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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. The charges are both misdemeanors, probably doesn't affect his draft prospects at all.
  2. This is mostly cause idiots are back to buying trucks/SUVs like the late 2000s again, cause no way gas prices explode again.
  3. All the old myths about aspartame persisting is weird, so we keep looking for alternatives when its fine.
  4. I eagerly await what every bonkers thing Canadian conservatives come up with for their mouth breathers to chant incessantly and put on flags they fly from their trucks and build memorials too.
  5. Yeah, its not Cuomo's dem legislature anymore, a lot of the shitty ones bit it in 2018.
  6. This is actually just what it always looks like over Ohio. But seriously the wind wouldn't allow the smoke to form a circle like that.
  7. The company is private now, there are no shareholders, and thus no reporting requirements.
  8. Theres no way this is true, they lost half their top advertisers, and he leveraged the company to the hilt.
  9. Wouldn't be the NFL if refs didn't get their say, thats not going to change with goodell either, you could take just about every rule change in the last 20 years and throw it out and have a better game, except for maybe replay rules, largely cause the refs have fewer reasons to inject themselves into the game.
  10. Theres really only a few fighters able to go up that high, most fighter max out below 55k feet, i'm sure a ground based system could have knocked it down but expensive.
  11. I don't really disagree with the notion of letting people expire, its often others that are choosing to extend their lives for them as it is.
  12. One of the downfalls to modern medicine is keeping people alive well past when they should expire, like great you made it to 95, but those last 10 years sucked pretty hard. Going around offing people just cause their old isn't a well thought out idea though.
  13. The problem with going to football games is that you become aware of games are twice as long as they need to be, you're better off being at home. Something like an hour of commercials are shown during a game and play stops when they're doing it for the most part.
  14. The whole thing sounds like a fantasy, just gonna grab some navy divers so we don't have to tell congress, plant some bombs 300 feet below the surface and let them sit there for 3 months, then air drop a bouy FROM ANOTHER NATIONS PLANE and hope that shit still works, lol. Also this source knows literally the entire plot, is it Joe Biden? How it'd more likely go down, is they get some CIA spook a boat and some drones, sets explosives, shit blows up, don't have to tell half the fucking world your plot.
  15. Pretty sure the dumbest thing our local AMC did was remove half their seating for these huge recliner seats and nearly doubled the price to compensate, lol. Its not hard to see why someone stops going to the theater when just 2 tickets is more than what 2 tickets and popcorn and a soda was, i don't care how comfy the seat is.
  16. You just described how the pro bowl has always been, lol.
  17. "Russia claims to have hit a Ukrainian barracks killing 600 soldiers, but reporters who visited the strike site found they had hit an empty school" lollolololol.
  18. Not possible, no one wants to work anymore is what i'm told over and over again.
  19. Texans prefer freedom, you commies! But seriously ice storms knock out power lines, its not like last years cluster where they just don't bother with cold weather prep.
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