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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Gamers are bad at walking away from things they like and are invested in. D&D is one of the more convoluted and expensive RPGs out there but it's still the most popular by far. Obviously a lot of people have been funneled into it from content not made by WotC but the second biggest RPG is Pathfinder and it's an enormous drop in terms of player count and revenue between them. I suspect this will move the needle a bit, but D&D is going to be just fine. To wit, a good deal of the chatter online around... most big Games Workshop releases, be it paint, new editions, etc., is critical at best if not straight up negative. But it generates clicks so creators don't feel like they can ignore it. Even painters who don't really play ANY games will fuck with Warhammer models and tutorials on their channels because it brings in views. So I dunno where this goes, really. But similar to videoogames, I suspect your average person who sits down at a table to play a D&D campaign doesn't really care about this.
  2. Just confirmation that nothing's actually been signed yet. Games Workshop still in talks with Amazon over Warhammer film and TV deal, as it reports slowing profits - Business Live WWW.BUSINESS-LIVE.CO.UK Back in December the Hollywood Reporter said Henry Cavill would star in and executive produce an adaptation I I really wonder what's going on with Cavill and his representation / communication. There seem to be a lot of issues lately.
  3. I played more of the Tiger Castlevania 2 gizmo than I care to admit.
  4. Inconsistently enforced rules are bad and I don't blame people for being bent out of shape that something intermittently enforced is actually being enforced regardless of whether or not I think the restriction is reasonable (which I do). From what I know YouTube is better for content creators than other platforms, especially for the very popular accounts which I'd wager all generally conform to this now anyway.
  5. You don’t spend $70 to eat a 100 hour meal at Golden Corral. BSG games coast on vibes I enjoy, mods, and the notion that I like digitally cleaning my room, so my body is ready for Starfield even though I know there’s a lot that will be shit.
  6. I mean... sure. But it's a completely reasonable complaint for someone who depended on a stream of revenue from certain videos to have that cut off, again saying nothing about how "the first X seconds" of content needing to be free of specific words is just arbitrary.
  7. Heavy Rain’s “pilot twist” is one of the worst moments in storytelling in any medium I’ve ever encountered, to say nothing of the fat that there’s very obviously cut content and threads in the game, the initial hooks for which were just left in and end up going nowhere. It’s not a poorly made game per se, but the execution of the story is so fucking bad.
  8. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to complain that your source of income changes its rules on a whim, enforces them inconsistently, and communicates everything poorly. And the notion that YouTube is doing this because they’re averse to “controversial content” when conspiracies, misinformation, and hate speech are all over the platform is just goofy as hell.
  9. I absolutely get not liking those games, and I can get how someone could like Until Dawn and not like The Quarry. I don’t get how someone could like how one plays and not like how another one plays tho.
  10. I’m not a military wonk by any means, but… shouldn’t all of these be treated with much more skepticism after Russia derping all over Eastern Europe?
  11. The Ant-Man movies have been run and Jonathan Majors is great. I'm pumped.
  12. Coming to us all the way from Pakistan, what a world.
  13. It is so wild to watch companies like Hasbro go the the IP equivalent of full austerity measures for the same reasons right wingers do... the notion that someone else might make a penny off "their" dollar drives them fucking insane.
  14. I know this seems trite, but these things happen. We had to put our rebound cat down about a year ago. We noticed some lumps that were growing quickly but we moved pretty fast, but not the moment we noticed something was up. They took wide margins and cleared all visible tumors, but within a few weeks they were back and larger and she didn't have long after that. You can only do what you can do, and you're doing as much as you can. That counts for a lot.
  15. I don’t get how someone could like Until Dawn but not this, that’s kinda wild to me. Anyway I really like this game lul
  16. I swear you're the only one who won't let Pokemon Go to the polls go.
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