great one
  11. Well Madden was just late
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