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Everything posted by johnny

  1. So if you only had a choice between getting throttled by the Republicans or playing defense what would you choose
  2. You can do both. Sometimes in sports ball the time comes when you need to play defense. Im truly sorry the 2016 election fucked you up this much
  3. If you want to buy modern warfare 3 for 59.99 (plus shipping), the d1p store is the place for you
  4. Snyder has a couple of decent movies from years ago. All his recent work has been awful. Guy should be banished from DC movie talk.
  5. Yes, this falls into the small category of great horror films. Nobody said they don’t exist.
  6. Horror should be held to a higher standard. Halloween 2018 has some great scenes but also mind boggling dumb decisions that only exist because they had to figure out how to go from beginning to end and it’s like they threw some characters and events in there for the fuck of it and didn’t stop to think of what they were doing made sense. It’s true, A LOT of horror movies do this. I’m not saying it needs to be held to the standard of a grounded drama movie, but at least make story decisions in your world that make sense. The worst thing you can say about Hereditary is the jump in what happens in the climax not being what happened the rest of the movie but it at least makes sense within what was happening in the movie and its progression. I dont think trope-y horror is that bad. It can be enjoyed just like a meaningless comedy can be. But I want more horror with Hereditary’s quality.
  7. Any reasoning for Batman beating Superman is dumb. I hate the “if Batman has time to plan he can beat anybody!” Thing comic book fans constantly say because the writer wanted Batman to win in whatever fucking comic it is. He’s great as his own thing in his world. I hate these Batman vs VERY STRONG SUPERNATURAL BEING discussions ending with people actually picking Batman. This is essentially why a batman vs Superman movie can never work unless Superman absolutely beats the shit out of him for 2 hours. Batman couldn’t even beat Spider-Man or iron man. He’s not touching Superman.
  8. You’re a fucking psycho and should be forced to Pet and feed your horse in RDR2 for 48 straight hours if you think Hereditary was less than good.
  9. Fangirls/boys who will be the type of people to watch soap operas when they get old and senile.
  10. The 15:17 to Paris is easily my worst film of the year. You have to watch three people who can't act do fuck all the entire movie for like a 30 second action scene.
  11. The biggest tip I can give is to only play the main story because it’s amazing but you also get to use the controls the least amount possible when you do.
  12. I hated Affleck’s Batman and a big part of that is the movies he is in are awful. He can’t redeem a single part of them.
  13. I’m actually happy for you even though you trashed vegans. But I’m glad it helped you win. Did you actually go on a date with her?
  14. Also, if you have a YOUNG kid, I would not show them this. If they're over 10 it'll probably be fine. I DO wish I could see this on a bigger screen, but I think Warner Brothers probably made the right move selling this to Netflix. Idk how much money it would make being a darker take on a classic story that was done in 2016. One scene made me really sad *spoiler*
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