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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Families making $400K+ a year should have the absolute fucking bejeezus taxed out of them regardless of where they're living.
  2. It is not "sit down and do careful budgeting" territory at all the way that it is for the overwhelming majority of people and claiming otherwise is preposterous. It's "where do we go on vacation and for how long," money, not, "can we go on vacation," money. It's, "how often can we have our home cleaned by someone else," money, not "this second shift cleaning at home is a drag," money. It's "what private schools are we sending out kids to / do we need another tutor / let's send our kids to college without them having to take on loans money," not, "state school and fingers crossed for a scholarship," money. It's, "I'll cook occasionally because I like to and it's take out, restaurants, and personal chefs for the rest of the time money, not, "what's on sale," money. Etc., etc., etc. If you're making $400K in Manhattan, with two kids, and you have to think about money, you're living a lifestyle with luxuries you could afford to lose easily and still live well beyond the means of almost everyone else. Again, it's > 3X the median household income in the upper east side specifically and > 4X the median household income for Manhattan broadly. It's rarified air. I've no doubt that if you're making $400K in the upper east side, you're rubbing elbows with people making way more, but if you're dumb enough to try to keep up with the Joneses who are the 1% to your own 1%, you're not worthy of sympathy. If Trump's mortgage interest deduction hosed them to the point that it affects their lifestyle, they fucked up.
  3. This enrages me so much. Forget “major cities,” $400K is more then 3X the median household income on the upper east side! And if you’re making $400K a year and you “have to” take a staycation, then you’re spending that money on an absolute shitload of luxuries. These assholes making $400K have the money to fabricate their own crosses and nail themselves to them, they have the money to go somewhere on vacation even if they have to settle for... shudder... business class or economy plus. EDIT - also you can configure a Land Cruiser to be $70K+, eat shit.
  4. Seems likely? Who knows. She was the CEO of Stark Industries as of... Iron Man 2? I think? I can’t remember.
  5. I think he made him "heir" of a good amount of his tech, beyond that I don't think we know.
  6. I am sure the character COULD be rehabilitated but honestly... why? Just do something new. I agree w/the backend of your post.
  7. I don’t think a character who weeps in the shower and takes a plunger to his face after realizing he kissed “a man,” then reveals the genitals of a trans person to everyone’s over the top disgust was ever “progressive.” Yes that aged poorly but it was really bad to begin with.
  8. The action scenes are generally pretty good. If you like Snyder action in general you’ll probably like what you get here.
  9. I’d have hoped this character would be too problematic to bring back but... here we are.
  10. Iris West (not named in the movie, LUL) is in a convertible and gets hit by a truck that also smashes a hot dog cart. Flash uses super speed to save her. While he’s moving at super speed and everything else around him is in slo mo, he tenderly caresses Iris’ hair after they exchanged doe eyes earlier. He’s also applying for a job as a dog walker, so while in super speed and saving Iris’ life, Barry also takes a hot dog that’s flying through the air near Iris’ face so he can use it as a treat for the dogs. Also because Snyder there’s music playing over all of this.
  11. The hot dog is the funniest thing Snyder has ever shot, there’s no denying that.
  12. When we were out drinking, our bartender wanted to practice English with me, and when she realized I was straight, she apologized to me because she was gay and I wouldn’t be able to date her. I am not sure what privilege you could possibly mean.
  13. I’ve been thinking a lot about times I was in Korea, Japan, or Thailand for work, basically alone. I think I’ve talked about one of the times I was in Tokyo, where I ended up taking a coworker out to some gay clubs as his straight wingman, got unexpectedly blackout drunk, and made it back to my hotel room with no memory of doing it. At the time, I thought he asked me to take him out because we’d gotten to know one another on the trip or because we were the last ones there since our flights out were the next day. And maybe that’s right. Or maybe he felt safer with a straight, white dude in tow, even a 5’7” soft one like me. Maybe he thought it’d be less likely someone would try to fuck him up if he wasn’t alone coming out of the club. I don’t know because it never occurred to me to ask. When shit like this happens, I hate that I felt safer, alone, drunk, almost 7,000 miles from home in a country that isn’t mine, than so many people do here, in their own home or place of business. I don’t know what to do about it.
  14. Don’t “barely touch” people incapable of giving consent, this isn’t difficult. Save her life, yes, of course, you don’t get to caress them.
