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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. It does but I feel like watching it on a Vita would enhance how stupid the whole affair is.
  2. Maybe I’ll bust out my Vita for the Snyderest cut possible.
  3. I watched a random 10 minutes of Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Justice is Grey; This Time It’s Personal / It’s Just Been Revoked I can confirm it looks bad.
  4. Racism was over once I announced I’d have voted for Barry a third time.
  5. True. I’d assume that as people derp and try to get cute about the software handling of this shit, they’d need humans to engage as well, which is all I meant.
  6. In case Zack Snyder’s Justice League was TOO COLORFUL for you, Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Justice is Grey is now available to stream. Snyder’s heroes see things in black and white, in a black and white version of a movie, from a director who worships at the altar of an objectivist, being in a movie where justice is apparently grey... I’d like to report a murder, the victim is irony.
  7. This is so fucking dumb. Pay humans to moderate this shit. It’s hot hard and Facebook has more money than pharaohs. Almost like they don’t want to get rid of this content for some reason.
  8. The only “defense” of gun rights at this point is, “it’s in the constitution.” This is legally compelling of course but the constitution has been amended and should be again to purge the second. There are no compelling moral or practical arguments that support it anymore. There were almost 40,000 firearm deaths in 2019. It’s ridiculous. Any choice we make is going to have collateral damage. If we could snap all guns out of American hands would this mean that somewhere, someone who would have been able to defend themselves would be unable to do so? Yes. And I truly sympathize, and this gets to the suggestions that mclumber had earlier. But gun ownership is the disease, not the symptom. It needs to be treated.
  9. Imagine not being able to write about a game because you’re worried that the US is going to fuck with your visa. Also a procedurally generated Fallujah in the interest of keeping players on their toes is... ugh I don’t have the words.
  10. Same except I bit on the PS5 in the meantime because I’m a lunatic. I wonder if they’ll redo the Elusive Targets on Steam.
  11. Ah, interesting. Since I’ve been in the Apple ecosystem since before the iPhone launch, I tend to hoard all my media there.
  12. IV and VI are legitimately awesome. I think I is fine, II is good. III and V... I’ve never been able to get into them. The job systems in both just feel like a huge slog to me.
  13. You mean 1 - 6? They’re okay. III and IV got ported to the DS at some point and had 3D versions made, which is what Square sells now. I - III and V look like “enhanced” versions of the original games and didn’t get the polygonal treatment. I can’t remember what the PSX versions brought to the table.
  14. Turns out that the objective "Destroy the Icon of Sin" was a REALLY BAD PLACE to abandon the game for a year, Jesus Christ.
  15. A $30 rental seems bananas to me, whereas I would probably pay $30 to see it at launch and then "unlock" ownership or whatever at a later date. No idea how common this sentiment is, and I recognize how plainly this exposes the extent to which digital "ownership" is very weird.
  16. If we're talking about things to stop gun violence specifically, this is putting a one of those little circular band-aids on a necrotic wound. I agree that all of these should be done, this will have little impact on gun violence. Guns need to be taken out of the hands of civilians. Ban all gun sales Implement compelling buyback programs Anyone who commits any misdemeanor whatsoever, and certainly any greater crime, should have all guns confiscated forever, the right to purchase any gun revoked forever, the use of any gun banned forever Mental health programs as a means to combat gun violence are red herrings The war on drugs as a means to combat gun violence is a red herring Investing in poor neighborhoods as a means to combat gun violence is a red herring A DIY background check system is not remotely adequate After the events in January, the notion that a well-armed populace is going to be some kind of speed bump on the road towards an authoritarian government takeover has been exposed as fantasy. We cannot be trusted with the right. It needs to be abolished. I didn't always think this way, I'm sure there's still ink on IGN somewhere where I'm stanning for the second amendment, and probably here too, before the great D1Pderp. I still think shooting guns as target practice is fun. I took my brother and his buddies to a firing range for his bachelor party, I've got photos of me and a buddy of mine who served in the Navy during our drives up to a firing range not far over the New Hampshire border. And to wit, when the violence was more contained to "gangland" or I was more willing to engage in mental gymnastics about how suicides "didn't count" I could contort myself into a position where I felt that enough people could be trusted as to make retaining the 2A worth the spilled blood. I just can't do it anymore. And I've lost the ability to see how anyone could rationally think it's worth keeping. Emotionally? Sure, I get it. But practically? No... no.
  17. Egoraptor has a pretty storied history using the n-word. I know that was part of the newgrounds brand to an extent, but still. I haven’t listened to any of his content in a while, no idea if he still does that.
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