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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. At the point where three of them had their hands on it I thought is was going to start lightning, getting windy, and three ninja turtles were going to appear.
  2. I also would have accepted the headline "United States flag burns itself to death shortly after Trump offered it Chief of Staff job while in a tearful embrace."
  3. New York Times headline: Trump scores huge victory as limerick penned about him doesn't even mention the pee tape.
  4. Maybe he was just getting TRT treatment for low testosteroo.
  5. I wonder if this is more about short term outlook than a worry about the big picture for these people. Why hop on board the Titanic after its already ass in the air and five minutes from snapping in half? Also, of all the thankless jobs under Trump, CoS has to be up there as one of the absolute worsts.
  6. The worst problem I have with my hard water is that it's undrinkable and dries my skin out like crazy when I bath. I am curious what you guys mean by soft water making it so you can't wash off. Does the "softness" make it bead off of shampoo and soap instead of rinsing it off or something?
  7. Did you choose not to go with Private Pickle because it sounded too much like a nickname for a dildo?
  8. And his excuses have so many holes in them because you gotta be able to see through them. Gotta be able to see through them or someone throws a big block of marijuana over and it hits you and kills you. Gotta have holes in your story.
  9. Wait, is that real? She has her own masturbatory alter ego that doubles as a passive aggressive bitch to nag the covfefe boy?
  10. At first I was going to joke that, as a man with long luxurious hair, such an act was unforgivable. Then I read she could face up to three and a half years in prison and thought that sounded excessive. Then I read everything she did and holy shit she either deserves three years or should be locked in a loony bin.
  11. When you boil it down, this is probably the best move he has going forward. While it looks doubtful that strategy will net him 270 EC votes in 2020, in every other way that matters it's depressingly likely that it will "work". Edit: Though it's worth asking what a shrugged shoulder policy looks like when one of your sons, one of your daughters, and one of your son-in-laws all get indicted and face prison time.
  12. Clinton connects to Obama through Benghazi and then *big plot twist* epic two for one; you nail Bush on war crimes and you get there by nailing Barry for not pursuing those war crimes.
  13. As long as we're digging up old shit, might as well grab W on war crimes. Specifically, torture.
  14. I experienced something similar in my 30's. While I think the cliche of your body going to hell in your 30's is overblown the one thing I did find is that probably even for the best of us it takes some more work to get the same effect as when you're younger. I always had a crazy metabolism where I could eat anything and barely gain any weight. I don't think I went over 145 in my 20's. I would get out of shape in the Winter being cooped up inside and then bounce back with little effort just by going and playing basketball and other things in the Summer. Then in my early to mid 30's I went through a string of bad situations where I couldn't even do that. I was out of shape for 2ish years, then when life improved a bit I thought I could just bounce back....and fucked up my ankle thinking I could get my old vertical all back at once It hindered my movement for about a year and a half and I managed to put on about 25 pounds on top of what I have found is about my ideal weight(170 give or take 5 pounds). I finally decided that losing the weight could only help so I started exercising, but more importantly started watching my diet which was a total first for me. I agree with some of what KK said, but disagree with others. I 100% agree that feeling bad because you "cheated" is largely self defeating. It's always important to keep in mind that the gains you want are a marathon, and not a race. The bummer is that you are never doing as much, or getting as much, out of it as you think when you hit the gym hard for a month and then are disappointed you haven't met all your goals. But conversely it also means that a lazy day, or even a lazy week, aren't as bad as you think they are. The worst thing you can do is let it discourage you into giving up, because if you keep at it one bad week in the big picture isn't so much. I disagree, however, with being completely casual with your food intact. This is obviously up to each individual to decide, and I definitely would not want to presume to tell someone with an eating disorder anything, but what works for me is finding that balance....and then constantly eating just a lil less than that. Though I would strongly suggest avoiding absolute killers altogether. For instance, the acquisition of a fryer preceded my aforementioned near 200 pound pinnacle. While I miss French fries every now and then I found eliminating deep fried foods except for rare occasions had a very good cost to benefit ratio for me.az The reason I say this is because @Jason is absolutely right. Our modern culture of promoting working out to lose weight is so misleading as to almost be a scam. Look up any you Tube videos or online chart to see why. For instance, I find the one really bad habit I just can't break is pop. I eat pretty good, but when I cheat it's mostly in drinking my calories. A can of coke is 160 calories. Burning that alone is a fairly intense 10-15 minute workout(burpee hell) or a 20-30 lower impact workout. Since in exercise, just like dieting, the most important thing is consistency it's best to find things you enjoy so much you want to do them or you know you will have to do. I decided to start walking to work twice a week(in the beginning this also really helped strengthen back up my ankle in a way that higher impact workouts just weren't). About two miles there and two miles backs. At a fast walk I burn about 200 calories per walk. Comparing those numbers it doesn't stop me from having a pop when I sit down to enjoy my dinner....but it does make me stop and ask if I really need a 2nd or 3rd one for the day. I hope this hasn't been too rambling. As someone who is also nearing the 40 club, I thought I would try to share what has worked for me.
  15. That's the look of a man who is fiercely regretting giving into the peer pressure to "flip" the coin instead of pocketing it.
  16. I don't think this is a real concern because.... 1. If McConnell has enough support to not convict, which is very likely considering the hyper partisanship and super high bar to convict, then it seems to me the best political defense to the House impeaching would be for the Senate to take it up and not convict. This would present a facial he said, she said for them politically. To not take it up would add weight to a "what are they hiding" attack. Sure, it prevents Dems from presenting their case in public, but they'll do that in the House, anyway. 2. If McConnell doesn't have the support to prevent conviction, he doesn't have the support to charge the rule, presumably. And even if he did, this would mean you would theoretically have a court case framed as the House and Senate wanting to impeach/convict a president but essentially one man is preventing it. I doubt even this SCOTUS would set that precedent just to help Trump eek out the last 6-12 months of his presidency by the time any of this was ruled on.
  17. So she's threatening to retaliate against Donald Trump's family with punitive investigatons because one of them said something mean about her? I am aware of the right wing campaign to brand her as stupid, but this remark is stupid. And I am aware that they will come up with leftist boogeymen no matter what but this serves it up to them on a platter(and may even be grounds down the road to challenge the legitimacy of an investigation). Either something is worth investigating or it's not. Period. Your personal feelings should have nothing to do with it.
  18. You know, if people are really opposed to Trump perhaps they could show #Resistence to his style of politics by refusing to allow such petty, unneeded fights to break out among themselves and concentrate on the issues.
  19. I look forward to the days where the only trophy pictures we get with Don Jr. holding something will be a beltloop.
  20. Yeah. It's a good thing nothing highly unlikely concerning the presidency and Donald Trump has ever happened before.
  21. Yeah, sounds like the Muslim ban. Trump makes crazy, untenable decision but his mistake was not in making that particular decision, but in not giving it the thinnest veneer of legitimacy that the GOP can sell to people. My first thought here was that this is why Trump made the barest effort to look presidential with Bush's funeral. How can you say all those nice things about Bush in the media and then attack Trump for doing exactly what Bush did. I.e. making Barr AG?
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