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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. The only stumble in LeBron’s career was how he handled The Decision. That’s it.
  2. Imagine hating on LeBron for wanting to be like Mike when there’s literally an entire industry dedicated to letting people buy a slice of that pie.
  3. The best Mass Effect Trilogy upgrade would be a mod that eliminates all combat and makes it the visual novel it desperately wants to be. Or make the combat better, which... OLO
  4. I wonder a lot about the extent to which this concern is generational. If you spend most of your gaming time with Fortnite, CoD, etc., where the planned obsolescence is to some extent, part of the affair... do you care as much about something like this happening? Not trying to imply this is less shitty than it is, just thinking aloud.
  5. Catholic. I gave up Catholicism for Lent around the time of my confirmation and never looked back. Despite identifying as agnostic for a few years after that and as atheist since then, I cannot get off my high horse or help laughing when I see Protestants thinking they can trick god with being born again, having all the sex except vaginal, etc. It's not like I believe in confession or that there's a god to fool, even... I don't like that instinct but I haven't been able to purge it completely. "I have a personal relationship with Jesus." OH DO YOU? LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL Sigh.
  6. This whole conversation reminds me of tech that was developed at my previous company. They had fitness trackers and had hacked PDAs to collect data from them that could then be transferred to a computer. They built scales that could do this, glucometers, used (among other things) Apple Newtons so that the handwriting recognition would make data entry of things that couldn't be captured by trackers easier for the user. The problem was this shit happened in the late 90's / dot com boom. The tech involved a shitload of cables, the fitness tracker would give Batman's utility belt size envy, you had to replace batteries all the time, carry around an Apple Newton, etc. The founder of the company has patents on all of this stuff. The idea and the tech were ahead of their time and when companies like Fitbit came around they'd moved onto other things and the patents were specific enough that the founder couldn't go after them. I don't think there's any doubt that at some point things like proof of ownership of physical goods will get more advanced than a physical slice of paper in an office somewhere or some bits of data, as Ghost said, on redundant servers in different physical locations to guard against catastrophe. I don't think we have direct line of sight on what that's going to end up being right now, as NFTs / blockchain create more problems than they solve. So do I think someone's going to invent the car to the current horse drawn carriage? Yeah, I do. But if I'm on my horse now, I don't see an NFT / public ledger in their current form being the equivalent of the automobile, anymore than you could look at my old company's enormous utility belt, Apple Newton, sync cables, etc. and a Fitbit and see the connective tissue.
  7. What @sblfilms said is right. Also the only thing that makes American dicks harder / pussies wetter than thinking about guns is thinking about big, aggressive automobiles dominating the landscape.
  8. Pretty sure she gave Cap his shield back and Sam the Falcon suit back in Civil War. I don’t think she shows up after that, but everyone in that scene is on the run at that moment.
  9. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Come on, you're so close. Stop edging, just bust. It'll feel great.
  10. The Braves would love to tomahawk chop voting rights restrictions. Also its'... what fucking goobers.
  11. @Oberon I put the second part of your post in spoiler tags. Seems like some people here haven't read the book so I figured it was better to err on the side of caution.
  12. DIVX - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG It’s interesting to read about in hindsight.
  13. This, exactly. Let’s talk about how we’ve been talking about Kaepernick for YEARS now despite the entire controversy being completely manufactured nonsense. ”KEEP POLITICS OUT OF SPORTS,” now stand for the anthem, watch a bunch of fighter jets buzz the stadium to the tune of several million dollars, and check out a bunch of Marines folding the flag. Meanwhile during all of this I can walk up to the concourse and buy beer or merch while the anthem is playing, so these leagues don’t give enough of a shit about “the flag” to prevent me from buying a $9 beer for two goddamn minutes. So if doing this is a performance art piece designed to protect voting rights? Let’s watch the fucking show. I don’t care.
  14. Also let’s be clear that voters in Georgia just did great work and all of this shit is the GOP trying to punish fuck them as revenge and to ensure it never happens again. The right wing propaganda machine doesn’t give a fuck about anything aside from rigging the game in their favor. Trump needed to have reminders written in big fat sharpie that he didn’t commit crimes and now Fox is out there implying that Biden is an invalid for needing a teleprompter. They will contort themselves into any position if it allows them to nail themselves to the world’s most shoddily constructed crosses. It just doesn’t fucking matter. Congressional approval ratings don’t matter. The answer to all of these questions is money. So to Georgia I say sincere thank you for delivering two Democratic Senators and sorry that I hope all of these locally based businesses get shamed and financially compelled to do something to protect voting rights. It’s absolutely not fucking fair, but what the fuck else are you going to do when one party is just out there rewriting the rule book after people started the game.
  15. Everything fuels the right wing persecution complex. I care way more about voting rights long term than I do about short term economic pain even though I acknowledge it’s absolutely shitty for people.
  16. Good. Get sports and film / movie production our of Georgia until they get their fucking shit together.
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