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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. The home theatre in my family room will be open. They must be including that if they are getting to 90%.
  2. Reviews were not allowed to talk about it. The Kotaku article I linked to earlier in this thread expressed some of the same frustrations in your post.
  3. At some point, it would be nice to see the "true" list of games that have been developed with PS5 (and not just backwards compatibility) that will be available this fall. My list so far: Full Games AC: Valhalla FIFA 21 Madden 21 "Smaller-Games" Spider-Man Miles Morales Am I missing anything that's already been announced? (FWIW, my interpretation is that Cyberpunk will be more-or-less the backwards compatible version this year.)
  4. Thanks for the recommendation. My personal highlights from the interview: This was awesome, as I am a huge fan of the X-Wing game -- my son and I play it quite a bit. Lots of other great stuff in there.
  5. That is incorrect. More work is done to bring a game to a PC -- however, given the size of the PC market, I can't imagine an Xbox game not being worth putting in the effort. If you have a capable enough gaming machine, the only reasons I can think of getting an Xbox is the inconsistent implementation of HDR on PC games, to get access to a larger library in GamePass and to take advantage of Xbox backwards compatibility.
  6. Kotaku: Here’s The Deal With The Last Of Us Part 2 Content to be aware of if you're on the fence (talks in more general terms about the violence in the game). (I don't think it has any spoilers in it, but may be too spoilery for the "uber-sensitive") On the leaks (of course, this one has spoliers):
  7. Wow. I don't know if this game will be good, but everything they are saying is EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. This looks like the old X-Wing/Tie-Fighter games brought into modern times.
  8. I really can’t see MS picking up WB. They’re more focused on volume of content, rather than picking up big AAA studios.
  9. I understand your point better now. I apologize if my reaction was stronger than it should have been.
  10. We need the reviews! Mine: Valentina: Valentina is a "Mexican-style" hot sauce that is fantastic for Tex-Mex foods. It has a very neutral flavour for foods, and does not have a strong distinctive flavour that a Jalapeno or Habanero pepper sauce might have. My typical usage for this sauce is on Tacos -- because it adds what I would consider a stereotypical "Mexican" flavour, without adding very much in the way of heat. Flavour -- 8/10 Heat - 2/10 Overall -- 7/10 "It may not bring the heat, but for Tacos, it is probably just what you are looking for."
  11. 1) Wo gave you the moral judgement to determine what a valid emotional reaction to consuming media is? Why do you think people need to apologize if their view is different than yours? 2) Jeff Canatta is not and never has been a games journalist. 3) He hasn't been callous. 4) There is no moral onus on Jeff, or anybody else to try and ensure that no one is "offended" by anything he says. Very little can be said of any import, that SOMEONE won't find "offensive". [In the current twitter lexicon, it appears to be anything than doesn't 100% conform to someone's preferences/beliefs.] People don't need to apologize for saying things that are kludgy, amateurish and juvenile.
  12. I’m using GoG galaxy as my launcher, which has made less concerned about which storefronts I buy a game from.
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