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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Just ordered the 512 GB model. Was fighting the urge all weekend, but fuck it, it's my birthday. Looking forward to carrying this with me in my work van for when I have downtime in between jobs. I might actually chip away at my PC backlo--
  2. So will the steam deck play most steam games? Most of my games are older so none of them are really demanding, but I didn't know if there was a compatibility thing. I guess if some of them don't have controller support?
  3. I hate that I want to play this game, because I've tried the series multiple times and could never get into them. But it's so batshit wacky and unlike anything anyone else is putting out right now. I do kinda wish I could play through the stories of all the games without some of the extra stuff. Like, I liked Yakuza 0 well enough until I had to start managing the night club. I hated that shit and it killed my interest in the game.
  4. Three years into the console's life, the Xbox One was probably already seeing a pretty chunky price drop, especially with the One X on the horizon. Plus it was a pretty good media player compared to the PS4 and all of its DRM shit. You could play pretty much anything you wanted on an XBO. I still use it as a media box. Also, considering MS has pretty much thrown in the towel on console sales and focused more on publishing to PC and Game Pass, their revenue is still up year over year. Not defending MS, just curious why people even care about console sales when MS themselves pretty much admitted they couldn't win in that area. All it is, is fanboy fuel. It doesn't even mean anything anymore. I know MS has committed to another console generation, but I really am expecting them to drop hardware altogether and go full third-party. It probably won't happen until Phil retires, but it will happen.
  5. Asterigos: Curse of the Stars | XPN Junkie GAMES.PAINTBALLPINUPSOFTX.COM I thought I was never going to finish that one. That game desperately needs a map.
  6. I would but the ones they sell at Barnes n noble are like $18. And fuck that.
  7. I'm so tempted to get one. I have a pretty decent Steam library and the only time I really get to play them is when I'm sitting at my desk in front of my PC. But I rarely feel like sitting at my desk in front of my PC. If it's compatible with the dock they already have released for it and I can hook it up in the living room I'm totally down with that.
  8. Au contrare, a rolled up Gamepro in the mid-90's could be registered as a lethal weapon.
  9. I'd pay for a subscription if I got an actual physical magazine every month. Kids these days will never know the excitement of checking that mailbox and finding the Nintendo Power or GamePro folded up inside.
  10. Lol thanks. 200 is the count of the games I want to actually play. If I were to count all the impulse purchases I don't really care about, and all the free Games with Gold, GOG and EGS giveaways, it goes up a bit.
  11. So here's the deal. I am seriously thinking of delving into the VR realm and purchase myself a headset. Before now, the VR thing was always something I was kind of interested in, but I didn't think the tech was quite there yet, or whatever. I was waiting for the PSVR2 but it didn't land with quite the splash I was expecting, and Sony seems to kind of forgotten about it. But the Meta Quest 3 just released and it's looking pretty damn tempting. It has an AR function as well and if it's done right, could be the HoloLens we never got. I might be ready take the plunge. But there's a problem. A personal problem, but a problem nonetheless. You see, my backlog is fucking insane. We're talking a good 200+ games across Xbox, Playstation, Switch, and PC. And I cannot in good conscience spend the kind of money I would spend to add yet another platform when I have so many games I've already spent money on languishing away on various hard drives and memory cards. So I created a gimmick. I'm gonna make a game out of gaming. I'm calling it the Virtual 100. The Virtual 100 is a 10 x 10 grid of 100 squares, each square representing one game I need to remove from my backlog. When/If the grid is completed, I will have successfully removed 100 games from my backlog, effectively cutting it almost in half. For every game I complete, I will try to do a write up or a YouTube video tracking my progress. But wait, there's more! For each game I complete, and add to the grid, I will move $10 from my checking account into a savings. So not only will I have reduced my backlog by the time I am done, I will have saved up a cool $1,000 to invest into the VR of my choice. I have no illusions. I know this is going to take time. Probably a year. So by the time I finish this, if I ever do, who knows, maybe there will be something better out there on which to spend my cash. Perhaps it will be a different VR, or maybe it will be a Switch 2, or a Steam Deck successor. Whatever it may be, I'll have the funds to invest. I will update this thread regularly, each time I complete a game and do a write-up/video. Let's see how long I can keep this up before I grow bored with it and spend my money on something stupid like a vacation or an anniversary gift for the wife. Is this a dumb idea? Yes. Will I completely fail? Probably. But hey, it'll be fun while it lasts. Wish me luck!
  12. it's not the number of tracks, it's the variety. The ones they chose to launch FM with this time around all feel so samey. If you were to show me a screenshot of one of those tracks, I honestly probably couldn't tell you which one it was. They're fine when they're dispersed amongst other more unique tracks, but when you're just going from one to another to another, it gets real boring real fast. They've had so many visually excellent tracks in the past they could've thrown in there. Camino Viejo, the Burnese Alps, Fujimi Kaido, Prague, NY, Dubai, Rally de Positano... some of these might not be the most technical or complicated track layouts, but they were all visually impressive and would've really showcased the new tech. But instead they chose a bunch of bland golf course race tracks. That's what has me scratching my head.
  13. I don't think they should scrub it. I think they should take bits and pieces of it and re-work it in to a coherent, good game. Kind of like a Director's Cut. What I don't think they should do is give that shit a spit of HD polish and call it a day.
  14. Forza 4 did have the best track list lol. Honestly the biggest gripe i have with FM right now is that they probably chose the most boring set of tracks to launch with. When you're flagship featured track is Maple Valley you know you done fucked up.
  15. Is it though? RE6's story was nonsensical bullshit, even by Resident Evil standards. I fully believe they could make a standalone RE6 that focused on Sherry and Wesker Jr. and completely scrub Leon's, Chris's, and Ada's throwaway stories and not really lose anything in the way of meaningful canon. Just weave what small significance they had into cutscenes and cameos and it would work just fine. Nothing that has come since (RE7, RE8) has much to do with anything that happened since RE6 anyway. That's not by accident either, since RE6 was such a train wreck that it spurred a soft reboot of the entire series.
  16. While I am hopeful I see a Code Veronica remake, I'm actually kinda wanting Resident Evil 6. Not an RE6 remake.... a whole new RE6. I'd like for them to pretend that trash fire never happened and actually insert a good chapter. Because all of them actually hold up pretty well now, even jumping from RE4 Remake to o.g. RE5. But there's no redeeming RE6. Everything about that game was awful.
  17. The hoops you gotta jump through to get a decent discount on a Nintendo game lol.
  18. Wow, it crapped out before it even existed!
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