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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Did we know he had met with him in person? I only recall hearing about phone conversations.
  2. What I don't get is...why stop there? Either fill it all in or just go the full Picard. How do you get to that hairline and say, "That's juuuuust right!"
  3. I want him ruined in every way possible because probably the best defense against another billionaire demagogue like him running(and tricking dumbass Republicans into electing them) is to convince them the hassle simply isn't worth it.
  4. It would be nice to say this is a new low for pettiness for him, but really it's just the same amount of pettiness he regularly shows in a slightly new situation. That said, I have heard some garment rending over the Standard shutting down. I get that they were fairly consistently anti-Trump and, even more importantly, that the more you eliminate conservative alternatives to Trump the more you are left with ever more adherence to Trump Trump uber alles within the Republican Party. But ultimately their promotion of right wing fantasies was one of the things that led to Trump. It's nice that you are against the monster killing people, but that doesn't absolve you of your role in the massacre Dr. Frankenstein.
  5. To be fair, the situation is usually even worse when someone is telling a priest "Father, please stop."
  6. It sounds like the script for a bad movie, but it does gel with various reports that Trump is absolutely fanatical when it comes to anyone else making money off of his name.
  7. Flynn's lawyers added language into their plea deal that listed the FBI not explicitly telling Flynn not to lie as a mitigating factor that they wanted the judge to consider when choosing the amount of time Flynn will serve. It's no big deal. I have seen opinions that range from, "Any good lawyer would try this out, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't" to maybe Flynn is throwing it out there for the court of public opinion. Either way, it doesn't change the deal they had. The FBI is just setting the record straight on the facts.
  8. I wonder if making the statement public is a long awaited fuck you from Christie for how he was originally kind of screwed out of a cabinet position.
  9. Continuing on a theme. Even if you are someone that can't stand Hillary, and is inclined to believe the negative stories about her, Trump has basically done everything they accused Hillary of....but worse. And a whole bunch of other crimes on top of it.
  10. I was going to post the "light treason" gif, but what's the fucking point? Trump shot Satire in the middle of Fifth Avenue and didn't lose any voters.
  11. They never fucking justified his fucking security clearance. How the hell are you going to make him CoS? Doesn't the CoS need to have clearance basically on par with POTUS because of the stuff that will cross their desk?
  12. Maddow has been harping on that issue for 2 years now. Someone(s) seem to have gotten 10's ot millions of dollars for not much work.
  13. I think I binged the series right around the time season 9 came out on Netflix. I watched the first 8 seasons, then there was a short wait for season 9, and by the time it came out I had a hard time getting back into it. I am not an absolutist about only the first 5 seasons being good, but it did seem like that was when they were at their best. Mainly I just kind of got tired of the repeated "Sam's gonna die, but Dean sacrifices himself. Dean is gonna die, but Sam sacrifices himself." runaround. All that said, I did like the series and may even get back into it at some point. I can't believe they've made, what, like 6 subsequent seasons since I watched? It's one of the longer running shows on TV now.
  14. Republican reasoning: A judge allowed Micheal Cohen to plead guilty to a crime that doesn't exist and Micheal Cohen is going to prison for three years just for the hell of it.
  15. Brexit seems like a wood chopper the UK is just going to keep feeding governments through. May certainly seems like she's made plenty of fuck ups, but at the end of the day it seems like whoever it is will face the implacable scenario that the U.K. wants all the good stuff from being in the EU, none of the responsibilities, and if the UK was expecting some concessions based on the EU "needing them" they were sadly mistaken.
  16. Yup, he just can't help himself. If he contemplated walking back owning the shutdown for even a moment it went out the window the second he heard someone say Schumer tricked him into saying it. Now he'll own it even harder to prove Chuck didn't trick him, it was his plan all along!
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