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Everything posted by legend

  1. I haven't had the chance to meet him in person because we work in different sub fields of AI/ML, but I do know of him. He was the inventor of generative adversarial networks (GANs), which is a method for learning a data's distributions so that you can synthetically sample new instances. For example, a lot of the AI generated images or "style transfer" methods you've seen are GAN-based methods. Although more recently, diffusion models are starting to take that field over. For example, the recent DALL-E 2 system from Open AI that generates images from text descriptions is a diffusion-based model rather than a GAN. Not that long ago, it probably would have been implemented using GANs.
  2. Even that can (and often is) handled better by other permissioned systems. The best argument argument for NFTs is the creator doesn't want to set up any infrastructure for the sale of their items and would prefer to make management of that process the duty of everyone else on the blockchain in perpetuity at vastly less efficiency and with far greater security risks. In short, it only helps assholes exploit the population at large, which seems like it reflects the current situation well.
  3. Beat the third boss after getting *much* more comfortable with the gun slinger class, which I found to be the best class for that kind of boss. I didn't use this class before because I was mainly using the D-pad and you can't really aim well with the D-pad. After adapting back to analog for this game, it was a way better fit. I've also unlocked all the classes and am about halfway through the next biome if I had to guess. Still no house rules used yet. We'll see how far I can manage this before I hit a wall I don't want to work through
  4. I'm all in for this absolutely ridiculous show!
  5. I don't typically care for TYT, but I endorse this rant.
  6. The third boss Naamah is *far* harder than the first two bosses. I feel like I do basically no damage to it and I have the +15% damage bonus item for it. That said, whenever I look up videos online of people beating it, their characters are substantially higher levels that I am now, so I wonder if that just means I need to do some grinding.
  7. That would be my guess as well because NFTs are in actuality a useless technology that solves nothing Take away the ability to sucker people into thinking they're somehow worth something and it crumbles.
  8. I at least hope Tom Holland's Spidey isn't over. I feel like he's only just coming into his own as a character. Largely, we've gotten early years Spidey from him, but I'd like to see him as the more matured confident Spidey. Him teaching Miles would be a great way to evolve his character, and introduce a new one though, so I'd totally be down for that.
  9. You're right of course. The entire political and legal system is a hot mess where asshole minority opinions get to actively damage people and meaningful consequences never seem to come for the worst actors. But at least they could do something more substantial than the current state of affairs.
  10. The entire democratic leadership should resign over this and put better people in charge. I'm so sick of their never-ending failures. If they can actually enshrine protection into law, I'd allow them to finish that, and then they should resign immediately following that. If they can't do that, then they should just resign now.
  11. I cannot adequately express my rage. And to dem leadership using this opportunity to fundraise: get fucked you incompetent pieces of shit. Fucking do something useful for a fucking change you brain dead antiques.
  12. Got through the first boss on my 4th try (I think it was). Starting to feel the hooks getting under my skin. I think my biggest issue with the game so far is that when you start a new run with a new dungeon, it can be hard to find where the next place you need to go is. If it were like Dead Cells where you could kind of go to multiple next areas, that might not be so bad, but I feel like I'm regularly finding areas where I know I don't yet have the tools I need yet (because they have a sign that tells you so ). The architect can mitigate that issue by locking the dungeon, and I certainly used him for making my multiple runs at the boss, but he costs way too much money to use regularly and it would be nice if there were easier ways to get to the area you need on your next run. EDIT: Found Pizza girl which gives you a way to mitigate that issue which is cool (though kind of pricey!) Oh, and 2 bosses down now.
  13. Well I made some progress getting the air dash and speak to sprit thingies. So that's something! I've been playing it on the Deck and it really is a great fit for it.
  14. I've considered using some house rules, but I don't think I've played enough to warrant it yet. That does sound like a good one though. I've always felt it was too asymmetrical that the player gets hurt for touching but not the enemy.
  15. Yeah Max is easily the most annoying boss for that reason. It takes so long to get up to him just to have him start his next invincible move.
  16. Yeah the slowness is pretty annoying. Cherry is weak, but that speed being the only character that can dash is so nice.
  17. Yeah Streets of Rage 4 is one of the ones we played over the weekend (along with River City Girls). It's short, but definitely solid.
  18. This makes me realize that I don't even know what commercial you're talking about because I almost never see TV commercials anymore due to my streaming habits. So maybe I'm not old, maybe I'm just out of touch!
  19. I've now also played some of his most popular tracks on Spotify. Don't recognize a single one!
  20. No worries. Now if you actually precisely remembered every personal detail I've ever shared... that might actually worry me
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