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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. D'awww, lil Simba is so cute. Also, one of my favorite memes ever.... ...still makes me laugh
  2. Trump cancelled a planned Mueller sitdown at the beginning of the year after receiving the questions they planned to ask. Other than the general suspiciousness of Trump's actions in this story something has nagged at me the past couple of days after reading this story and I just realized what it was a few hours ago. What if the timing of Trump finally submitting written answers is no coincidence? He waited until he had his man in the AG office to answer. What if Whittaker is so completely Trump's crony that he has communicated to the White House inner workings of the Mueller probe so detailed that Trump and his lawyers felt they had a roadmap of answers they could give that aren't going to be immediately contradicted by evidence and witness accounts Mueller has accumulated?
  3. You know, I don't even mind the conservative denialism over the blue wave. We all know it's bullshit, and telling themselves that probably only serves to blunt enthusiasm for the next election since their whole turnout strategy is based on fear. What annoys me is liberals who insist on denying the drubbing because....I dunno....Florida results sucked early on election night and they can't reevaluate their feels in light of virtually every subsequent result.
  4. I hope it puts Trump in a bad mood every time one of these protracted races are called against him
  5. I can't really recall another sci-fi or fantasy that has followed this arc. Martin is not the first author to seemingly be intimidated into silence by the expectations of an epic series that exploded in popularity. But he may be the first one to have millions of fans go from, "Hurry up and finish the series, these books are my everything!!!" to "Eh, you're still writing those? I just watch the show now". On the surface, that would give the writer what he wants; less impatience and anticipation to deal with so they can finish the series right. But in reality there's got to be some feeling of, "Why even fucking bother?" at this point. I mean, I only read the first book and haven't watched the series, but I've heard that things have diverged quite a bit. And so Martin finds himself in the rare and awkward position that the conclusion of the series he created and he is writing will probably be different enough so that fans won't consider it the "real" ending since it will come after....likely loooooong after the end of the show.
  6. This is the exact wrong reaction to Trump and his white nationalist populist brethren around the world and Hillary Clinton, of all people, should know that(having been on the recieving end of so much of it). Whether you let in a million people or ten, the demagogue is going to attack, lie, and distort with both barrels. The smart politicians have realized that this type of extremist political opposition can be liberating in some ways. It renders pointless a strategy of trying to moderate or tack to the middle. Put simply, say what you really think is going to be the most effective approach to a policy, because Trump is just going to say you're for open borders regardless.
  7. Yeah, I read something wrong that made me think you meant yo day "not" instead of "now" in your title. My bad
  8. Sadly, I knew there was something wrong with your title because teaching accurate information in Texas just didn't seem right.
  9. 20 years from now there is going to be break through research on CTE showing that every instance of simply listening to Donald Trump talk was equivalent to 10 chairshots to the head.
  10. I am going to look around. I pretty much took last year off from electronic/gaming purchases. Not sure what toy I might be interested in other than PSVR.
  11. You would think with how much people in this country love guns, they would know the plot to Punisher happening over and over and over.
  12. The petty, rage filled side of me wants to see someone ask Trump about this and right when he's just 5 words into his rambling attempt to justify it scream aggressively right in his face, "LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP!!". And then stop, and see if he'd try to go on with his answer....and if he did, start chanting right in his fucking face again. And repeat that as many times as it takes for him to walk away.
  13. It's a testament to the failure of almost 40 years of trickle down economics how foreign those financial benchmarks sound to anyone under....well....40. To most of us, you might as well be saying it would be financially prudent to have a gold plated yacht saved back for retirement.
  14. "I was never the leader, only the founder." What's that? Not me. Fuck that, I'm a cat. @SaysWho?
  15. She is like the Klan that that dresses in nice suits and admonishes racists that use the n-word because "it makes them all look bad".
  16. He's at the 40....the 30! He. Could. Go. All. The. Wa.....oh, an army recruiter looked at him. His bone spurs acted up. He's down.
  17. It's going to be funny when even the far scaled down version of Trump's response(no in person interview, no written answers about obstruction) gets half a dozen hits for perjury.
  18. You forgot the part about her being blonde and "pretty". Her success is all about her being one of Fox's dead eyed pieces of eye candy. I like to think of her as White Grievance Barbie.
  19. I don't think I've ever heard such a general, broad warning about a food before. They almost make it sound like no one should eat romaine ever again.....
  20. This does seem to fit into the "McGahn is the hero" genre of leaks. But I tend to think they are fairly reliable. Whether or not McGahn is selectively leaking details to make himself look good, unless he is just making shit up there's no reason to disbelieve the underlying claims. I think the most generous possibility here for Trump is some version of events where McGahn was in the room when Trump was ranting and raving and McGahn chose to present his ramblings as requests rather than just an old, angry man tilting at windmills(in this case, sometimes literally).
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