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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Hail to the queen, raw milk goobers can eat (or more accurately, drink) shit.
  2. Fun fact, some of the "probiotics" in raw milk get in there via cow shit.
  3. There should be a newer Lyme vaccine coming out soon, which is great news especially as the globe continues to cook.
  4. She's a musician, she's rich, and she's 5'11". If she knows the rules to Twilight Imperium I'm calling a drone strike on Kelce.
  5. So rad. Now make a therapy that eliminates the possibility for me to get sunburned or tick borne illnesses and I will be unstoppable.
  6. Minors, no, but kids under 5 shouldn't be eating raw fish because they're more susceptible to foodborne illnesses and the implications of a toddler having food poisoning / diarrhea are significantly more serious than an adult experiencing the same thing. The majority of people consuming raw fish are not children, the majority of people drinking milk are. It's the same with stuff like cured or smoked meats, rare beef, raw / undercooked eggs, etc. Raw milk provides no demonstrable nutritional benefits. There is only added risk.
  7. I'd care a lot less about this if milk was mostly consumed by adults, but it's generally young children. "Parental choice" shouldn't be a thing when it comes to feeding kids foods that are demonstrably more dangerous than an alternative with no demonstrable upside. There's just no valid reason for this beyond "get the government out of our food" paranoia. It's moronic.
  8. I wouldn't have guessed that McCarthy is younger than Cantor. Also Ryan is clearly the smartest of the lot; he rigged the game, secured the bag, and got the fuck out of dodge.
  9. Yeah that's all spot on. It's been about 2 decades since I worked in psych directly, but then (and since, based on people I know who still work in that field) my impression was that addiction, generally, was perceived pretty differently from other illnesses. Not that everyone accepts the disease model of addiction nor accepts that certain things CAN be an addiction (sex addicts in particular still take their fair share of shit based on what I hear). But most people accept that something like alcoholism is real and that dealing with it likely requires external help. Stuff like ADHD? I think it's more accepted now but there are still a lot of people who think it's the same thing as lacking focus or discipline. But again, in broad strokes you're right; the al-anon equivalent group I join regularly has me as the youngest participant and I'm 43.
  10. The number of people I deal with who insist on being contacted via app/method X because they’re “not good” with app/method Y is roughly infinity. To say nothing of people who ask me to remember that blocked time on their calendars is a suggestion but tentative time is when they’re overbooked, as if they always respond to invites immediately, etc. I don’t doubt that there are legitimate generational differences in work style, attitudes, approaches, etc. But shit like onboarding and dedicated internal trainers are almost always on the chopping block when the layoff headsman starts coming for internal people after contractors are let go.
  11. This is all true, and I wonder about the extent to which younger people being more likely to seek help for these things contributes to the proliferation. I know a of of people in my parents’ generation or who are maybe 15ish years older than me who regularly talk about symptoms of what seem to be anxiety or depression who simply assume “that’s life.” Almost everyone my age or younger who has means is or has been in counseling at some point if they’ve had those issues.
  12. I mean sure, but as someone who “learned” by having flash cards drilled into my head until they were indelible (when I think of basic addition in my head, I STILL see them in “colors” that correspond to the different colored index cards my parents used, 3+4 = 7 will always be “blue” to me), I just don’t think I’m in a position to know which approach is best. Again, unless I’m remembering things incorrectly, a lot of these methods are based on what’s used in other countries that typically have better mathematic achievement than the US. A lot of this is failure of on the job training and enforcement of norms. If I hadn’t worked in a regulated environment my whole adult life I wouldn’t be inclined to write dates in the DD MMM YYYY format, which is the only way to be clear, I wouldn’t be inclined to use strict folder structures to be able to find documents if sponsors or the FDA come knocking, etc. And all of that are things that need to be beat into people’s heads and even in those contexts, people just… don’t care unless they’re constantly monitored. Every desktop is a digital hate crime, every browser is a mass grave of tabs, people with access to PHI regularly leave their workstations unlocked when they go to get coffee or piss, etc. I just don’t buy that Gen Z is somehow “worse at working” than other generations when it comes to technology, they’re just more likely to see shit for the first time in a university or professional setting then people my age. And my guess is way more than half the boomers or millennials can’t work the fucking scanner or printer either, they just try to get someone else to do it for them.
  13. I don’t blame parents for wanting to be tethered to their kids when school shootings are such a concern or when they can get CPS called on them for their kids being “unsupervised.“ But I’m not a parent, so… what do I know? Unless I’m completely misremembering things, teaching kids math this way does set them up to be better able to do and understand other calculations as opposed to the reliance on rote memorization or “tricks” for multiplication and division. And again, not a parent, but I regularly see adults my age (mid 40’s) and older bitch about math being taught in new ways who have to pull out their phone for literally any arithmetic that they don’t have memorized, so it’s not like the old methods were great or stuck.
  14. Gonna be fucking wild when Andy Kaufman rips out of his George Santos skin like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.
  15. Chiefs for $10K Chiefs TD Chiefs Lions, Phins 7 Colts, Lions, Eagles
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