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Everything posted by Rodimus

  1. Well I went in to buy California games for the Master System but ended up with all this. It was $30 per-console with controller cables, and a free game each. I want a backup Genesis. Sadly no High Definition Model 1. I have been wanting the cutie little PSOne. Now I just need to Screen for it and battery pack.
  2. So it will not delete the boards? I guess I don't have much to worry about since I only have macs. I know I'm missing out on PC gaming. maybe one day I will build a gaming PC and join in on the fun.
  3. Splatterhouse 2. That reminds me to pickup Splatterhouse ofr PS3 it has the arcade and Genesis sequeals in it. Ghostbusters on Master System is fun if you start it right and buy the right items. I remeber learning that at my cousins.
  4. I do the same. I pick up some games for a console at times.
  5. I have been on the look out to find thoes Mickey Master System games in the wild. I think I will have to just search online. I think at least one is an import. Ok so I have 3 games I want to play this month. I also want to get 100% in Night Trap and unlock the never released game and make a video about it. I also want to play through Castlevania 2 on the FDS and make a video on it. The thrid is I want to play through RE2 on Dreamcast and make a video on it. Ideally I get all this done before Red Dead Redemption 2. I plan to make those video in that order. What are some Retro games you are looking to play this month?
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-World-of-Nintendo-Lighted-Double-Sided-Sign-Store-Display-NES-M36R-1991/223050281235?hash=item33eed53113:g:ycwAAOSwRTtbQP-4C Yeah, Coming accross one at a decent price will be at a flee market or garage sale or luck.
  7. Yeah I don't know if I will find one. I can't say I'm looking very hard. I imagine I would have to do all that. Convince the seller and require some repair and pay plenty for it.
  8. I have sen that sign all over instagram. For that reason I have not picked it up however I really like it. Also I need to look into a 90s World of Nintendo sign.
  9. They need to kill it. Sorry it should have been done years ago. Now it just needs to die. Crackdown 2 was not so great so why would crackdown be much different?
  10. Orgasmic like the paid VR DLC for Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball?
  11. I know nothing about this gaem tell me more. Free game? Digital only? This game? https://www.bestbuy.com/site/astro-bot-rescue-mission-playstation-4/6285305.p?skuId=6285305&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkKiu3ITo3QIVkAsrCh0YUwE_EAQYASABEgI8E_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Also better than Moss? I still need to pick that one up.
  12. Nice. I have 3 Virtualboy games. I have zero plans on a complete collection. I really just wanted Wario Land.
  13. I haven't really played Military Madness mych before. I Also will need to look into Nectaris. The closest I have played of this type is Advance Wars. I need to learn this game first. good thing the game is wiling to teach me and I have the manual.
  14. I didn't pick up much but I'm glad with my choices.
  15. Well I'm still going to Retropalooza tomorrow. but going to make a day of it drive up to DFW and back in one day so about 7 hours of driving.
  16. I'm not much for sports games but on the SNES I do have one I really enjoy. Super Baseball 2020. Originally released on the Neo Geo it is a solid port. For me it strikes a good balance and baseball and video game.
  17. While I don't know the details I have seen what seems like the same zombie demo many times. I have a good memory and thought it was smart to stop showing it and the same thing until much closer to release.
  18. I would not waste your time with a composite mod. If your going to mod a NES get the NESRGB or HDMI mod.
  19. Well I also remembered that Castlevania season 2 on Netflix comes out the same day October 26th.
  20. I'm still excited to play it I booted up my OG PlayStation and played on my CRT. I need better PSX video cables. I plan to upgrade them.
  21. I really don't care to see more of this game. I think it has been shown way too early that or delayed. I feel over exposed on this and now it just needs to hype up weeks before release. I'm just fatigued already by it.
  22. Purchase confirmed. While I have many ways to play this. I like that I can soon play this on my PS4. Every other PlayStation I have I can play SotN on it. I play this game about once a year or every two years. Rondo of Blood I can play on orginal hardware but nice to give it a break and have this as an option. Worst part of this is the release date. I will be playing Red Dead 2.
  23. Congrats! If you have any questions about getting a better picture quality and such feel free to ask about possible upscale options.
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