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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Remember that dumbass phrase from the election, "They take him literally, but not seriously."? One small part of that was how his supporters saw "the wall" as a metaphor. "Moderates" said Trump just meant it figuratively as increased border security, while hardcore Trumpists clearly saw an actual, old fashioned stone wall. Surprise, it's hard to govern based on an abstract gut feeling. Might as well try to make a law out of Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus. It's fun to watch Trump squirm on this because with most every other issue he plays fast and loose with the language, lies, and moves on to the next scandal secure in the knowledge that his base is with him. But on this, he tries to be slippery on what the wall is, and his hardcore base won't let him do it because it's the core issue they stuck with him on.
  2. Oh sure, Stewart and Letterman grow a beard when they leave public life and it's fine. Barrack Obama does it and all of a sudden he's a terrorist. Racist.
  3. Good to know their fast approaching EU deadline isn't focusing them on their own self imposed crisis that they really should be worried about.
  4. The sad thing is that this shutdown is becoming a battle of principles. And the Republicans are relying on the other side to blink simply for the fact that Democrats are the party in favor of some barest amount of effort to actually govern. The Republicans see a willingness to do their fucking job as a weakness to be exploited.
  5. If the person you admire most in the entire world is Donald Trump, feel free to kill yourself.
  6. This thread title sounds like the premise for a very boring Horror movie. Shoes and socks are one of the things I am going to miss brick and mortar stores for. Most things I am not too picky about, and you usually find better deals online for anyway, but I have a hell of a time finding the right shoes. Can't imagine trying to find the right ones online.
  7. I really need to get back into the habit of reading. I think the only two I read this year was 1984 and Paradise Lost. Which is crazy for me. And those were in audiobook form. It feels like ever since Trump got elected if I had the time and inclination to start a book I hopped on a news site and tortured myself reading about all the shit he was doing instead. With the New Year and finally a real, if not entirely satisfactory, check on Trump I want to make an effort to spend more time on hobbies and less time stressed about the tangerine tyrant.
  8. It's interesting what this means for Mueller. Either he has purposefully kept this secret(and even allowed Cohen's lawyer to go on TV and lie about it) or Cohen lied to him about it. And if it's the former, then keeping it silent until now probably means Mueller is making a case for direct collusion between Trump and the Russians. If the dossier was right about Cohen being there, then they were probably right about why he was there. And what he was doing there was so blatant that even Republicans may have a hard time hand waving it away.
  9. That guy is all of us in the era of the internet. No matter how random of a skill/hobby you have, or how much you work at it there will always be some dude on the internet much better at it than you will ever be
  10. In a world where we actually have a president able to use his office to attack and discredit sexual assault victims I am not even sure how many levels deep that goes. Art imitating life that was imitating art that was imitating life.....
  11. Hopefully there is some middle ground between cliche, rote political platitudes and someone so devoid of empathy or filters that it doesn't occur to them not to tell a kid there's no Santa.
  12. Grammatically speaking, did he just claim building the wall would save billions of lives?
  13. As stupid as it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he really thought. Maybe this is what he meant when he said he was going to scrounge up some money from other departments without Congressional approval
  14. Don't bother listening to him @Jason He probably also thinks Lex body slammed Yokozuna. IT WAS A HIP TOSS!!!
  15. It gives you a peak of what post-Trump craziness will look like on the right. If he really does go down in flames, they'll blame Clinton and say he was never their guy to begin with.
  16. When he was told Donald was mad at him I am not going to say that someone of Mattis's rank and demeanor would actually do this... ....but I bet he was thinking it
  17. I would bet money Trump didn't comprehend that Mattis was sticking it to him with that resignation letter until Fox & Friends told him.
  18. Yeah, an important point to remember is that we talk a lot about the guys like Sessions, Comey, and Mattis leaving.....but all over the government the 2nd and 3rd people down the line are jumping ship as well. And the diplomats quitting now are the ones who stayed when a ton of them quit right at the beginning of Trump's term. So imagine the shit they've seen to make them leave now....
  19. A lot of what Trump does pisses me off, but the way he uses "I didn't know him" as an insult just confuses me. I understand when he is trying to distance himself from the covfefe boys by saying it, but here(and in other cases) he seems to use it as if to say the very act of not knowing Donald Trump personally is the equivilent ot being an asshole.
  20. The part about "nor do I believe I have the right to do so" might as well be daring Trump to fire him. There are few lines more consistent than when Trump is accused of doing something, or thinking of doing something, bad he has to say "I didn't do it, but if I did I would be allowed cause I'm president."
  21. Yeah, but the simple, and powerful, retort is always that Republicans control the whole government and can't even pass a budget. That answer will be gone when Dems control the House. Some will frame it as both sides needing to work together to keep the trains running on time. And some of the public will be swayed by that. There's a good chance that even "liberal" MSM outlets will start parroting this line because they can't help but revert to the "both sides"ism whenever they can to try in vain to convince the right of their impartiality. I think Dems still hold a strong position, but like I said they need to message right and not get spooked. And don't underestimate Trump's ability to get ahead by making everyone look bad. One area where I think people are probably underestimating Trump is on how he has(or thinks he has) done that thing where he has spotted a weakness in our system where everyone says "You can't just do that!!" and Trump is ready to do that very thing and see if it's really so bad. It's two years before the next election. Are voters really going to cast a ballot in 2020 based on this shutdown? So why not shut it down? Make the Dems look bad, and the voters most likely to care about this shutdown in 2020 are his base voters who are sticking by him because he had the balls to shut it down.
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