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Everything posted by legend

  1. Or these applications could just cryptographcially sign their data without a blockchain. The only argument I can see for the blockchain is "yeah but I don't want to host anything myself for my products. I'd rather make it everyone else's problem in perpetuity and at far less efficiency."
  2. You still buy them from Ubisoft and depending on how shifty Ubi is being, they can make it a "smart contract" where they get paid every time someone sells it.
  3. The last two episodes have been great, but I was really digging the "Dances with Massiffs" arc too.
  4. The main thing I got from that episode is we're going to get Grogu in tiny Mandalorian armor and it will be universally loved.
  5. This is a similar way that I think about wealth and my goals for society. That is, I am firmly opposed to complete uniform communism, but I'd love to reorganize our economic practices to make a society in which no one is in a constant state of financial anxiety about something bad happening. The change in psychological well being from scraping by to not worrying about what you'll do (financially) is enormous and likely has even more enormous ripple effects across society as more people reach that stage.
  6. I'd probably just build an organization and hire people to figure it out for me
  7. You can make more efficient blockchain consensus methods, but you will never beat the limited resource intensity of a centralized system. If nothing else, bear in mind by its very nature, blockchain makes *everyone* have to manage the ledger of your transactions even if only 0.000001% of the population of the people using that blockchain actually cares about those transactions; it must forever be a part of everyone's ledger. NFTs and the blockchain don't solve any actual problem; people keep trying to slap it on to things because of hype and/or the potential to scam more people.
  8. Perhaps, but it would be weird to start with a full KOTOR 2 remake instead of a KOTOR 1 remake. Seems like they should just do both and then do a proper third!
  9. The fan reconstruction to get closer to the "complete" version is better than the shipped version, but it still feels very unfinished. I'd say 2 very clearly had the potential to be better, but still falls short because of the incompleteness.
  10. That might help It sounds like you're saying you felt like KOTOR lacked a clear vision about what kind of game mechanics it wanted to have and ultimately compromised between different visions, rather than choosing one. Is that right? I don't think I really felt like it compromised myself, but I can understand that view better.
  11. Why does the source material matter? If the resulting gameplay is fun then other games can adopt it too regardless of whether they're adapting the same kind of source material; and if the resulting gameplay isn't fun, then you have a bad game that isn't worth playing or porting and the source material won't change that.
  12. It's never bothered me in any of the numerous games I've played that are real time with pause Seems like a good way to give you the strategy of a game that might require more possible actions than can be easily mapped to face buttons with some of the action.
  13. You usually wouldn't switch to fully control another character in KOTOR, so much as you would switch in the pause, issue commands, and then go back to your main character for the real-time part. This is why I think FF7R would be a really good match for KOTOR, because that's mostly how you control it too -- give commands to teammates, but otherwise control your main character and let the AI handle the basic actions and movement for the other party members.
  14. Sure, no objection to silliness! Although I don't think it landed that for me. It felt like they were trying to be exciting but weren't
  15. A footrace between two grannies with walkers might be appropriately slow too, but it still wouldn't be very exciting
  16. Crypto currency is a thief's wet dream. It's almost like the fundamental mechanisms that make the blockchain the blockchain are very bad design choices.
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