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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Christopher Lloyd: "I've just come back from the future! Don't bother with the game show. We're fucked."
  2. Now that Bioware finally shit Anthem out the door hopefully they can get back to what they're good at.
  3. But hey at least a few people will be able to play Miles Morales while everybody else sits and waits.
  4. I read it. What I am saying is that the small guys are already used to selling their games at sub-$60 prices. "Stagnant" prices are not going to hurt them. Big companies, however, won't be fine due to their CEO's bloated salaries. If these companies were really hurting that bad, it's weird that they can manage to save so much money for themselves. Upping the price of games isn't going to make the developers under them any more secure, it's just going to make the CEO's more money. I get what you're saying, that a $20 game from a small dev can now be a $30 game, making the developer more money while still being that much cheaper than the AAA titles. But they can already sell their game at $30. If it's a game worth buying, people will buy it. Look at Stardew Valley. He could sell it for $30 and it will still sell just fine because it's a great game with great support. But because he's a small operation, he can afford to keep it at $20 or whatever and still make some serious bank. It's not our fault the big publishers can't satisfy their greedy ass CEO's and shareholders.
  5. Bobby Kotick made $30 million last year, while laying off developers. The only thing making their business unsustainable is them. Smaller devs are already used to making ends meet. And the indies usually sell their games for less than $60 already. The only ones pushing for this are the AAA publishers.
  6. They just announced a Wonder Woman special edition Xbox One X... which is... odd... I can only think that it was delayed with the movie earlier in the year and now they're releasing it even though they've effectively discontinued the X.
  7. I've been on Shudder for a few weeks. I signed up for a 7 day trial to watch The Shining for a project, only to realize Google lied to me and it didn't have it. But then I saw Joe Bob Briggs and his his Last Drive-In show and he was my late-night horror host all through my teens, so I was sold. Watching him has been a blast, and I'm really glad they haven't censored him because he feels like he's straight out of the 90's and I love it.
  8. The only thing that bothers me about the idea of the anthology horror using the same actors like AMH is that after a while, AMH tried bringing back previous characters, who were also played by current season actors, and it got really confusing and pretty stupid. Hopefully this one will bring entirely different characters and stories without tying into a "connected universe" and relying on old 'remember this person?' gimmicks.
  9. I don't think anybody's at the event. Seriously though, as long as they show Ratchet and Clank, I'm good. That's literally the only thing from the Sony show that intrigued me anyway.
  10. I just finished Greedfall. If you like games like Dragon Age with tons of conversation and tough choices with not great combat, then its worth a look. It does drag on a bit long, especially when you're trying to do all the side quests and companion quests. Graphics and voice acting are pretty good, but the game is grim with literally no humor or levity to break it up, and most of the characters outside of your party are pretty awful human beings. I recommend playing it when you're prepared to hate the human race.
  11. I don't get it. Thor set his hammer down on Steve's monument and walked away? Why would he do that? Avengers might be disbanded, but he doesn't have to stop being Thor. Hell, he doesn't have to stay on Earth. Granted, it's not like anybody's gonna run off with it, but still.
  12. New Strategy: Release the Xbox One version running in Potato Mode so that everyone will be like 'fuck this' and just get a Series X. I mean, it's the old strategy of bringing along a wingman that's uglier than you.. and not just a little bit uglier either.
  13. There is now! https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-pressures-wordpress-add-in-app-purchases-30-percent-fee-2020-8 Tl;dr version: Apple is forcing Wordpress to put in-app purchases into their 100% free software just so they can get their 30% cut. Fuck Apple.
  14. No doubt a side effect of the smart delivery cross-gen game. There will no doubt be two SKU's for PS4/PS5 versions, where Xbox will likely only have one SKU for both.
  15. I imagine instead of shooting rockets at the doors to open them, she just kinda kicks at them repeatedly and maybe smashes a bottle.
  16. There's an Irish version I didn't know about?
  17. FINALLY get to scratch Greedfall off the list. I enjoyed it well enough, but holy shit that game needs to be played when you feel like taking your time in a game, because nothing in that game happens quickly. It definitely gets my vote for Talking Simulator of the Year. Gonna do my Backlog Barbecue write-up on it pretty soon which I'll tear it a new one, as is apparently my custom.
  18. Consoles! I'll be honest, I was waiting for the end of that trailer to see that smarmy Sony logo plastered all over it, but this truly looks like it will actually see the Series X and that makes me super happy. But alas, it's early in development... so there's still time... Sony....
  19. I'm sure it will be, at least on Xbox, and it will most likely (finally) be the experience it should've been in the first place. But while the Xbox has internal magicks in place to make old games run better, the PS5 may just be using emulation, so there's a good chance the PS4 version will run... exactly the same. We don't really know because Sony won't talk about their BC functionality.
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