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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. In terms of vibes, fairly accurate. The beats are the same in broad strokes but a lot has been sped up (the Omni-Man swerve doesn’t happen until something like the 10th issue), there are fewer side characters on the show, there’s been some changes to the races of some of the characters (Mark and his mom, Amber), etc.
  2. @brazil201 logged on this Thanksgiving. Post again, you coward.
  3. Funnily enough, I would wager 100% of the Dragonball content I have consumed has been via memes. I don't think I've ever seen it in passing on TV unless we're being super literal and I happened to be passing a TV in which it was on and not actively watching it, in which case... yeah probably.
  4. "Male auteurs stop making shit gobbling movies that kind of work better when you dedicate an entire afternoon to the affair" challenge. Imagine being this fucking dumb.
  5. Absolutely never. Perhaps some of that media was a bit of its time, but I think Star Wars overall works best when it's big, operatic, and its heroes are good guys tempted by evil, and the bad guys keep manufacturers of mustache twirling wax flush with cash. The whole, "there are shades of grey, man," stuff works well in a series like Andor and I wouldn't want that to be anything other than what it is.
  6. It's a big problem in the comic too and I don't think it ever really works. Kinda funny that Omni-Man ends up getting exactly what the worst kind of viewer wants Homelander to get. No specific spoilers for the comic, just general overall impressions of the whole thing.
  7. This is encouraging, I'll probably check it out. I still like the movie a lot, but the bag fumbling with the ending as well as the movie's strange notion that Scott and Knives should end up together is really fucking weird in hindsight. It just skates because the affair is so kinetic and fun.
  8. VERY handy for when you want to know what the worst people online think about a game going woke or read about how Asian people are ugly.
  9. Cowboys - All my Money 1) Lamb 2) Montgomery 3) McCaffery 4) Hill 5) Jags, Saints, Rams
  10. Surprised Elon can travel freely in California after he registered his hands as lethal weapons with the state.
  11. The series doesn't shit on homosexuality and Sanderson doesn't vibe with that so... he'll stick to finishing titty obsessed stories where dudes have multiple wives which is much more his speed.
  12. I genuinely don’t dislike him but I can’t think of an actor that’s enjoyed his level of success whose filmography is as dismal.
  13. You definitely can send SMS over WiFi. Maybe you need to enable WiFi calling or it’s a carrier setting or something? I dunno. But I know I can and have done it.
  14. This was really fun. Aside from maybe a missed opportunity to get more into some of the stuff Carol was dealing with and giving the villain a bit more juice, no real complaints. It’s not groundbreaking or anything but it’s good. It does a good job of avoiding the common pitfalls that a dude centric, similar movie would have around Carol and Kamala interacting, which was nice.
  15. Vikings for all my money Vikings FG 8 Watt McCaffery / Brown Seahawks, Browns, KC
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