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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Not really. There are a lot of morons in the world
  2. BUT it was cold and rained today! Checkmate scientists with much more knowledge on the situation as me
  3. Cam 3.5/5 - I think the higher rating for this one is because it’s funny. And I say that because the cam shows scenes are hilarious and spot on to how they actually are whenever I’ve decided to watch one. Honestly enjoyed. Private Life 4/5 - Gutting movie about the trials and tribulations about trying to conceive and adoption. Really focused on Kathryn Hahn and Paul Giamatti who turn in great performances.
  4. People are way too upset this is being called live action. Who gives a shit this movie is going to be great even if it’s a shot for shot remake because the original is fantastic.
  5. His trashcan is full because he’s a pig and consumes a million things
  6. Yes I’m talking about an actually trash bag full of trash
  7. The movie moment of the year is when the rocky theme starts to play YOU KNOW WHEN my theatre started cheering Creed on like this was a real boxing match. Fucking amazing I had goosebumps during that scene.
  8. Besides the story being amazing my opinions on the game haven’t changed. If anything the story covers other issues because you really want to find out what is going to happen.
  9. I have a friend who asked this and I said NO, and he was like well I do it anyways. Doesn’t even get permission from the neighbor. Just puts his garbage in their trashcan and rationalizes it by saying “the trash is getting taken out anyways”. He is fucking insane imo.
  10. We are pretty much all pathetic except for @Boyle5150
  11. RPGs need to grip me from the beginning or else I get bored. And I have no special attachment to the series. I’m sure it’s a good game but I lost interest quickly lol.
  12. Haven’t played those. It’s one of those “I want to play” games but idk if I’ll ever get around to it. I don’t what this is is it on consoles I loved this fucking game Never played it. Is the story good? I don’t care for online gaming.
  13. I’m awful at this game so it’s not that fun to me but I envy those who have more skill than I do
  14. Online FPS isn’t my thing but I’m glad there’s a seemingly solid franchise for people who like that. The only time I played that game I wasn’t with other people which probably made it not as fun as it could have been. Fantastic game, I like it more than Souls games because of the fast combat and it’s still a challenge. I only played the demo for this but I loved it. Unfortunately I have a backlog but I wanna play this soon. Wonderfully fun game. Traversing through the city is a delight and the combat is BETTER than those Batman games.
  15. I just bought that and will be playing it soon That’s not from this gen I enjoyed my time with it but it scares me
  16. I don’t play online shooters BUT this looks very cool Christopher and I like the character designs. I would probably be willing to play it if anybody I knew bugged me enough about it. Couldn’t get into it tbh Haven’t played it. Is it turn-based? Because generally I don’t like turn based games. Amazing game and the song that they sing in New Donk City is a personal fave The actual greatest game ever Idk what the hell this is but I don’t like DJs out of principle
  17. I don’t even really eat romaine lettuce lol. Believe it or not there are many things I can eat.
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