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Everything posted by Rodimus

  1. Ouch $114 that is a bit pricey but it is in nice shape. This one has 2 controllers https://www.ebay.com/p/Super-Nintendo-Entertainment-System-Launch-Edition-Gray-Console/219532720?iid=391908913791&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20160323102634%26meid%3D2ef0efdd063b498d92095e6f6b929e4d%26pid%3D100623%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D123208672286%26itm%3D391908913791&_trksid=p2047675.c100623.m-1
  2. My preference is similar to @CastlevaniaNut18 I prefer to play on real hardware. However I go through a bunch to have it look good on my HDTV and now 4k TV. I think if someon goes with emulation don't half ass it with real carts that simply dump a rom. If you want emulation go straight emulation. I think you can clean up a SNES for the most part. If it is Yellow there are ways to clean that up. I did a few years ago and posted here before the boards died. I also wrote up a article on it here. http://www.nostalgicpixel.com/?p=147
  3. just get an SNES and use composite. If you want better order the HD Retrovision Component cables if your TV supports it. Then you could get a Retrotink and go from there.
  4. I second this. Good place to start and nice place to end.
  5. I would want iether a real MVS arcade cabinet or an Omega to play. This is just a janky Neo Geo to play on a desk. Not a huge surprise it is crappy since the Neo Geo X was garbage.
  6. Anyone pick this up? From what I have read some things are troubling. Like the HDMI out is bad. Also the button layout is different even on the game pads. WTF is that all about. I have thought about having this on my desk but I don't know very disappointing. Here are contorller layout examples. Original Neo Geo pad Neo Geo mini
  7. I love my Pro and I can't wait for this game. That bundle is nice. I can tell you it was hard enough to track down a Pro for me last month. I found it at an HEB out of town. Although I think it was a Launch Pro in that it talked about upcoming games like Horizon and the coupons had expired last year. I am only having some handshake issues at times so far. It is really frustrating at times. I looked online and others have this issue. It is a handshake issue. I need to use the cable it came with or a better one than I have been perhaps.
  8. http://neslcdmod.com Someone is trying to get Duck Hunt to work with a light gun. It is a modified ROM of Duck Hunt. I tried it out with no success. It seems you still need some form of modified light gun. If you have a flashcart for the NES like the Everdrive N8 try it out.
  9. @Littleronin Nice selctions you picked out. I'm planning to go to Retropalooza in Arlington (DFW) next week so I have been holding off any retro game purchases till then for a bit. Any chance anyone here going to be there?
  10. I would be surprised if they where not working on one. I will buy it because I'm a sucker for Nintendo. However the N64 is also my least favorite console from nintendo. Not saying it is bad just the least played console for me going back to play. However when I talk to friends about old consoles many of them have great memories on the N64. This would be nice for me in that it is a party console. I could see bring this over to a friends house for some Mario Kart 64 and such.
  11. It is a good layout. It was like a more comfortable SNES controller. However We already know the Sony Nintendo Playstation was going to use SNES controllers. Here are some prototype PlayStation controllers. They did flirt with other ideas.
  12. Ok, I pulled the trigger. I tested out the online NES games and voicechat. It had some issues but was fun to play Balloon Fight online. I think if I had some time River City Ranson would be good.
  13. I'm hoping that Castlevania Symphony of the Night makes it on the list. I know I'm excited for this. I think it is a good idea. I still want PSX games on PS4. That is some bullshit that it hasn't happened yet.
  14. This is all I got for a link to buy. I don't see it clearly availible but I know I'm not currently signed up with Nintendo Online and logged into my account. https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/special-offers/?gclid=CKmJ5K6_xd0CFfqSxQIdbNEASw&gclsrc=ds
  15. you have to buy them direct form Nintendo but you need a NIntendo Online account to purchase. They are saying that these little controllers currently only work on NES games that you get from NIntendo Online.
  16. Well I don't play online on my Switch. I think the price is reasonable since the online structure is a joke. Here is what will get me to jump in. Nintendo doesn't know online but they know hardware. The NES joycons that you can only get if you have a Nintendo Online account is what is going to get me.
  17. I know the answer. It is because you have to install even physical games. I know that is why I have a 2 TB drive in my PS4. I also like physical releases. It gives me the most freedom. I can loan it to a friend. They can't remove it for the Digital Store. I can sell it. The game physically has value. I do also buy digital when no other option or the price is right. Deep discounts and these flash sales get me. However if the physical release is just a few dollars more I will get the physical. Sometimes I will double dip if the price is right.
  18. I had some friends over today for a Vintage Game Party. It went really well. I plan to do it again. The game focus went to 4 player or more games. I don't really play 4 player games much. Here is what we played. Also looking for some game suggestions for next time. We Played Power Stone 2 on Dreamcast Bomberman on TG16 5 player F-Zero GX on Gamecube Monkey Ball 4 player Target party game Mario Kart Double Dash Gamecube Smash Bros Melee Gamecube Typing of the Dead Dreamcast 2 player Then as a few people left I popped in WipeOut Omega collection in VR and Rez in VR for them to try it out. I don't currently have an SNES or Genesis Multi tap. I also need to get 2 Saturn Multitaps. I was having some technical difficulties with the TED V2 on my Duo although it works great on my TurboExpress. I have used it before with little issue. That is Scary when my Duo-R has peoblems playing games.
  19. I agree. Crazy but not unusual for the NRA to say and are saying now that if the victim had a gun he could have saved his life by shooting first at the cop. No way if that happened that the NRA would claim this as a victory for gun rights. Also the Caucasian shirt is funny and I would wear it. I think if someone where to get offended by the shirt they are only exposing there tolerance to the racially offensive redskins logo and name. I think that shirt only exposes the negatives of the current redskins name and logo.
  20. Well so much for the game going away. I hope the remaster is not a shit show like Batman. Who an I kidding I will never play this game.
  21. This is crazy that people are driving by shooting up his house. I thought it was bad people where SWATTing. What happened to ordering pizza to a house? I know they charge you upfront.
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