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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Not the same situation, but I ended up buying Breath of the Wild TWICE, preordered the Switch version without thinking that it might be hard to get a Switch opening night. Didn’t get a Switch until November that year, so the Friday release day I ended up buying the Wii U version digitally. I regret nothing!
  2. My brother in Christ, I’m begging you, stop doing this to yourself. Every time you feel the need to visit a Fox News page, watch a Harrison Ford movie instead.
  3. Yeah, Brian Cox thinks method acting is lame (and he’s right, it’s fucking LAME).
  4. They’re losers. Stop wasting your energy being angry at them. Live your life.
  5. Surprisingly not. They let their stuff get used in Abrams Star Trek. It was basically a running gag that Kirk was a Beastie Boys fan.
  6. I remember thinking “oh great here they go giving the team the half time motivation to win the match” and instead the video of Nate ripping up the sign actually goes to make the team TOO aggressive and sinks them further into the hole. Also, are they establishing that Nate also has a crush on Rupert’s secretary in addition to the woman at the restaurant?
  7. I’m enjoying it so far and I’m glad to see that it’s a hit.
  8. It never alarmed me more in hindsight than realizing we were teaching kids in the FIRST GRADE about how Jesus was tortured to death.
  9. Here’s the thing: He won ONE election, and it was mostly due to people being either complacent or “eh, what’s the worst that can happen?” Three years since the end of that presidency, people are seeing the effects of that presidency. Three Supreme Court Justices that HE appointed overturned a woman’s right to choose, and threatened to overturn more than that later (gay marriage). This past midterm was supposed to be a bloodbath for the Dems, and yet all the Republicans were able to do was BARELY get the House back, while the Dems were able to GAIN seats in the Senate. He’s done nothing but cost Republicans huge wins since he became their party leader. People are exhausted. They saw what four years of Trump was; bullshit, controversy, childish antics, a grown man playing on Twitter all day, America being a constant embarrassment on the world stage. Plus, we saw what happened when it came time for him to actually handle an actual emergency; the 2020 pandemic that was only supposed to last a month. No one wants to take a chance of putting him in the White House again.
  10. I need my third space when it starts getting warm. Winter time? Forget it. I’ll stay in on weekends when it’s cold and text friends. But yeah, this is the reason I love living in the city. I don’t drive and don’t ever intend on adding a car to my list of expenses.
  11. The trailer establishes her dad is Toby Jones’ character. And fuck, hearing one of my favorite songs transition into one of my favorite film scores is just an eargasm for me.
  12. I said it in the other thread, the app keeps defaulting to “For You” now and all I see are tweets from Trump‘s idiot kids and Charlie Kirk flooding the timeline.
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