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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. If “diet culture” includes shit like detox teas / lollipops / supplements, the demonization of vegetables, fruits, grains, and fibers, focuses solely on calories in/out and not people’s reaction to those things, doesn’t include behavioral changes to help guide long term, sustainable changes… then yes, it’s toxic.
  2. RIP to a real one, I hope they microwave his corpse so it gets huge before they bury it. Ohioguy’s family company makes dum dums.
  3. Been a while since I played the original, but I don't remember quite as many enemies coming up behind you with few, if any, indication that they're there. I get it in vacuums, but I've been ganked from behind in a couple corridors with absolutely no warning.
  4. I have email correspondence of this idea in 2012. Expect to hear from my attorneys.
  5. The brand must be protected at all costs.
  6. This is the first episode of the series I felt was a little weak. I know this isn't the original series, but it feels weird that Vash, who always tried to save the spider and the fly, would be cool with Wolfwood just lasering a worm and then eating it? Especially after it seems like he'd be opposed to that when he doesn't chow down on the younger form. Wolfwood was fine, but I feel like we're running into Knives' goons everywhere. Again I know there was a slowish burn in the original show to get to where we really see what Vash CAN do and then longer to find out what it costs him to NOT do that. He seems a lot more aimless and random in this so far. We're not seeing as much of what life is like for normal people on Gunsmoke.
  7. SOME OF US have as many trophies for being an arsonist as we do for being a firefighter. It's like a coin doubler but for real life.
  8. So... I remember on the PS3 version, when you aimed the Plasma Cutter at something, the three dot sights could target things individually. Like if the leftmost dot hit something close, you'd see it there, but the other 2 dots could go further. Am I making that up? I remember it being a cool effect and it seems to not exist in this one?
  9. I do think this is the smartest thing they leverage from these movies being based on comics… most mainstream, serially published comics make SOME attempt to fill you in on what’s happening in any given issue, even if it’s book 3 of 4 in a series that has hundreds of issues. There’s stuff for the regulars and stuff for first timers. They’re only going to keep the shared universe stuff up as long as the juice is worth the squeeze. They already do this to some extent… Iron Man 3 might as well not have happened, Abomination and Leader were on the shelf for about 15 years, there have been almost no references to a Celestial hand sticking out of the ocean, etc. To say nothing about there being 2 different X-Men timelines that make no sense together, Deadpool’s existence makes no sense in-continuity, etc. There’s gonna be ANOTHER Fantastic Four, MORE X-Men shit, who fucking knows which Venom will show up where, etc. It doesn’t matter.
  10. But audiences don’t care. SOME people do, people like us who are terminally online and use that time to talk about movies do. But normal people don’t. More people showed up to Endgame than Infinity War and Endgame is the MOST dependent on context movie in the whole MCU.
  11. Ooooh I forgot just… the whole ending of Super Metroid. Incredible storytelling without a word being said.
  12. Well well well. Shinichiro Watanabe On Making ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And What He Thinks Of The Live-Action Adaptation WWW.FORBES.COM One of the most successful directors of anime is that of Shinichiro Watanabe. Known for his work on the original and entirely peerless 'Cowboy Bebop', I was more than happy to catch up with him and discuss his long and eventful career. You don’t say.
  13. This shit is actually way more like “true believer” cult bullshit than the stuff you normally hear from right wing pundits.
  14. Three Houses was the best selling FE game ever by a pretty wide margin IIRC, I think the school stuff probably had something to do with that.
  15. Blowing up Hitler's face in the NES Bionic Commando. The Psycho Mantis bullshit in Metal Gear Solid. Finding out Samus was a girl in the original Metroid. Would you kindly. Probably more if I thought about it.
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