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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. Ok so I decided … I bought a Quest 3. It should arrive today.
  2. This just came into my feed earlier this evening. So neat there wasn’t any “king of kong” fuckery going on. Really happy for that kid and the competitive Tetris community seems really wholesome too.
  3. Tbf Division never made you climb a tower to unlock a map. also most Star Wars characters are lame and all are made up.
  4. Not his worst special. I think he tried to do a “Southpark” and insult everyone. I’m not gonna lie, the first big joke of his landed I’m sure exactly the way he wanted. If you laugh at his trans jokes you loved the punchline. If you felt mislead and offended by the joke being disguised as something else, that was the point too. I almost turned it off right there, because I didn’t want to sit through another boring “I don’t hate trans people” trans bashing special. I wonder if he thinks he has to mention trans people every special now just so he’s never accused of backing down. Or maybe it is a grift. His last big joke about living his dream vs in other people’s dreams didn’t land for me. The closing lines seemed even more disconnected as he thanked everyone in attendance for allowing him to live in their dream. Because it’s their dream in life to see him live? They’ve now peaked, I guess. lol And the sincerity in his voice … I don’t know if he could have humble bragged any better. I won’t lie and say I didn’t laugh at anything. It was more entertaining, but it also feels like he doesn’t have much to say. There were a couple of moments he looked like the old Chappelle you love. I would not have watched it for as long if it wasn’t Dave Chappelle.
  5. I just watched this recently. I wonder if there was a sentiment of “we won, let them say what they want. What harm can it do?” Speaking of WWII, it was the US government and military that washed the Japanese Emperor and his family of not only the sins committed by the Japanese military in WWII, but also what the Japanese military did in China before WWII. Said to be because they needed the support of the royal family in Japan to smooth out US occupation and national reconstruction efforts. perhaps post civil war similar playbook. Don’t vilify the confederates, especially their leadership post war so that “the healing can happen”. But while Japan taught their people it was over aggressive Japanese military, warmongering. At least vilifying the attitudes and policies, just not the right leaders. But in former confederate states the villain, if there is one, basically is the Union states trying to strip away their state’s rights and over tax them. Making the confederates more like our revolutionary founding fathers. So now they all get to feel/claim like they’re still trying to save the Union from freedom stealing dictatorship, from the inside. If only Democrats and Liberals would just stay out of their way. And I’m sure at a certain point it just because too politically inconvenient for politicians to oppose the Lost Cause myth. So here we are. Whether through unintentional ignorance or purposely rewriting history, the lost cause has been perpetuated so much that it has been romanticized and taught to the point that for far too many Americans it is all they know. And for one reason or another they are unwilling to accept they’ve been lied to all their lives.
  6. Just ran through this over the weekend and absolutely loved it. I do hope they have a plan to finish it in season 2 though. Not that I wouldn’t like a third season, I just don’t want the story to go unfinished if Netflix decides not to produce a third season.
  7. there have been a couple of things that disappear from streaming, rental, or digital sale for long stretches of time. I’ve bought them when I see them become available on Amazon and so far I’ve never not had access to them, even when they are unavailable to everyone else for a bit again. Yeah it probably won’t last forever, but from what I can tell most digital purchases of licenses are honored even past the point where new copies can be sold. I think that’s why so many found this so shocking and upsetting. Maybe it’s a difference in how Sony has handled the sale of things vs everyone else. But I wonder if maybe Sony just didn’t want to keep taking up server storage space for these titles and figured nobody would miss them or care.
  8. The random NPCs are likely ugly due to procedural generation. so I watched a video recently explaining that modders found that the worlds and instances use the ship as a central point to spawn everything around. Because of this even if you connect multiple tiles on a planet to make the explorable area vastly larger eventually the area with the ship will despawn causing the game to crash. This is so fundamental to how the game loads everything, that it is basically in the core of how the game was built. Full or even larger scale exploration of a planet just isn’t possible without a complete rebuild of key game’s systems. I wonder if some similar constraints prevents real time intrasystem travel.
