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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Backed! Only ~7 hours left on the "early bird special" tier. If you plan on buying this eventually, you can save yourself a few bucks. Also I hate the term "backed" for some reason. I preordered it on Kickstarter.
  2. I don't know how old your boys are, but I'd plant Betrayal in the early teenage range and up. Maybe 11+? Lots of reading and there has to be some independent strategic ability as there is often information that you either may want to, or have to, keep secret from other players. So if they're still at an age where you need to help them with game mechanics then it probably wouldn't work out super well. But it's a fantastic game so if they're old enough for it I highly recommend. As for Gloomhaven...I've only played it a couple times. It pretty intimidating. Just tons of pieces and super fiddly and so much stuff to track. Like, once you get rolling it's a lot of fun but the logistical investment is unreal. It's like playing D&D without a DM. There are 3rd party companion apps people have made to help track stuff in the game and I'd advise anyone who plays Gloomhaven to use them; they make life so much nicer.
  3. I used to drink soda like it was water. Disgusting amounts of it. It was primarily responsible for taking me north of 300lb at my heaviest. Years ago I cut it completely out and lost a ton of weight. Today I use soda as a rare treat. Family stopping for ice cream or something? Holiday dinner? I'll skip the pie or ice cream and have a Dr Pepper as my dessert instead.
  4. I don't think I've had grapefruit. I'll try it next time!
  5. Not today, but Saturday we got a couple terrific rounds of Betrayal at Baldur's Gate in. Edit: I don't know why that is upside down.. Edit: Fixed!
  6. In 18 years we've gone from, "I'm a cop investigating underground street racing" to "we're fighting cybernetically enhanced super soldiers". Good times.
  7. Well there was a charging decision as to [REDACTED] then they detail a potential violation of section 1030 (Computer fraud) by none other than [REDACTED] and then they detail false statements and obstruction of the investigation by [REDACTED]. So yeah it's a pretty good read so far.
  8. Based on the comic series by Garth Ennis (Preacher). I never read the series, but I'm a fan of Preacher. I'm all in for this. Update: Season 2 Trailer
  9. So our season is basically book-ended with division games. Like literally they're all in the first 4 weeks then last 3.
  10. Full 2019 schedule is out - https://www.nfl.com/schedules
  11. I've never seen it but I've heard good things. I'll check it out this week.
  12. Them I'm probably just not high enough yet. I don't have a WT gear score or anything yet. I hit level 30 and decided to finally build the shotgun that came with the game. It built at level 1 and I got an upgrade blueprint for it, but I couldn't make it work. I'll wait until I have a gear score and see what happens.
  13. One of my favorite animations in recent time: the classic Sub-Zero head rip fatalaity in MKX. While everyone is ooh'ing and ahh'ing over the nostalgia and the gore, they often miss the awesome touch of the opponent's now headless body feebly making a futile attempt to grab the head back from Sub-Zero before falling over. I love little things like that.
  14. How did I not see this?! I highly recommend Mice & Mystics. It's right in the wheel house for that age range and fun as hell, plus it's in that fantasy theme that she likes. Also Splendor for a quick simple game. Also King of Tokyo because SMASH.
  15. Haven't paid for a cut in years. If I did I wouldn't go higher than $20 or maybe $25.
  16. I can't tell if you're talking about actual physical disabilities or merely having lower skill at a given game. If the former, I'm with you 100%. If the latter...no. Everyone has a right to play IMO. There is no inherent right to succeed. And I don't think anyone is ragging on what Celeste did. But they clearly wanted to do it and put a lot of thought into it. And that's great. Awesome. But it shouldn't be expected and we shouldn't be negative on devs that want to exclusively reward players who put the time and the effort in to "git gud". I know there are plenty of feats in gaming that I will never achieve; cut-scenes I'll never enjoy and endings I'll never see (*shakes fist at Gradius III*). I'm simply not good enough. But I'd never expect, or even want, there to be an option to have my hand held so I can do them. Not only does it cheapen the "victory" but it diminishes the experience because I know I didn't really do it. I'd rather never catch my white whale than have it served up to me by someone else. Games like those by FROM are an acknowledgement and celebration of this mindset. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.
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