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Everything posted by Rodimus

  1. That list of games is real disappointing. Also the $100 price tag doesn't help. No one wants to play Rainbow Six on PSOne.
  2. Yeah, Sega went out with a bang. I Felt burned a little with the Sega CD. Also the 32X was a bad move. Then the Saturn crashed hard in the US. The Dreamcast was an interesting console. The video game industry had really change from the launch of the Saturn to the Dreamcast. Nintendo was no longer on top. 3rd parties had switched over to Sony. The PlayStation was everything Sega wanted the Saturn to be. The Dreamcast is an example that sometimes first to market is not always a great idea. Sadly many of the games on the Dreamcast where slightly better ports of PlayStation games. While it was capable of more and few 3rd party games did that. Capcom was a big 3rd party publisher. Sega was still strong in the arcades and the Dreamcast brought many Sega arcade games home. I personally enjoyed the Dreamcast. At the time my roommate had one and we played it all the time. I remember one time I was at an airport waiting for a flight and someone from Sega sat next to me and had a notebook on Sega's next console the Dreamcast. I told them that I had a Genesis, GameGear and Sega CD and was disappointed with the Saturn. I remember him showing me info on the Dreamcast and I wasn't as impressed as he thought I would. I was realistic that the market had changed since Saturn and they have a real up hill challenge. This was all after the Dreamcast announced but before it launched in the US. That is funny @Nokra used it to browse the web. I can imagine many visits to the hun. The most I tried to use the browser was to get custom graffiti art for jet grind radio. The Dreamcast was cool and looking back it had a hell of a library for such a short time. I think if Sega wasn't as bad off financially they might have had a shot. I also think the PS2 really killed all of the competition. the DVD player would have been good to have on the Dreamcast. I know piracy was bad but I think it really took off after it was too late for the Dreamcast.
  3. There are 4 VR games I want Rick and Morty VR, Tetris Effect, AstroBot and Moss.
  4. I need to try out the Astro bot demo Anyone pickup any VR games during Black Friday?
  5. I bought God of War, Overwatch and Evil Within 2. I'm looking at getting the Bioshock Collection and Infinity War 4k Blu-ray.
  6. I haven't played many games that came out this year. So for me RDR2 is my pick.
  7. Nice one @CastlevaniaNut18 Also now I know what Supergun to get. I had been looking at the HAS. Now I guess I need to put myself on the waiting list. How to you like yours?
  8. Here is what I have I can recommend. Rez Infinite Wipeout Omega Collection - Free DLC that makes the whole game VR Battlefront - it has free DLC VR mission. worth it and very cheap. Super Hot Polybius Batman Arkham VR Ultra Super Stardust VR What I plan to get in VR Tetris Effect Moss AstroBot Resident Evil 7 Skyrim VR Doom VFR GT Sport Rick and Morty Accounting Plus ZOE 2 Second Runner - I heard vr not great but I still want the game. You can play VR videos on it. There are players. It is not the simplest but works Also Youtube has VR. Yes bridge crew is out.
  9. I still haven't picked this game up. I might keep waiting.
  10. At this point we will all be in a retirement home when PS9 comes out. So the news is Square is making a PS5 game. Not a huge surprise there. Is the surprise they are calling it Kingdom Hearts 3?
  11. I have heard good things about Hollow Knight. I am debating to get it for Switch or PS4. I don't play the switch portable often to care about that if it is the lessor techincal verision. I would rather play in 4k than handheld.
  12. Beyond Good & Evil Burnout 3: Takedown Conker: Live and Reloaded Crazy Taxi 3 Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Fable Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas GunValkyrie Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 2 House of the Dead III Jade Empire Jet Set Radio Future Knights of the Old Republic Ninja Gaiden Black Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Otogi Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors Outrun 2 Panzer Dragoon Orta Phantom Dust Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Psychonauts SSX 3 Shenmue II The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Toejam And Earl 3
  13. I can name the one platinum I have. It is from RE5.
  14. I hear you. I must have forgot. I don't blame you on pre ordering. I would do the same.
  15. I just heard there will be a Game Gear adaptor.
  16. I never played a Hitman game. I know that gamer gate chick pissed everyone when she talked about that game.
  17. I remember picking this up at midnight at GameStop then taking to to a friend house and playing through it in Co-op that night.
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