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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. For those not in the know, TheQuartering is a right wing, misogynistic, sophomoric twat and should be deplatformed everywhere. The fact that he’s got better ideas about how to run Twitter than Elon is really something.
  2. Again, Elon is so fucking stupid that he forgot that places like AOL already tried this walled garden bullshit and it failed horribly. Unclear whether or not Elon knows and thinks this time it’ll work because it’s him or that he has no idea he’s picking spaghetti off the floor and throwing it at the wall again to see if it sticks. I’m sure it’s whatever of those options is stupider, because it’s him.
  3. All of these skull fuckingly stupid Libertopia ideas die on the vine or shortly after planting they will produce nothing and be entirely and wholly dependent upon external capital as well as the good will of every nation to simply not obliterating a floating city chilling in international waters fucking up trade and fishing. When you’re outsmarted by Ken Levine (someone’s gotta scrub the toilets in Rapture) before you leave port, you’ve fucked up. Also people have tried this stuff, and like every libertarian “idea” it blows ass and fails: The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM The long read: Last year, three cryptocurrency enthusiasts bought a cruise ship. They named it the Satoshi, and dreamed of starting a floating libertarian utopia. It didn’t work out
  4. This just isn’t true anymore and hasn’t been for awhile. Also I was pretty sure that stuff like preventing discussion / links / referrals to other platforms runs afoul of EU antitrust stuff, but I could be wrong and I’m sure technodunce Musk doesn’t give a shit anyway.
  5. Watched this yesterday. It's... fine. I'd put it at Thor The Dark World level and I like that even though I think it's the worst of the MCU movies. Perhaps relatedly, I think it suffers from some of the same problems. I don't think this movie really knows what it wants to be. If you want to establish Black Adam as a character who indiscriminately kills people and that this trait makes him dangerous at minimum and a villain at worst... maybe don't have a child celebrate as Black Adam butchers people? If you want to have The Justice Society be a necessary force for good around the globe... maybe don't have another character call them out on ignoring their country for decades without giving them a viable retort? The X-Men movies have set the bar pretty high for "guy does something cool in slo mo and then we see the consequences in real time" and this movie's take on that doesn't even leave the ground in an attempt to clear it. The cast all foes a pretty good job with what they're given in any specific scene, it just never really comes together. That makes it better than most of the DCEU movies, I guess. And I know the DCEU is more or less toast now, but did I miss something? Amanda Walker not only has the Justice League on speed dial but Superman just... shows up someplace she asks him to go in 5 seconds?
  6. How did nobody mark Messi on that possession. Just shockingly bad play by France and they’re lucky it’s not 3-0
  7. This latest kerfuffle showing that Musk doesn’t know what doxxing means is endlessly funny and pathetic.
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