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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Voted no. It's rare. Dessert at the restaurant usually only happens on special occasion dinners, like birthdays or anniversaries and what not.
  2. We can turn it on and off and adjust it? In that case taste. You'd be able to enjoy a bacon cheeseburger like nobody's business.
  3. I'm taking a wait 'n see attitude. At GenCon the paid events usually come with swag or prize potential. That may bear out in the online version. We'll have to see when the event list releases on 7/6.
  4. https://www.gencon.com/online - "Gen Con Online, a new virtual convention experience featuring four days of streaming shows, remote gaming, community on Discord, your favorite exhibitors, and lots more.." July 30 – August 2, 2020. Free badge registration. Badge required to sign up for events, some of which will be free and some paid (as is the case with regular GenCon). Event list releases 7/6 with event registration starting a week later. Events will include shows, panels, first look/playtest opportunities, remote gaming and who knows what else. This might suck, or it might be interesting. We'll find out!
  5. While the bolded is true, discrimination based on sexual orientation is also necessarily discrimination based on sex.
  6. FWIW Sekiro is the only one I walked away from without beating it. And I love the Souls games. It was just aggressively tedious to me. All the other Souls games I enjoyed dying and learning and getting gud and exploring and all of it. With Sekiro I think I wasn't even halfway through it when I died for the nth time because I misinterpreted this quarter-second flash of a symbol versus that quarter second flash of a symbol and realized that I had not smiled or been excited once since starting the game. After every death in *Souls I had fun getting back to my soul puddle and trying again. In Sekiro it just felt like a chore.
  7. I liked FFXV. It started weak but turned into a real fun game. I didn't realize Fallout 4 was hated...I thought it was pretty good.
  8. I'm very fortunate in that my job is both considered essential and can largely be done remotely. Nothing much has changed for me other than I'm doing the majority of my work from home, with the occasional trip to a physical location for certain things. The biggest hit to me is that since my son's college campus closed down, he's been home eating all of our goddamn food. :P
  9. You're right, it isn't. And it can be frustrating for me when conversations like this come up, that I can't tell you, "$very_bad_thing was prevented" or something. I know, "trust me" is a weak argument. There are problems with FISA. There need to be improvements to the approval and oversight mechanisms if nothing else, that's for sure. But seeing results and first hand how it's actually employed is why my position on the matter despite, as b_m_b_m_b_m pointed out, my more Libertarian leanings, is one of, "fix it, don't kill it".
  10. Nothing in a long time. We've got a ton of places near us so we just order for pick-up. I can't recall the last time I had actual delivery.
  11. I never played anything competitively. I got pretty decent at Quake 3 Arena. I was "OK" at TF2. I've placed as high as second in local Mortal Kombat X and Smash tournaments (nothing sanctioned, just like fun in-store or bar events). That's about it. I jump from game to game too much; I never stick with any one online game long enough to get really good. There's too much awesome stuff out there to play for me to sink the time into just one thing in order to be competitive.
  12. Nooo...Rehoboth is further by like an hour. Edit: I see what I did. "Ocean Cty" = Ocean County, NJ. Not Ocean City.
  13. I have! Though not as much as I'd like. I've only been to the brewery itself a couple times since they're down in Ocean Cty which is kind of a hike for me (I'm outside of Philly). But I get their Head High from our local store from time to time and one of the times I was there they had this stout that I enjoyed called A Night to End All Nights or something like that. I haven't had a lot of their beers, but I haven't had anything bad from them either. :P
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