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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. He only knows him by his new name, Cooter.
  2. If I use a controller wirelessly I use eneloops - As others have said they are better than charge packs because You can use the batteries in different controllers. If you bought a play and charge kit for the 360, you can't use that on your Xbone controller. They last long. I still have my batteries I used on my 360 controller years ago, they still hold a charge. Those play and charge kits were just rechargeable batteries anyway, but they were shitty and died after a couple of years. Generally since I'm sitting next to my PC I don't use it wireless and just have it plugged in with a USB cable.
  3. It was basically Brittney Brombacher hosting. Showed a new trailer, that was kinda like whatever, the bitrate in the video is ass. There will be a 1 hour demo where you can play two areas. They showed mercenaries mode, which looks like the mode from RE4 in first person. They showed off the netflix show. Then there was a bunch of sony people sucking them off for a couple of minutes before they ended that RE stuff will come to Dead by Daylight.
  4. Yeah, why does he keep blaming his girlfriend for all his errors? Like, bruh!
  5. If they brought back Chris would that... SHATTER YOUR EXPECTATIONS?!?!
  6. I would say there is some next level sblfilmsing going on ITT but that already happened in the NFT thread.
  7. Why should Netflix movies only be crappy movies you wouldn't go to a theater to see? I think Netflix movies (other than Adam Sandler ones) are better than that.
  8. As I said earlier the earliest I could find was May 11, and that was through KP.org The myturn website, or whatever it was, didn't show any appointments.
  9. Trickster has no armor, they get armor after getting a kill that depletes quickly. That being said I just got some epic trousers that after I use my time bubble give me 100% shields!
  10. So US uniforms look much better and you tried to drag them into this thread about your country's shitty look?
  11. It's a guitar. I guess his style is "slap style" and he plays with his fingers. He's got his own signature fender guitar as well. 【MIYAVI】 Signature guitar "MIYAVI TELECASTER®" on sale from 11/20 (Fri.)! | LDH - LOVE + DREAM + HAPPINESS TO THE WORLD - WWW.LDH.CO.JP 【MIYAVI】 Signature guitar
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