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Everything posted by legend

  1. It shows an outline red color over enemies and outline blue color over friendlies by default. However, I agree these are often hard to pick up quickly, and it turns out they have some pretty nice customization options that improve it. You can go to your settings and change what the highlight colors are for friendlies/foes. I used a choice I heard recommended which is setting foes to have the "pineapple" outline (bright yellow color) and allies with a bright purple (I forget the name) and it has made the distinction far easier to pick out quickly. If you're having trouble, I highly recommend playing with those settings.
  2. Well, this adds some clarity. This is from the Goyer's AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundationTV/comments/q8r4b0/david_s_goyer_foundation_showrunner_ama/hgr4eld/ Some other interesting aspects
  3. That's what I'm hoping isn't the case, because Honestly the notion of the "robot wars" itself is concerning that they'll fuck this up since it's hard to square away that concept with the laws. But Demerzel even in the books hides what they can do and what their true motives are. So maybe the same will hold here?
  4. I think that's plausible too and is what I'm hoping for. The key though, is her ultimate motivations should not be that it serves empire better, but that it serves humanity at large better. Thus far, she has verbally justified actions like killing the priest and Dawn even though she didn't "want" to, because it ultimately better served empire. If that ends up her goal it will be disappointing. But if she's just saying that's the reason, but in fact she does these things because it's necessary to keep humanity on track, then it's all gravy. We'll have to wait for later seasons to see how her story evolves to know for sure.
  5. Overall enjoyed it. I will be pretty disappointed if they don't come out with a Zeroth-law justification for Demerzel's actions and make zeroth-law central to the story. I can imagine some ways that would play out, but if they just threw the four laws into the garbage can, it's missing some of the most important points of the foundation-robot verse.
  6. My biggest problem with the weekly challenges is that it wasn't counting them. At post game I'd see it say I achieved it and then I went to my progress and it remained uncompleted. Apparently a bunch of people were having that problem.
  7. Won 2/4 games and played decently which I'll take! I'm definitely going to have to learn these new weapons, but I'm pretty happy with the feel of the pistol and AR. Still need to play a lot more for a full opinion, but so far this feels solid! I might finally play a MP shooter again!
  8. Xbox was the first console I preordered, and I and my some of my friends took that day off school to play it. Good times.
  9. Yeah the soundtrack is going a long way toward building my hype for a Halo game for the first time since Reach. If they wanted to reclaim the feeling of the original Halos, nailing the music was critical, and they're largely doing a bang up job.
  10. Which is funny, because I only got into anime after you got me to play Persona 5
  11. Hmm. If Metroidvania isn't your favorite, I'm not sure this will do anything to change your mind. But it is a solid Metroidvania.
  12. Yeah I can see how it's aiming for something new and I think it's a reasonable goal to make the player interact with an enemy that is a big threat but you later get the reward of killing it. It's kind of like in RPGs going back an annihilating things that gave you trouble before. But the way they executed it fell pretty flat for me.
  13. Why not just digitally sign items that get stored on the users computer? When you join a peer-to-peer game, everyone can validate that your items are legitly signed, just like they would if it was a reference to a transaction on a blockchain. I'm guessing you want to also add that users can trade the items, and the dev want's offset further transaction storage to the blockchain and otherwise not be involved in signing trades? If your game is that big of a hit that everyone also needs to be trading cards between each other, seems like a massively dick move to make the rest of the world pay a much larger bill than doing it yourself.
  14. If you are healthy and just take the hits while standing still and shooting the brain, then yeah that would be pretty fucking boring! I usually make an effort to not get hit at all which requires constant dodging and shooting, but I can totally see how it can become even more mindless depending on how you play it. But it's probably not worth arguing over how boring different weak parts of the game are though, I already agreed the brain boss battles aren't great either TBC, it's not just that it's a change of focus in the game, it's that it puts the focus on something I actively find boring. But this description is fine enough. I think when the EMMIs are designed to be a focal point of the game, it singles itself out! I'm certainly open to criticisms of the rest of the game though too. If you want to argue that other parts are even worse I'm open to that; I'm not really interested in ranking what is specifically the worst part of the game My point was my experience is usually an eye roll whenever I have to go through EMMI parts and I would enjoy the game much more if those parts were just removed and replaced with conventional boss fights or something of the like. For some reason, I only got into Metroidvania games relatively late relative to the length of my long gaming career (which started as far back as I can remember), and the last Nintendo console I had prior to Switch was an N64. So I think that's why I've largely missed them.
  15. Why do you keep coming back to it being a question of hardness and failing? Failing at something isn't my issue and I already said the sections aren't "hard"; I find them tedious. I've died far more times to the conventional bosses in the game than I have to any of the EMMI evade sections or kill sections, but my issue remains with the EMMI sections. I haven't played any of the other Metroids so I'm not making a relative ranking statement. My claim is that I think everything to do with the EMMIs tedious rather than fun, whereas I'm largely enjoying the rest of the game.
  16. Those are fairly boring too, but at least I'm paying more attention to dodging the shots they fire at you instead of running back and forth between doors in the run phase of an EMMI and holding down the trigger shooting at the same angle in the kill phase. The sins of the EMMI also stand out a bit more because it takes a much larger stage in the game. The game is called "Dread" because of the what they try to do with the EMMI's and it just feels tedious to me.
  17. That's all well and good, but I don't think it helps my core concern with it being a boring activity But if you like it, I'm glad it's working for some people!
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