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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Just got done watching Creed II. Awesome movie. It hits a couple lulls (movie is over 2 hours) but it’s so good. Does it have the same Rocky formula? Yes obviously, but it does it all so well.
  2. 5 badges down. Starting a catch combo of a good Pokémon really racks up the XP.
  3. True. I think Azkaban is the best book and it has the best director in the whole series behind it. I remember a video with him and JK saying that he picked a theme and focused on that rather than trying to include a bunch of stuff.
  4. They left a ton of shit out of order of the Phoenix that I felt was actually important so I feel you
  5. I started watching the HP series again before I go see the new FB. Philosophers Stone 4/5 Chamber of Secrets 3/5 Prisoner of Azkaban 5/5 Cuaron da best
  6. How far into it did you get? I honestly wouldn’t have finished this game if the story wasn’t as good as it was. Even just sticking to the main missions the game is LONG so if you’re not feeling it I would just forget about it and watch YouTube vids of the story if you wanted.
  7. Easy all you have to do is be born with money, be white, and be at least a little racist.
  8. It’s too built up at this point and will never be as good as it could have been if he finished it sooner.
  9. That score is pretty low for a dlc with black cat who is more interesting than almost all the other characters.
  10. Finally finished chapter 6. First off I have no idea how some of you finished this so quickly. Second, great fucking story. Now to play the rest!
  11. I think only one city is lame but there should be a set rotation of cities that want the games and can handle everything that comes along with it. New cities can be added to the rotation provided they meet the standards.
  12. Lone wolf! Nothing we could have done to prevent this tragedy. Shame
  13. I thought Colin Farrell and Bryan Tyree Henry DO have multiple dimensions to their characters but at the end of the day they are who they are. They’re merely supporting characters anyways, it’s not a big deal. Daniel Kaluuya is obviously the “muscle”. I don’t know why you’re asking for so much out of the like 10-15 different characters in the film. Besides Neeson, the other heist guys are barely in the film because the WOMEN are more important. The only male character who I thought was meh was Robert Duvall.
  14. I just click on cinematic view whenever the travel distance is somewhat far so horse speed really isn’t an issue.
  15. So not having a fast horse means my fast travel complaints are null and void. Lmfao that’s a good one.
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