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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. So my dream of Donald Trump dying alone because his actions led to ALL of his family going down for his crimes might come true?
  2. Devin Nunes has a stash of kiddie porn somewhere and the Russians know it.
  3. Meanwhile, it’s considered hate speech to call Ivanka Trump “white trash” on Facebook.
  4. Seriously, he needs to quit with that “enemy of the people” shit. Because I still hold that fat piece of shit more responsible for the reporters killed a few weeks back than the guy who actually killed them.
  5. Except this is also bullshit, because everything that has gone wrong since he's been President has been everyone else's fault according to him.
  6. Wait, Tucker Carlson has children? How did that date rapey prick pull that off?... I just answered my own question didn’t I?
  7. Man, remember when Rubio had that temporary spine and went punch for punch with Trump during that one debate? I almost rooted for him.
  8. I'd like to think the classic look for Air Force One is to kind of make it seem similar to other airplanes for safety reasons. I imagine Trump's design is "HEY GUYS THE PRESIDENT IS ON THIS PLANE!!!"
  9. That caller just reminded me why IQ tests need to be given before people are allowed to vote.
  10. As I said in the Discord, expect Trump to try and embarrass Acosta again in front of everyone, then say something stupid to Putin like "I wish I could take care of reporters like you're able to."
  11. The maxing out was around seven. The "fuck this I'm broke and I'll stop making payments and do a set payment plan with the credit card companies" was maybe a year or two ago.
  12. Sure. Let’s just ignore that Trump Tower meeting that wasn’t suspicious at all.
  13. I have shit credit so this thread just really depressed me even more. I maxed out two credit cards in a year long drunken binge after a bad breakup, losing my job, and grad school.
  14. I mentioned it in the Discord, but it was funny to read about Piers Morgan try to compare it to something like this being done to Barack Obama, ignoring the fact that Obama wasn't vilified like Trump is.
  15. The irony is a guy like him probably goes to Italian, German, and Irish pride festivals all the fucking time.
  16. I agree with all of these except for Black Panther. T'Challa is the most boring protagonist of all time in the MCU.
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