  15. He’s tenderly touching a woman who can’t consent to being touched. There’s no other way to look at it.
  16. PART VI: Return of the Kal Clark is so dumb in these movies. Shame that the best material Cavill is given standing ramrod straight, shirtless, barely deigning to mingle with normal humans unless they’re his mom or girlfriend. Wonder Woman knows a lot about cybernetics, machinery, and hacking in the movie more than I remembered. Weird editing again, Kansas, the Batcave, back to Kansas. This is a Frankenmovie to a ridiculous degree. Also what the hell didn’t anyone give Cavill a straight back hairline or a better piece? The back of his head looks fucking weird. Superman Christ pose, smash cut to butt rock... just in case you’d forgotten whose movie you’ve been watching. This last fight is pretty good, and better. Flash doing Flash things is pretty cool too! EPILOGUE Well that was completely unnecessary. OVERALL Man what a weird one. I think Cyborg and Steppenwolf are both better off in this movie than the original cut. Cyborg is meaningfully better. That said, Steppenwolf’s motivation is immediately kneecapped by not one but TWO more important things showing up in this movie! Oh shit it’s Darkseid! Oh shit it’s the anti-life!! This movie didn’t need any of that I don’t think it’s made better by Darkseid standing on top of something he’d been looking for forever without realizing it and establishing a bigger bad in the same movie. You wanna tease Thanos in the Avengers? Fine. You wanna show Darkseid getting his ass whooped, then have Steppenwolf simp for him, then also have him be a bigger threat than Steppenwolf? Pick a fucking lane, it’s too much. Aquaman and Batman aren’t too different here, aside from Aquaman continuing to be Snydered by having nothing but contempt for everyone around him unless they’re also gods. Superman here is peak Snyder, too. Christ posing, telling Steppenwolf he’s not impressed just for the flex. It’s not a good take on the character, but Snyder doesn’t understand Superman so that’s not surprising. Flash... I dunno. The Speed Force stuff was cool, but the slo mo with Iris was so creepy. Wonder Woman... man fuck this. If he knew kids were watching, fucking Homelander wouldn’t murder terrorists like that, Jesus Christ. You wanna decapitate Steppenwolf, fine, he tried to destroy the planet, go nuts. But throwing normal dudes into walls so hard that their heads leave bloodstains on the walls is fucking absurd. And to have the schoolgirls look on, inspired, instead of horrified, is just ridiculous. She’s MUCH worse in this cut. MUCH. I like Preacher, I watch The Boys, I’ve read The Authority, I’ve got no problem with superhumans, even ostensibly good ones, being violent. This isn’t Superman v Zod. It’s pointless, it’s out of character, it’s bad. It’s Snyder, and it sucks shit. The Martian Manhunter stuff is fucking dumb too. Lemme gaslight Lois Lane, NOT help in the fight against Steppenwolf, say hi to Batman, and then bounce. This movie is too long, get this out of here. The editing is all over the place and the pacing is terrible. We have two LONG fights with the Amazons that add little to the overall plot. We’re introduced to Lois Lane and Victor two or three times and literal hours before they have anything to do. We get two Aquaman intros, two Flash intros. Cyborg says he can make Batman’s jet fly, then later everyone’s surprised that he did the thing he said he could and was going to do. Superman has a moment with Lois in the Kent house. Then outside the Kent house. Then outside the Kent house with Lois and Ma. Then a slow walk through his ship. Then a moment with Alfred. Then he poses in space. It’s too fucking much. And because it’s Snyder, he contradicts himself all over the fucking place. Batman’s “mistake” in BvS was that if there was a small chance that Superman could go rogue, he needed to be taken out. His revelation in Justice League is that he was wrong and needs to atone for that mistake. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut we also see that if Lois dies, Superman punish fucks the earth. So... Batman was originally right? We get more Pa / Jor-El dialog about how humanity will be inspired by Superman and he will lead them to the stars... then the stinger is an earth that he scorched. Make up your fucking mind, Snyder, Jesus Christ. So is the Snyder Cut good? I dunno. It’s 4 hours of scenes, some of which are surprisingly good, but I don’t think it’s a good 4 hour movie. Is this better than the original cut? There’s content here that’s better. But does that balance out Wonder Woman becoming a murderer, Flash becoming a creep, and the movie being twice as long? Maybe? It’s fine. It’s like... Thor or Captain Marvel good, but too fucking long, too badly edited, and then the epilogue kneecaps everything Batman and Superman learned. Out of all Snyder movies, this is the Snyderest. Oh and the aspect ratio for a home release absolutely blows ass.
  17. PART V: The Final Frontier (lol it’s not) Batman and Wonder Woman knew Superman... letting Flash and Victor exhume him feels mean. Force majeure brand pregnancy tests is a fucking riot, LOL. And as we all know, women keep pregnancy tests in their bedside table, where they pee. Shouts to the Justice League for letting Clark Kent’s personal effects fall into Kryptonian sludge, treating them with the same respect I treat Taco Bell wrappers. I still think the fight against Superman is goofy and just there for SFX porn. It’s unnecessary, especially in a 4 hour cut where we’ve had a lot of action so far. Also Lois just out there name dropping Clark in front of the police and the army is something. Not a great Lois movie, honestly. At least Batman helped a soldier up and checked to see if he’s okay.
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