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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Blowing up Hitler's face in the NES Bionic Commando. The Psycho Mantis bullshit in Metal Gear Solid. Finding out Samus was a girl in the original Metroid. Would you kindly. Probably more if I thought about it.
  2. Everything in that house white except @sblfilms himself.
  3. LOOPHOLE if you're within three feet of a female non-prostitute but ALSO surrounded by a bunch of dudes you get to jerk off with the boys! This is how we win.
  4. Also the whole “guilty until proven innocent” lament doesn’t apply when the courts aren’t involved? This observation is always so silly to me.
  5. Plenty of chuds exist, they don't always attract this level of attention for what is a fairly milquetoast cartoon.
  6. There are absolutely plenty of reasons why the fandom cannot do this while she is alive and profiting from the IP, even if they had the will to, which they do not.
  7. Putting technology aside for a moment, we're a far way off culturally for these technologies being used to care for people like the elderly. They will have the everliving bejeezus monetized out of them before that happens. If we could snap our fingers and have Trek style replicators now, the notion that they'd end up in the hands of normals is more far fetched than turning energy into a turkey club.
  8. Getting people to comply with good documentation practices and basic security stuff outside of environments where government secrets are involved is a pain. It's strange to me that some people I know who won't log into their company VPN unless someone stands behind them with a gun to their head and who take a month to bless something in DocuSign seem shocked that people are bad at documentation, as if getting paid by the government somehow makes you good at this.
  9. The way spores exist in game doesn't really effect gameplay at all and they're not a threat in developed areas where people live IIRC, it makes sense to shift it up to some extent on the show.
  10. I don't have strong feelings about Kailing one way or another, but I'm SURE the fact that she's a woman of color has nothing to do with this show getting roasted to the extent that it is.
  11. He absolutely should. Hey @Kyio log off FFXIV and stop selling home interior solutions and post.
  12. I have no idea if it is or isn't, I haven't read up on it at all. I kinda assumed they might if they're gonna show the July bit as it happens and not via flashback, but that's just speculation on my part.
  13. I think I watched the series on Blu-ray and IIRC a bunch of the menus and stuff had questions about the mysteries of the show that... the show didn't end up addressing or were red herrings. So yeah I suppose the fans did it to themselves but it's also something the marketing team ran with and encouraged, it didn't come out of nowhere.
  14. Fair enough. I haven’t read any of the books with her in them since they were initially released I think? Probably? I hope I feel differently about her now.
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