  9. I don’t mind the non-linear story telling. In this movie it serves to allowing jumping around and for most of the movie it feels more natural as it is a series of stories being told from a couple of perspectives. Why did we jump ahead by weeks, months, or years? Because somebody was answering a question. though for me the middle is the strongest part of the film and where I wish we spent more time. I didn’t care for the imaginative visionary sequences of Oppenheimer where he’s spacing out or dreaming of particles colliding. It would have been fine if he was visualizing a hypothesis or an equation. But it just felt like Nolan trying to tell us that nuclear fusion was always with Oppenheimer. kind of a small nitpick, but I kind of hated the way this movie was marketed and hyped. Specifically around the whole “oh we didn’t use CGI. It was a practical explosion.” Yeah, and it doesn’t look like the trinity test detonation. this spoke of a film maker so far up his own ass that he refuses to use a tool that was created to make the impossible and put it on screen.
  10. In the anime I never got the feeling Luffy was dumb or naive. He could be dumb at times, sure, but I always saw it as just extremely care free. He’s unburdened by social, political, or economical norms. He’s chaotic good. the show does reign everyone in a bit. Though I did love the reference/showing that Zoro has a PHENOMENALLY bad sense of direction and gets lost all the time. The revulsion to Sanji seems like a strong reaction considering how tame his flirtatious and obsessive nature is in the live action show. At times I couldn’t help but wonder if the actor was playing Sanji more sincere. There are some moments where they are trying to be shot for shot what was in the anime or replicating manga panels that to me don’t really feel as natural and a little out of place. I have a friend that only ever watched one episode of the anime years ago. So I’ve asked him to watch this show just to see how he thinks of it. Maybe it’s only weird to me, because I’ve already seen it animated. I’d watch a season 2 it was still a fun show to me.
  11. God, I remember that dungeon. There’s a couple spots where you can jump all the way to bottom and survive. there’s a hidden Aberration in Losomn, that you need a specific area roll. There are a couple of ways to cheese this guy. He follows you all over the place, but if you keep running up flights of stairs he eventually stops climbing the stairs. He usually has a modifier to cast lighting so you still have to watch for that and dodge, but you can get a bunch of free shots. There’s also a cave with calcified growths you can get to and climb into a place he can’t get to. For either scenario if you have the engineer archetype you never have to worry about ammo. that’s probably the cheesiest I’ve ever got to happen or found in the game.
  12. boy that’s the truth. Scratches a similar itch, mainly in coop, and without the bs of a live service model.
  13. doubtful. There’s a part of me that wonders if they even can without a complete overhaul to how the game loads/streams in data. it’s just so weird that across different devs using different engines they have the same issue. EA as a publisher is the only common denominator we know of. As they point out the stutters in Jedi Fallen Order never got fixed.
  14. It makes me wonder if there is some shared streaming code that EA studios all use. Something that works ok on APUs and shared VRAM, but not great on standard PC architecture. I don’t know.
  15. Vasco is ok in combat. It defaults to melee too often and ends up getting in your way. not entirely. I’ll go with a junk food analogy though, like this person did. Starfield is a huge box of assorted Doritos, where most of the bags are just plain corn Doritos, but every bag is 80% air and the flavoring isn’t even coating every chip. So even when you find a flavor you like there’s just not enough. I recently found out that Starfield has just 1 credited writer. And boy does that make things make sense. Why every quest or mission feels like a “first draft” outline of something that could have been great.
  16. this is probably the dumbest rebuttal to criticism I’ve ever read. Even if I don’t work in the Twinkie factory, that doesn’t mean we can’t complain when they put out a new product that’s shit.
  17. this really makes me hope some AI bubble bursts, not unlike crypto mining, and Nvidia is left holding the bag.
  18. Next year put a taxidermy dog in a tightly sealed box and tell her “huh, it was alive before Christmas”.
  19. One thing that could do that is something these services refuse to do, and thats grandfather people in at the lower rates. That was how TWC kept my dad from leaving his internet speeds kept getting upgraded as they naturally increased speeds all around, but his bill stayed the same as it was when he first signed up. maybe the middle ground for these companies will be a slightly discounted annual subscription. I think Disney tried in a different way by how their series release schedules were slated. Staggering the end of one show and the start of another just far enough apart a person might keep their subscription. But this model is expensive if it doesn’t work, because of how much content they have to make. Im not sure what else they can do to attempt to prevent people from service hopping. I don’t want to find out either, because it’s almost zero chance to be consumer friendly. Like the ads thing here. Introduce the problem to consumers and then sell the solution.
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