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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Played some Portal RTX on my 3070 Ti tonight and it looks fantastic on ultra settings at 2k. No idea what the framerate was but it felt smooth, though when I hit Alt+X to bring up the NVIDIA dev options it told me I only had between 3 and 10% video memory left.
  2. Man when you know what's going to happen, it's so obvious that he doesn't belong there. But in the moment, I totally overlooked him. Kudos, sir.
  3. Or maybe they changed it because they didn't want someone named "HiTLeR Did NoThIng Wr0ng6969420" to have their name displayed.
  4. The last 10+ winners of Steam Decks that I've seen have just been random numbers, so either the function linking numbers to names is broken or the bots are here. Ha. I did read the rules and Valve reserved the right to reject giving the prizes to anyone they thought won them illegitimately, so... Presumably any bots that win will have their prizes revoked and given to a human.
  5. My god that was brutal. If the rest of this show is like that, I'll just buy a fucking Steam Deck.
  6. I was indeed being an idiot and looking in the wrong place. The stream through the Store page doesn't have sound, but the one under Broadcasts does (go figure ).
  7. I'd honestly never even heard of these awards before but I'll be watching with the aim of winning a Steam Deck. I expect it to be pretty insufferable, as most award shows are.
  8. Yeah, it strikes me as coming from a place of intellectual laziness. It seems to me to be far easier to latch on to trending topics (even those without merit) and make some shallow jokes for cheap laughs than to be original.
  9. I realize that this isn't the issue so don't @ me, bro , but I'd be totally fine playing basketball for $228,000/year.
  10. Bloody hell, $10/hour? Really? That's awful. I've seen McDonalds advertising $15 (or was it $19?) here. Sounds like it's time to start hunting.
  11. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3766028-ocasio-cortez-under-investigation-by-house-ethics-committee/ Probably it will turn out to be nothing, but I guess we can have a thread over the inevitable edging by conservatives.
  12. Ha, I tried to edit my post before you replied to make it clearer that I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you or call you names but you were too fast to quote me.
  13. Sounds like this may be a more widespread strategy. A Portland General Electric (PGE) substation near Clackamas, OR (bordering the southeast edge of Portland) was attacked in November.
  14. It's kind of the classic "soft bigotry of low expectations", right? Expecting that people of a certain ethnicity, race, religion, etc. need to be held to a different standard because they couldn't handle it otherwise... On the other hand, it seems really hard to me to argue that one knows better than someone else what they like/need or that your moral standard is universal without coming across as a bit of a sanctimonious prick. (to be clear, I'm not trying to say you're a sanctimonious prick )
  15. I kind of wish we didn't even know about this. As much as I loathe Ted Cruz, his daughter is a minor and IMO doesn't deserve to have her personal struggles with mental health become public just because of who her dad is. It would be nice if this would make Ted more human, but alas...
  16. I'm just glad that Allah only looks at laws and not at behavior, right?
  17. I didn't particularly like the thread title either (broad brush, etc.), and I know you know this, but Islam isn't a race.
  18. Agreed re: a fine being not enough; I'd totally be fine with throwing some scum in jail. I don't think I'm just being naive, but I also think it's probably an overly-cynical mistake to call this "nothing". It's a painfully slow process, but he's not invincible; he keeps losing. Every bit helps.
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