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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Buccs are having a hell of a 3rd quarter, screwed up a fake punt, Brady Int, and fumble, and a Fournette fumble, lol.
  2. Yes, the concept of the original design is a failure, but they're being repurposed to have more typical payloads and utility, IE more AA, Anti Ship, and cruise missiles, including hyper-sonic launchers. This also goes for the LCS class, it appears the US military is done messing around with crazy new concepts.
  3. This pretty much seals it, Ukraine will have one of the wests best and most common AA system meaning it can be resupplied at will by just about anyone and that Russia cannot hope to just have Ukraine run out of missiles to shoot down their missiles.
  4. Yeah this for sure isn't new, maybe its just at the point where its not accepted? Just remember this being cited a long time ago, the specific temp talked about was temps under 40 F.
  5. Its a 1/4 of the cost of a B-2 in 1997 dollars so it would probably cost even more to make a new B-2 today, and is replacing like the entirety of our bomber fleet not just the B-2, so they need to be more expendable if not at least more numerous.
  6. Its just a smaller B-2, its basically lets just make something with what we have and know how to do already and make more of them, which is smart after the LCS, Zumwalt, Ford Class Carriers, and F-35 fiascos.
  7. Combine this with GDP growth of 2.9% last quarter, and uhhhh things seem good?
  8. You can feed like 10 people with 120 dollars, lol. I do a lot of shopping and basically all the cooking for a family of 4,if you think eating out is at all comparable you're doing it wrong.
  9. Whenever i read things like this i'm reminded of when we had a genetic panel done on my daughter and they needed us to do one as well for a baseline and we had to sign forms saying that we wanted to be told if they found anything in me and my wife's genes because it would be considered a pre-existing condition and without the ACA we could be denied coverage, lol.
  10. I had a card close cause i never used it, hurt my credit rating cause my available credit dropped, asked capital one to increase my limit, rating went up, PERFECT SYSTEM.
  11. Rick Scott is challenging Turtle for Senate GOP leadership, lolololololol.
  12. Pima dropped most of what it had left, 24k ballots, Hobbs won it 58-42, basically lake needs to win the maricopa drop by like 30 points, which uhhh isn't going to happen.
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