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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. It didn't get much attention last week because of the upcoming elections, but did anyone hear about Trump's secret Executive Order to allow Noal Francisco to take over Justice despite blatant conflicts of interest?
  2. Are you sure it's Psalms, Scott? Or is it just someone on the phone pretending to be Psalms?
  3. It took me a minute to realize what you even meant. What a bloody farce that was After last night the GOP all like, "Damn....I miss Ebola."
  4. I saw this picture of Tony Evers, the guy who beat Scott Walker, and I heard Stephen Colbert's voice in my head with one of his half real, half joke introductions..... Former teacher and wimpy scientist from an 80's movie telling the military guy in charge "You can't just do that." Tony Evers.....
  5. Election time is the worst time to try to reason with a Republican. Any chance of getting them to acknowledge obvious bullshot or hypocrisy goes out the window when guys like Trump and Fox News go into overdrive to stimulate their lizard brains. If an alien invasion happened two weeks before an election where Dems were in power, they'd try to sabotage us because saving humanity would give Democrats a "win".
  6. Fine, pay the piper in a presidential year you gerrymandering racist fuckwads
  7. It was. Some of Trump's power comes from the fact that most people want to turn away when witnessing something so uncomfortable.
  8. The race we should be cheering on in Florida is whether the climate induced super storm that will inevitably sweep it back into the frigid embrace of Poseidon's realm will uppercut it from the Gulf, or sideswipe it from the Atlantic. I vote Atlantic. It looks like you could snap it off with justone good hit....
  9. So Trumpy. He does everything short of simply replying, "But if I recuse, how will I make sure I win?"
  10. The bad is that we lost enough seats so that any hope of stopping Senate work by picking off a few votes like Collins or Murkowski is essentially gone. The good is that every race like Tester's we eeked out this year means one less we need to pick up in 2020 to get back to 50. Outside of confirming judges, the urgency of getting some GOP defectors has lost much of its weight anyway, because most bills won't go anywhere without the House. But it's worth considering again what we prevented by taking over the House. The Senate has been the one, tiny check on Trump the past two years. With McCain dying, Flake and Corker leaving, and Collins seemingly embracing her inner Trump the Senate has a slate of incoming Trumpheads that may make the Senate as bad as Nune's House was.
  11. Are you guys saying the two black candidates are showing up late? Also, I don't see how in the fuck black female voters would go against Gillum by 18%. Remember in Alabama when Moore got about as close to 0% of a demographic as we have ever seen when literally only 2 or 3% of black women voted for him?
  12. We all know the playbook for serious fuckups in the Trumpzone. If something is really bad, he will manage an initial, not entirely insane response for about 12-24 hours. After that, his handlers lose control and he starts slipping into insanity(aka telling us what he really thinks). We don't have long to wait before we knows how he really feels about losing the House and the investigations that are coming.
  13. I think I was pretty level-headed in my assessment. And besides, I think there is value in the truth.....just the truth. Even if there were no political gain, I would want corruption exposed.
  14. To put it into perspective, people talk about how badly the polls failed in '16, but on ED 538 had Trump's chance of winning about 3 times as high as the Dems had to take back the Senate(30% vs. 10%). It makes you appreciate just how much of a longshot Dems ever had of taking the Senate. Prior to the election we were talking about when we became politically engaged. One of my early memories of being really into politics was Wisconsin trying to recall that cumstain. One of my highlights from last night.
  15. Pence lied about something. If memory serves, and this was a while back, Congressional Democrats repeatedly sent warnings to the Trump campaign about Flynn and his shady dealings during the transition warning them against hiring him. Later, when the shit hit the fan Pence denied ever being aware of those warnings.....despite being in charge of the transition. That said, the only faint glimmer of a hope to actually convict Trump in the Senate is if evidence can be brought to bear so powerful that leaving him in would be untenable. I think there is an off chance that Trump is so corrupt, and has been for so long, that there is a possibility that evidence exists. There's almost no chance it does for Pence. Certainly not enough for the GOP to willingly hand over the presidency. And it would probably be a political nightmare for Democrats if this ever did happen. They'd still get nothing done because of the Senate, but they'd also give the GOP exactly what they want; a boogeyman that could rival Clinton. It's almost comical to think how the right would react if the Republican president AND Vice President were eliminated to install President Pelosi of all people. Civil War Electric Boogaloo might be on the table
  16. Imploring Trump to wait to fire Sessions until after the report drops makes all kinds of no sense.
  17. Isn't there some graphic about how Obama lost over a thousand seats during his presidency, "destroying" the Democratic party? Does this mean Trump is on pace to lose even more?
  18. Democrats should hammer him endlessly saying that Trump only won them 4 or 5 seats while he lost them 40. Yes, it's apples to oranges and Senate seats are "pound for pound" more valuable, but it's exactly the kind of shallow, dick measuring stat that would drive Trump nuts.
  19. Just keep running every election. By the time he's 65 Texas will finally turn purple.
  20. The Corn Reich? King shall reign for a thousand ears? See, because Iowa is now known for two things....corn and electing nazi sympathizers. That's the crux of the funny, funny jokes we get to tell ourselves in 2018.
  21. I agree with those who say this race didn't get enough attention. Scott Walker is a human cumstain.
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